Visit of the Beijing Jiaotong University delegation at the Jozef Stefan Institute

On 22nd November 2023 the director of the Jožef Stefan Institute, Prof. Dr. Boštjan Zalar, met with the delegation of Beijing Jiaotong University (BJTU), consisting of the Vice President of BJTU, Mr. Qiang Wu, Prof. Dr. Ke Guan and Dr. Lei Fan. BJTU is active in the fields of electrical engineering, computer science, economics, transportation,…

Best Paper Award

Sodelavec Odseka za komunikacijske sisteme Instituta “Jožef Stefan” Blaž Bertalanič je s soavtorji dr. Halilom Yetginon, dr. Gregorjem Cerarjem in dr. Carolino Fortuna na mednarodni konferenci IEEE 17th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications WiMob’2021 prejel nagrado za najboljši študentski članek z naslovom “A Deep Learning Model for Anomalous Wireless Link Detection”…

Študentsko delo

z možnostjo dolgoročnega sodelovanja Iščemo sodelav-ke/-ce za delo na aplikativnih in raziskovalnih projektih: načrtovanje in implementacija sistemov interneta stvari v industrijskih okoljih in na platformah NB-IoT uporaba numeričnih pristopov pri modeliranju razširjanja radijskega signala zasnova, implementacija in izvajanje meritev radijskega signala v frekvenčnih pasovih 5G/6G omrežij načrtovanje in implementacija naprednih algoritmov za lokalizacijo in sledenje…

Postdoc in generative design and optimization of networks

Description: We are looking for a motivated, pro-active and independent researcher that would join a growing young team. The research of the team focuses on data driven generative design and optimization of various aspects of wireless and energy networks. Some recent research topics: event detection, anomaly detection, non-intrusive monitoring, data pipelines, embedded AI. You will…

Special Issue “Wireless Communications in Intelligent Transportation Systems”

Special Issue Information Dear Colleagues, We would like to invite you to contribute to a Special Issue of Sensors on the subject area of “Wireless Communications in Intelligent Transportation Systems”. In the next generation of transportation vehicles, we are experiencing a development of faster and more efficient public transportation vehicles. Vehicles such as magnetic levitation trains can…

Machine Learning for Wireless Link Quality Estimation: A Survey

Excellent overview of machine learning for estimating the quality of wireless links including an application perspective analysis and a design process perspective analysis. To appear as early access in IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. In the meantime, the work is available at . Congrats go to Gregor Cerar, Halil Yetgin and Mihael Mohorčič. #machinelearning…

44th International ICT Convention MIPRO 2021 – May 2021, Opatija, Croatia

The 44th International ICT Convention MIPRO 2021 will be held from 24 to 28 May 2021 in Opatija, with the technical co-sponsorship of the IEEE. This year’s slogan of the conference is “ICT in Renewable Energy Technologies“, and it will cover various areas of ICT application, from microelectronics, electronics, data science, biomedicine, telecommunications, through computers…

Observability of Power-Distribution Systems: State-Estimation Techniques and Approaches Springer, 2020.

Authors: Urban Kuhar, Gregor Kosec, Aleš Švigelj The Springer publishing house has published a book by associates of the Department of communications systems Urban Kuhar, Gregor Kosec, and Aleš Švigelj entitled Observability of Power-Distribution Systems: State-Estimation Techniques and Approaches. The book is part of the Springer Briefs series. The book describes the design and implementation…

Emeritus Scientist

Prof. Gorazd Kandus, now retired long-time head of Department of Communication Systems, was awarded Emeritus Scientist of the Jozef Stefan Institute (= Zaslužni znanstvenik IJS). Congrats, Gorazd!…