§ Publications

The development of Medusa is motivated by other ongoing research in our laboratory, and in turn, the tried-and-tested and reusable code provided in Medusa helps to achieve our goals faster and more reliably. See the about page for more details.

§ Citing

If you used the Medusa library in your research, the developers would be grateful if you would cite the main paper describing the library, listed just below. PDF is also available from arXiv.

Jure Slak, and Gregor Kosec. "Medusa: A C++ Library for solving PDEs using Strong Form Mesh-Free methods." To appear in ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 2021. BibTeX

Additionally, see below for a list of publications already using the Medusa library.

§ Original scientific papers

Below is a list of our original scientific papers that make use of the Medusa Library. The PDFs of the preprints are linked. For a full list of publications, including conference papers, check our laboratory website.