Medusa  1.1
Coordinate Free Mehless Method implementation
numutils.hpp File Reference

Detailed Description

Declaration of numerical utilities.

Definition in file numutils.hpp.

#include <medusa/Config.hpp>
#include <medusa/bits/utils/assert.hpp>
#include <medusa/bits/types/Vec.hpp>
#include <medusa/bits/types/Range.hpp>
#include <cmath>
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 Root namespace for the whole library.


template<typename T >
int mm::iceil (T x)
 Ceils a floating point to an integer. More...
template<typename T >
int mm::ifloor (T x)
 Floors a floating point to an integer. More...
template<unsigned int exponent>
double mm::ipow (double base)
 Compile time integer power, returns base raised to power exponent. More...
double mm::ipow< 0 > (double)
 Compile time integer power (base case 0) More...
template<typename T >
mm::ipow (T b, int e)
 Compute non-negative integer power b^e. More...
template<typename T >
mm::ipowneg (T b, int e)
 Compute possibly negative integer power b^e. More...
template<typename T >
constexpr int mm::signum (T x, std::false_type)
 Signum overload for unsigned types. More...
template<typename T >
constexpr int mm::signum (T x, std::true_type)
 Signum overload for unsigned types. More...
template<typename T >
constexpr int mm::signum (T x)
 Signum function: determines a sign of a number x. More...
template<int dim>
bool mm::incrementCounter (Vec< int, dim > &counter, const Vec< int, dim > &limit)
 Increments a multi-dimensional counter with given limits. More...
template<int dim>
bool mm::incrementCounter (Vec< int, dim > &counter, const Vec< int, dim > &low, const Vec< int, dim > &high)
 Increments a multi-dimensional counter with given upper and lower limits. More...
template<int dim>
bool mm::incrementCyclicCounter (Vec< int, dim > &counter, const Vec< int, dim > &low, const Vec< int, dim > &high, const Vec< int, dim > &size)
 Increments a multi-dimensional counter with given upper and lower limits and global upper size, looping around to 0 if needed. More...
template<class scalar_t , int dim>
Range< Vec< scalar_t, dim > > mm::linspace (const Vec< scalar_t, dim > &beg, const Vec< scalar_t, dim > &end, const Vec< int, dim > &counts, const Vec< bool, dim > include_boundary=true)
 Multidimensional clone of Matlab's linspace function. More...
template<class scalar_t , int dim>
Range< Vec< scalar_t, dim > > mm::linspace (const Vec< scalar_t, dim > &beg, const Vec< scalar_t, dim > &end, const Vec< int, dim > &counts, bool include_boundary)
 Overload for bool argument of include_boundary. More...
template<typename scalar_t >
Range< scalar_tmm::linspace (scalar_t beg, scalar_t end, int count, bool include_boundary=true)
 Overload for 1 dimension. More...
template<typename function_t , typename input_t , typename output_t , bool verbose = false>
input_t mm::bisection (const function_t &f, input_t lo, input_t hi, output_t target=0.0, input_t tolerance=1e-4, int max_iter=40)
 Solves f(x) = target using bisection. More...