Medusa  1.1
Coordinate Free Mehless Method implementation
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
namespace mm {
class DiffusionExplicitTest : public ::testing::Test {
double dx;
int n, m;
double time, dt, t_steps;
double sigma;
DomainDiscretization<Vec2d> domain;
Range<int> interior, boundary;
RaggedShapeStorage<Vec2d, std::tuple<Lap<2>>> shapes;
DiffusionExplicitTest() : dx(1. / 50.), n(12), m(2), time(0.05), dt(1e-5),
t_steps(std::ceil(time / dt)), sigma(1.0), domain(prep_domain()),
interior(domain.interior()), boundary(domain.boundary()),
shapes() {
DomainDiscretization<Vec2d> prep_domain() const {
// prep domain
BoxShape<Vec2d> b({0, 0}, {1, 1});
auto d = b.discretizeWithStep(dx);
return d;
void prep_shapes() {
// prep shape funcs
WLS<Monomials<Vec2d>, GaussianWeight<Vec2d>, ScaleToClosest> wls(m, sigma);
computeShapes(domain, wls, domain.all(), operators, &shapes);
static double analytical(const Vec2d& pos, double t, double a, double D, size_t N) {
double T = 0;
double f = PI / a;
for (size_t n = 1; n < N; n = n + 2) {
for (size_t m = 1; m < N; m = m + 2) {
T += 16.0 / f / f / (n * m) * std::sin(n * f * pos[0]) * std::sin(m * f * pos[1]) *
std::exp(-D * t * ((n * n + m * m) * f * f));
return T;
double LinfError(double t, const ScalarFieldd& value) {
Range<double> E2(domain.size(), 0);
for (auto& c : interior) {
E2[c] = std::abs(value[c] - analytical(domain.pos(c), t, 1, 1, 50));
return *std::max_element(E2.begin(), E2.end());
double solveBasic() {
ScalarFieldd T1(domain.size());
T1[interior] = 1.0;
T1[boundary] = 0.0;
ScalarFieldd T2 = T1;
int tt;
for (tt = 0; tt < t_steps; ++tt) {
// new temperature
for (auto& c : interior) {
double Lap = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) Lap += shapes.laplace(c, i) * T1[, i)];
T2[c] = T1[c] + dt * Lap;
// time advance
return LinfError(tt * dt, T1);
double solveOperators() {
ScalarFieldd T1(domain.size());
T1[interior] = 1.0;
T1[boundary] = 0.0;
ScalarFieldd T2 = T1;
auto op = shapes.explicitOperators();
int tt;
for (tt = 0; tt < t_steps; ++tt) {
// new temp.
for (auto& c : interior) {
T2[c] = T1[c] + dt * op.lap(T1, c);
// time advance
return LinfError(tt * dt, T1);
double solveRKEuler() {
auto op = shapes.explicitOperators();
auto dv_dt = [&](double, const ScalarFieldd& y) {
Eigen::VectorXd der(y.size());
for (int c : interior) {
der[c] = op.lap(y, c);
for (int c : boundary) {
der[c] = 0;
return der;
ScalarFieldd T1(domain.size());
T1[interior] = 1.0;
T1[boundary] = 0.0;
auto integrator = integrators::Explicit::Euler().solve(dv_dt, 0.0, time, dt, T1);
auto stepper = integrator.begin();
while (stepper) {
return LinfError(stepper.time(), stepper.value());
double solveABEuler() {
auto op = shapes.explicitOperators();
auto dv_dt = [&](double, const ScalarFieldd& y) {
Eigen::VectorXd der(y.size());
for (int c : interior) {
der[c] = op.lap(y, c);
for (int c : boundary) {
der[c] = 0;
return der;
ScalarFieldd T1(domain.size());
T1[interior] = 1.0;
T1[boundary] = 0.0;
auto integrator = integrators::ExplicitMultistep::AB1().solve(dv_dt, 0.0, time, dt, T1);
auto stepper = integrator.begin();
while (stepper) {
return LinfError(stepper.time(), stepper.value());
TEST_F(DiffusionExplicitTest, IntegratorsMatch) {
double err_basic = solveBasic();
double err_op = solveOperators();
double err_rk = solveRKEuler();
double err_ab = solveABEuler();
double tol = 1e-5;
EXPECT_NEAR(err_basic, err_op, tol);
EXPECT_NEAR(err_basic, err_rk, tol);
EXPECT_NEAR(err_rk, err_ab, tol);
EXPECT_NEAR(err_ab, err_basic, tol);
EXPECT_LE(err_basic, 5e-4);
} // namespace mm
Root namespace for the whole library.
Definition: Gaussian.hpp:14
void computeShapes(const DomainDiscretization< typename approx_t::vector_t > &domain, approx_t approx, const indexes_t &indexes, const std::tuple< OpFamilies... > &operators, shape_storage_t *storage)
Computes shape functions (stencil weights) for given nodes using support domains from domain and appr...
static AdamsBashforth< scalar_t, 1 > AB1()
Standard Euler's method.
Definition: AdamsBashforth_fwd.hpp:248
void type
The type of the operator tuple.
Definition: shape_flags.hpp:43
ScalarField< double > ScalarFieldd
Convenience typedef for ScalarField of doubles.
Definition: ScalarField_fwd.hpp:72
static const double PI
Mathematical constant pi in double precision.
Definition: Config.hpp:44
Vec< double, 2 > Vec2d
Convenience typedef for 2d vector of doubles.
Definition: Vec_fwd.hpp:34
RKExplicit< scalar_t, 1 > Euler()
Explicit Euler's method, 1st order.
Definition: RKExplicit.hpp:44