§ Quick start

To get Medusa working on a fresh Ubuntu-like installation, run

sudo apt-get install git g++ python3 cmake libhdf5-serial-dev doxygen graphviz
git clone https://gitlab.com/e62Lab/medusa.git --branch master --single-branch
cd medusa
./run_tests.py -t
which installs dependencies, clones the repository, goes into the root folder of the repository and runs tests. This will build and run all tests. If this works, you are ready to go! See the tutorial for the first overview and visit our wiki page for further examples or help with installation.

§ Get the source code

Medusa library is open source and you can freely download the source code. Your download options are listed below:

Gitlab logo
Clone our git repository

Our git repository is where the development happens. Cloning the master branch allows for easy updating and change tracking.
Go to Medusa repository

Download icon
Download the latest release

You can also download the most recent release as a zip file. The zip file contains a folder medusa with the latest source code.
Download medusa.zip

§ More information

Medusa library is dependent only on the C++ standard library and the HDF5 C library which must be installed on your machine. To build it, you will need the standard set of build tools (a C++ compiler, make and cmake) and python (at least version 3.3).

More precise installation instructions are described here. For instructions on how to use this library in your project, see Including this library in your project.