Medusa  1.1
Coordinate Free Mehless Method implementation
mm::discretization_helpers Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

Namespace containing helpers for discretizing various geometric objects.


struct  SphereDiscretization
 Discretizes a sphere with given radius uniformly with num_points points on the great circle. More...
struct  SphereDiscretization< scalar_t, 1 >
 One-dimensional base case of the discretization. More...
struct  SphereDiscretization< scalar_t, 2 >
 Two-dimensional base case of the discretization. More...


template<typename vec_t , typename func_t >
Range< vec_t > discretizeLineWithDensity (const vec_t &p, const vec_t &q, const func_t &delta_r)
 Returns nodes lying on the line segment pq with approximate distances delta_r. More...
template<typename vec_t , typename func_t >
Range< vec_t > discretizeTriangleWithDensity (const vec_t &p1, const vec_t &p2, const vec_t &p3, const vec_t &normal, const func_t &h, bool only_interior=true)
 Discretize a triangle in 3D space with given density. More...