@article{DepolliAvbeljTrobec2008, author = {Depolli, Matja{\v{z}} and Avbelj, Viktor and Trobec, Roman}, title = {Computer-Simulated Alternative Modes of {U}-Wave Genesis}, journal = {Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology}, volume = {19}, number = {1}, publisher = {Blackwell Publishing Inc}, issn = {1540-8167}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1540-8167.2007.00978.x}, doi = {10.1111/j.1540-8167.2007.00978.x}, pages = {84--89}, year = {2008} }
@incollection{FilipicDepolli2009, author = {Filipi{\v{c}}, Bogdan and Depolli, Matja{\v{z}}}, booktitle = {Parallel Computing: numerics, applications, and trends}, editor = {Trobec, Roman and Vajter{\v{s}}ic, Marián and Zinterhof, Peter}, title = {Parallel Evolutionary Computation Framework for Single- and Multiobjective Optimization}, pages = {217-240}, doi = {10.1007/978-1-84882-409-6_7}, isbn = {978-1-84882-408-9}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-84882-409-6_7}, publisher = {Springer London}, year = {2009} }
@inproceedings{TrobecDepolliAvbelj2009, title = {Simulation of {ECG} repolarization phase with improved model of cell action potentials}, author = {Trobec, Roman and Depolli, Matja{\v{z}} and Avbelj, Viktor}, booktitle = {International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies}, pages = {325--332}, year = {2009}, organization = {Springer} }
@inproceedings{TrobecDepolliAvbelj2010, author = {Roman Trobec and Matja{\v{z}} Depolli and Viktor Avbelj}, title = {Wireless network of bipolar body electrodes}, booktitle = {Seventh International Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services ({WONS})}, year = {2010}, pages = {145-150} }
@article{TrobecDepolli2011, author = {Trobec, Roman and Depolli, Matja{\v{z}}}, title = {Simulated temperature distribution of the proximal forearm}, journal = {Computers in Biology and Medicine}, issue_date = {October, 2011}, volume = {41}, number = {10}, month = oct, year = {2011}, issn = {0010-4825}, pages = {971--979}, numpages = {9}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compbiomed.2011.08.006}, doi = {10.1016/j.compbiomed.2011.08.006}, acmid = {2305038}, publisher = {Pergamon Press, Inc.}, address = {Elmsford, NY, USA} }
@incollection{RashkovskaTrobecDepolliKosec2012, author = {Aleksandra Rashkovska and Roman Trobec and Matja{\v{z}} Depolli and Gregor Kosec}, booktitle = {Heat Transfer Phenomena and Applications}, editor = {Salim N. Kazi}, title = {{3-D} Numerical Simulation of Heat Transfer in Biomedical Applications}, doi = {10.5772/50793}, isbn = {978-953-51-0815-3}, publisher = {InTech}, url = {https://https://www.intechopen.com/chapters/40353}, year = {2012} }
@article{KoncDepolliTrobecRozmanJanezic2012, author = {Konc, Janez and Depolli, Matja{\v{z}} and Trobec, Roman and Rozman, Kati and Jane{\v{z}}i{\v{c}}, Du{\v{s}}anka}, title = {{Parallel-ProBiS}: Fast parallel algorithm for local structural comparison of protein structures and binding sites}, journal = {Journal of Computational Chemistry}, volume = {33}, number = {27}, pages = {2199--2203}, doi = {10.1002/jcc.23048}, issn = {0192-8651}, publisher = {Wiley Periodicals, Inc.}, year = {2012} }
@article{DepolliTrobecFilipic2013, author = {Depolli, Matja{\v{z}} and Trobec, Roman and Filipi{\v{c}}, Bogdan}, title = {Asynchronous master-slave parallelization of differential evolution for multiobjective optimization}, journal = {Evolutionary Computation}, volume = {21}, number = {2}, pages = {261-291}, doi = {10.1162/EVCO_a_00076}, issn = {1063-6560}, url = {http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1162/EVCO_a_00076}, year = {2013} }
@article{TomasicRashkovskaDepolliTrobec2013, author = {Ivan Toma{\v{s}}i{\'{c}} and Aleksandra Rashkovska and Matja{\v{z}} Depolli and Roman Trobec}, title = {A comparison of hadoop tools for analyzing tabular data}, journal = {Informatica}, volume = {37}, number = {2}, pages = {131-138}, url = {http://www.informatica.si/index.php/informatica/article/view/1075/839}, doi = {10.1080/0305215X.2016.1197686}, year = {2013} }
@article{DepolliKoncRozmanTrobecJanezic2013, author = {Depolli, Matja{\v{z}} and Konc, Janez and Rozman, Kati and Trobec, Roman and Jane{\v{z}}i{\v{c}}, Du{\v{s}}anka}, title = {Exact parallel maximum clique algorithm for general and protein graphs}, journal = {Journal of chemical information and modeling}, volume = {53}, number = {9}, pages = {2217-2228}, doi = {10.1021/ci4002525}, issn = {1549-9596}, url = {http://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/ci4002525}, year = {2013} }
@article{KosecDepolliRashkovskaTrobec2014, author = {Kosec, Gregor and Depolli, Matja{\v{z}} and Rashkovska, Aleksandra and Trobec, Roman}, title = {Super linear speedup in a local parallel meshless solution of thermo-fluid problems}, journal = {Computers \& Structures}, volume = {133}, pages = {30-38}, doi = {10.1016/j.compstruc.2013.11.016}, issn = {0045-7949}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruc.2013.11.016}, year = {2014} }
@inproceedings{Depolli2014, author = {Matja{\v{z}} Depolli}, title = {Hybrid {MPI}-{OpenMP} parallel optimization for thermo-fluid problems}, booktitle = {37th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, {MIPRO} 2014, Opatija, Croatia, May 26-30, 2014}, pages = {367--372}, doi = {10.1109/MIPRO.2014.6859592}, year = {2014} }
@article{MiljkovicDepolliMozeticPetekGrudenLavrac2014, author = {Dragana Miljkovi\'{c} and Matja{\v{z}} Depolli and Tja{\v{s}}a Stare and Igor Mozeti{\v{c}} and Marko Petek and Kristina Gruden and Nada Lavra{\v{c}}}, title = {Plant defence model revisions through iterative minimisation of constraint violations}, journal = {International journal of computational biology and drug design}, volume = {7}, number = {1}, pages = {61-79}, doi = {10.1504/IJCBDD.2014.058588}, year = {2014} }
@article{DavidovicDepolliLipicSkalaTrobec2015, author = {Davor Davidovi\'{c} and Matja{\v{z}} Depolli and Tomislav Lipi\'{c} and Karolj Skala and Roman trobec}, title = {Energy Efficiency of Parallel Multicore Programs}, journal = {Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience}, volume = {16}, number = {4}, pages = {437-448}, doi = {10.12694/scpe.v16i4.1132}, year = {2015} }
@article{PetcuEtAll2015, author = {Petcu, Dana and Iuhasz, Gabriel and Pop, Daniel and Talia, Domenico and Carretero, Jes\'us and Prodan, Radu and Fahringer, Thomas and Grasso, Ivan and Doallo, Ram\'on and Mart\'{\i}n, Mar\'{\i}a J. and Fraguela, Basilio B. and Trobec, Roman and Depolli, Matja{\v{z}} and Rodriguez, Francisco Almeida and Sande, Francisco de and Costa, Georges Da and Pierson, Jean-Marc and Anastasiadis, Stergios V. and Bartzokas, Aristides and Lolis, Christos and Goncalves, Pedro and Brito, Fabrice and Brown, Nick}, title = {On Processing Extreme Data}, journal = {Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience}, volume = {16}, number = {4}, pages = {467-490}, year = {2015} }
@article{DepolliEtAll2016, author = {Matja{\v{z}} Depolli and Roman Trobec and Viktor Avbelj and Jurij Matija Kali{\v{s}}nik and Tadej Koro{\v{s}}ec and Antonija Poplas Susi{\v{c}} and Uro{\v{s}} Stani{\v{c}} and Ale{\v{s}} Semeja}, title = {PCARD Platform for mHealth Monitoring}, journal = {Informatica}, volume = {40}, number = {1}, pages = {117-123}, url = {http://www.informatica.si/index.php/informatica/article/view/1075/839}, doi = {10.1080/0305215X.2016.1197686}, year = {2016} }
@inproceedings{LavricDepolli2016, author = {Primo{\v{z}} Lavri{\v{c}} and Matja{\v{z}} Depolli}, title = {Robust beat detection on noisy differential {ECG}}, booktitle = {39th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, {MIPRO} 2016, Opatija, Croatia, May 30 - June 3, 2016}, pages = {381--386}, doi = {10.1109/MIPRO.2016.7522172}, year = {2016} }
@inproceedings{MohorcicDepolli2016, author = {Miha Mohor{\v{c}}i{\v{c}} and Matja{\v{z}} Depolli}, title = {Heart rate analysis with {NevroEkg}}, booktitle = {39th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, {MIPRO} 2016, Opatija, Croatia, May 30 - June 3, 2016}, pages = {467--472}, doi = {10.1109/MIPRO.2016.7522189}, year = {2016} }
@article{PereiraEtAll2016, author = {Pereira, Kyvia and Bordas, Stephane and Tomar, Satyendra and Trobec, Roman and Depolli, Matja{\v{z}} and Kosec, Gregor and Abdel Wahab, Magd}, title = {On the Convergence of Stresses in Fretting Fatigue}, journal = {Materials}, volume = {9}, number = {8}, pages = {639}, url = {http://www.mdpi.com/1996-1944/9/8/639}, doi = {10.3390/ma9080639}, year = {2016} }
@article{DepolliKosec2017, author = {Matja{\v{z}} Depolli and Gregor Kosec}, title = {Assessment of differential evolution for multi-objective optimization in a natural convection problem solved by a local meshless method}, journal = {Engineering Optimization}, volume = {49}, number = {4}, year = {2017}, doi = {10.1080/0305215X.2016.1197686} }
@book{TrobecTomasicRashkovskaDepolliAvbelj2017, author = {Roman Trobec and Ivan Toma{\v{s}}i\'{c} and Aleksandra Rashkovska and Matja{\v{z}} Depolli and Viktor Avbelj}, title = {Body Sensors and Electrocardiography}, series = {SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-59340-1}, isbn = {978-3-319-59340-1}, url = {http://www.springer.com/us/book/9783319593388}, pages = {122}, year = {2018} }
@inproceedings{VilharDepolli2018, author = {Vilhar, Andrej and Depolli, Matja{\v{z}}}, booktitle = {14th Annual Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services {(WONS)}}, title = {Time synchronization problem in a multiple wireless {ECG} sensor measurement}, year = {2018}, pages = {83-86} }
@inproceedings{MohorcicDepolli2018, author = {Mohor\v{c}i\v{c}, Miha and Depolli, Matja\v{z}}, booktitle = {2018 41st International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics {(MIPRO)}}, title = {Practical usage of {IJS} VisEcg framework for processing {ECG} data}, year = {2018}, volume = {}, number = {}, pages = {0271-0274}, doi = {10.23919/MIPRO.2018.8400051} }
@inproceedings{Vilhar2018, author = {Vilhar, A. and Depolli, M.}, booktitle = {2018 41st International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics {(MIPRO)}}, title = {Improving the dynamics of off-line time synchronization in wireless sensor networks}, year = {2018}, pages = {0285-0289}, doi = {10.23919/MIPRO.2018.8400054} }
@article{KosecSlakDepolliTrobec2019, author = {Kosec, Gregor and Slak, Jure and Depolli, Matja{\v{z}} and Trobec, Roman and Pereira, Kyvia and Tomar, Satyendra and Jacquemin, Thibault and Bordas, Stéphane Pierre Alain and Wahab, Magd Abdel}, title = {Weak and strong from meshless methods for linear elastic problem under fretting contact conditions}, journal = {Tribology international}, doi = {10.1016/j.triboint.2019.05.041}, issn = {0301-679X}, year = {2019} }
@article{Maksic2019, author = {M. Maksi\'{c} and V. Djurica and A. Souvent and J. Slak and M. Depolli and G. Kosec}, title = {Cooling of overhead power lines due to the natural convection}, journal = {International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems}, volume = {113}, pages = {333--343}, year = {2019}, issn = {0142-0615}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijepes.2019.05.005}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0142061518340055} }
@inproceedings{Grubisic2019, author = {Grubi\v{s}ić, I. and Davidović, D. and Rogina, B. Medved and Depolli, M. and Mohor\v{c}i\v{c}, M. and Trobec, R.}, booktitle = {2019 42nd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics {(MIPRO)}}, title = {Enriching Heart Monitoring with Accelerometer Data}, year = {2019}, pages = {309-313}, doi = {10.23919/MIPRO.2019.8756870} }
@inproceedings{DepolliTrobec2019, author = {Depolli, Matja\v{z} and Trobec, Roman}, booktitle = {2019 42nd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics {(MIPRO)}}, title = {Computational efficiency of linear system construction for {MLPG} method on a multicore computer}, year = {2019}, pages = {200-205}, doi = {10.23919/MIPRO.2019.8757104} }
@inproceedings{TrobecDepolli2019Complexity, title = {Calculation complexity of fretting fatigue simulations}, author = {Trobec, Roman and Depolli, Matja{\v{z}}}, booktitle = {{AIP} Conference Proceedings}, volume = {2116}, number = {1}, pages = {240006}, year = {2019}, organization = {{AIP} Publishing {LLC}} }
@article{Depolli2020Subgraph, author = {Matja\v{z} Depolli and Sandor Szabo and Bogdan Zavalnij}, title = {An improved maximum common induced subgraph solver}, journal = {{MATCH} Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry}, issn = {0340-6253}, volume = {84}, pages = {7--28}, year = {2020} }
@article{Rashkovska2020Medical, title = {Medical-Grade {ECG} Sensor for Long-Term Monitoring}, author = {Aleksandra Rashkovska and Matja\v{z} Depolli and Ivan Toma{\v{s}}i{\'{c}} and Viktor Avbelj and Roman Trobec}, journal = {Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)}, issn = {1424-8220}, volume = {20}, number = {6}, doi = {10.3390/s20061695}, year = {2020} }
@inproceedings{Duh2021, author = {Duh, Urban and Depolli, Matja\v{z} and Slak, Jure and Kosec, Gregor}, booktitle = {2020 43rd International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO)}, title = {Parallel point sampling for 3D bodies}, year = {2020}, pages = {219-223}, doi = {10.23919/MIPRO48935.2020.9245354} }
@inproceedings{TrobecDepolli2021, author = {Roman Trobec and Matja\v{z} Depolli}, booktitle = {2021 44th International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology {(MIPRO)}}, title = {A k-d Tree Based Partitioning of Computational Domains for Efficient Parallel Computing}, year = {2021}, pages = {284-290}, doi = {10.23919/MIPRO52101.2021.9597006} }
@inproceedings{RojcDepolli2021, author = {Bla\v{z} Rojc and Matja\v{z} Depolli}, title = {A Resizable {C++} Container using Virtual Memory}, booktitle = {16th International Conference on Software Technologies - {ICSOFT}}, year = {2021}, pages = {481-488}, doi = {10.5220/0010557104810488} }
@inbook{RadescekDepolli2021Uscp, author = {Rade\v{s}\v{c}ek, Janez and Depolli, Matja\v{z}}, title = {Exact and Approximate USCP with Branch and Bound}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion}, year = {2021}, isbn = {9781450383516}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3449726.3463298}, pages = {5–6} }
@inproceedings{RadescekDepolli2021Branch, author = {Rade\v{s}\v{c}ek, Janez and Depolli, Matja\v{z}}, booktitle = {2021 44th International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology {(MIPRO)}}, title = {Developer-Centric Design of Branch and Bound Algorithm}, year = {2021}, pages = {298-305}, doi = {10.23919/MIPRO52101.2021.9597018} }
@article{Rashkovska2022, author = {Aleksandra Rashkovska and Mitja Jan\v{c}i\v{c} and Matja\v{z} Depolli and Janko Kosma\v{c} and Gregor Kosec}, title = {Uncertainty Assessment of Dynamic Thermal Line Rating for Operational Use at Transmission System Operators}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Power Systems}, year = {2022}, volume = {37}, number = {6}, pages = {4642-4650}, doi = {10.1109/TPWRS.2022.3144740} }
@article{Depolli2022Fill, author = {Matja\v{z} Depolli and Jure Slak and Gregor Kosec}, title = {Parallel domain discretization algorithm for {RBF-FD} and other meshless numerical methods for solving {PDEs}}, journal = {Computers & Structures}, volume = {264}, pages = {106773}, year = {2022}, issn = {0045-7949}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruc.2022.106773}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0045794922000335} }
@article{Bregar2022Power, author = {Bregar, Klemen and Kri\v{s}tofelc, Toma\v{z} and Depolli, Matja\v{z} and Avbelj, Viktor and Rashkovska, Aleksandra}, title = {Power Autonomy Estimation of Low-Power Sensor for Long-Term {ECG} Monitoring}, journal = {Sensors}, volume = {22}, year = {2022}, number = {14}, article-number = {5070}, url = {https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/22/14/5070}, issn = {1424-8220}, doi = {10.3390/s22145070} }
@article{Depolli2024_egusphere, author = {Depolli, M. and \v{Z}ebre, M. and Stepi\v{s}nik, U. and Kosec, G.}, title = {Simulation of a former ice field with {PISM} -- Snežnik study case}, journal = {Climate of the Past}, volume = {20}, year = {2024}, number = {7}, pages = {1471--1488}, url = {https://cp.copernicus.org/articles/20/1471/2024/}, doi = {10.5194/cp-20-1471-2024} }
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