Wiki editing guide

From Medusa: Coordinate Free Mehless Method implementation
Revision as of 14:59, 16 November 2016 by Gkosec (talk | contribs) (Backup as static files)

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User either $ $ or \( \) for inline math and $$ $$ or \[ \] for display style math. You can also use environments, such as align, align*, equation. Equations within numbered environments may be labeled with \label and referenced with \ref or, better, \eqref.

New commands

New $\LaTeX$ command for the current document can be defined using \newcommand. Globally, commands can be added as macros in the wiki/MathJax/config/default.js file around line 544.

Defined commands:

  • \N, \Z, \Q, \R, \C for basic sets $\N, \Z, \Q, \R, \C$
  • \T for matrix transpose $A^\T$.
  • \b{x} for bold symbols (including greek letters $\b{\alpha}$.

Static pages

We have a script that copies wiki as static pages. It is located in scripts/ folder in our repo. It can be run directly or by going into your build folder and running make static_wiki.

Adding figures

There is a drag&drop option to upload an image. To actually insert it in the article (wanting to refer to it later) use the following example

1 <figure id="fig:my_figure_label">
2 [[File:name_of_my_figure.png|thumb|upright=2|alt=An alternative text, that appears if the figure cannot be shown|<caption>The caption under the figure</caption>]]
3 </figure>

To make a reference to the image, use the code

1 <xr id="fig:my_figure_label"/>

Wiki backup guide

This guide covers two ways to backup this wiki, either as html files, only for viewing, or creating a complete backup of the underlying system.

Backup as static files

This scrapes our wiki for html pages and saves them to ninestein home/mmachine/mm_wiki_backup/. The script is in our scripts directory. It can be run with

 make static_wiki

from the usual build/ folder. The script runs for a few minutes and back up the relevant part of the wiki.

Full mediawiki backup

The script for this is located in


and runs weekly as a cron job. To edit the cron job run

 crontab -e

while logged in as the appropriate user. The backup is copied to ninestein. Last 5 backups are stored, and this number can be changed in the script. To backup manually, run the script and download the backup from ninestein.