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Basic usage

Tests can be run all at once via make run_all_tests or individually via eg. make basisfunc_run_tests.

Each header file should be accompanied by a <util_name>_test.cpp with examples for all functionalities and unit tests.

Tests are written in Google test framework:

1 TEST(Group, Name) {
2     EXPECT_EQ(a, b);
3 }

Compiled binary supports running only specified test. Use ./main --gtest_filter=Domain* for filtering and ./main --help for more options.

Before pushing run ./util/run_tests.sh. This script makes and executes all <util_name>_test.cpp test files, checks coding style and documentation. You can check them separately as well.

1 Usage: ./run_tests.sh
2 Options:
3   -c   run only configuration
4   -t   run only tests
5   -s   run only stylechecks
6   -d   run only docscheck
7   -h   print this help
8 Example:
9  ./run_tests.sh -sd

If anything is wrong you will get pretty little red error, but if you see green, you're good to go.

Philosophy behind testing