
From Medusa: Coordinate Free Mehless Method implementation
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Medusa library support users defining custom basis types, weights, operators and more, as long as they conform to the prescribed interfaces, given in the Concepts page.

Custom stencil selection


Custom RBF definition


Custom operators: Hyperviscosity operator

Medusa library also allows custom linear operators $ \mathcal{L} $ to be used. This functionality is achieved by adding a child struct that inherits the struct Operator. The virtual functions of struct Operator that need to be defined are apply and applyAt0, the functions require one to also specify the basis to which the operator is applied. For example if one was to define the hyperviscosity operator denoted as $\nabla^{2\alpha}$, we would say that the RBF-FD approximation is, $$ \nabla^{2\alpha} u \approx \sum_{i=0}^n u_i \nabla^{2\alpha} \Psi_i (u), $$ where $\Psi_i (u)$ are cardinal functions. The evaluated cardinal functions are called weights. The weights are obtained using a system of RBF coupled with monomial augmentation. Therefore, our operator must have a definition of the function apply for monomial and RBF basis.