
From Medusa: Coordinate Free Mehless Method implementation
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Basic concept

The adaptive methodology in this paper behaves similarly to "remeshing" used commonly in FEM. Some initial (possibly variable) nodal spacing $h^0$ is chosen, as well as its lower and upper bounds $h_L$ and $h_U$, respectively. 3 Domain $\Omega$ is filled with nodes, conforming to $h^0$ and the solution $u^0$ is obtained. An error indicator is employed to determine which nodes should be (de)refined and the nodal density $h^0$ is altered appropriately. This adaptive cycle below is repeated until the convergence criterion is met. The procedure on $j$-th iteration is written in more detail below:

  1. Fill $\Omega$ with nodes conforming to $h^j$.
  2. Solve the problem to obtain $u^j$.
  3. Compute the error indicator values $\varepsilon_i^j$ for each node $p_i$.
  4. If the mean of $\varepsilon_i^j$ is below some tolerance $\varepsilon$ return $u^j$ as the solution and stop.
  5. Adapt $h^j$ to obtain $h^{j+1}$.

More details can be found in our paper:

Node density adaptation

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