Coding style

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This is a brief description of our coding style, roughtly following the Google C++ Style Guide. You can also download our code style guide to import in CLion


A soft $80$ characters line width limit.


Indent using spaces. Indentation width is $4$ spaces.

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    cout << i << endl;

Naming convention

Constants - UPPER_CASE

classes - PascalCase

methods - camelCase

variables and stand-alone functions - underscore_separated

typedefs - lowercase underscore separated, usually one word with trailing _t, eg. vec_t.

namespaces - one lowercase word, maybe shortened, eg. op. For internal implementation details use op_internal. Namespace closing brace should contain comment `// namespace your_name`. There is no indentation within namespaces.

All standard abbreviations like Moving Least Squres (MLS) or Finite Elements Method (FEM) - UPPER_CASE

Floating point and integer literals use small suffixes, eg. 0.0f, -1e8l, 45ull .

#define MAX_VALUE 500
class MyClass {
    MyClass(first_var, second_var) {
    int getSize();


Comments are good. Use them to explain your code. Comments should have a space between the last slash and the start of text. Inline comments should have at least two spaces between end of code and start of the comment.

// This function will change the world
double change_the_world(bool skynet) {
    if (skynet) {
        return 0.0;  // Brace for the end of the world

Use doxygen comments to generate documentation.


All headers must contain a header guard of form PATH_TO_FILENAME_HPP_ as enforced by the linter.

Includes in header guards are separated in two groups, with intra-project includes on top and other includes on the bottom. The groups are separated by a blank line and includes are kept sorted within a group.


Avoid trailing whitespace. Curly opening brackets { should be inline with for loops, function definitions, class names, separated with a space. Outermost binary operators should have spaces around them.

int sumMe(int var) {  // yes
    if (var == 1)
    {                 // no
        return 1;
    return 0;

For null pointer we use nullptr instead of NULL macro.