Difference between revisions of "Medusa"

From Medusa: Coordinate Free Mehless Method implementation
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Line 12: Line 12:
Dollars dont work (yet)
Dollars dont work (yet)
Line 18: Line 17:
aa &= bb
aa &= bb
a &= b \\
aa &= bb
nonumbered &= aligned ok

Revision as of 21:07, 18 October 2016

Library for solving PDEse

In Parallel and Distributed Systems Laboratory we are working on a C++ library that is first and foremost focused on tools for solving Partial Differential Equations. The basic idea is to create generic codes for tools that are needed for solving not only PDEs but many other problems, e.g. Moving Least Squares approximation, kD-tree, domain generation engines, etc. Details about code, examples, and applications from various fields can be found on our documentation page.


Test page -- test \( \nabla^2 u = \frac{\partial u}{\partial t} \)

$asdf$ \(asdf\)

Dollars dont work (yet) $a$

\begin{align} a &= b \\ aa &= bb \end{align}

\begin{alig*n} a &= b \\ aa &= bb nonumbered &= aligned ok \end{align*}

\begin{equation} numbered \oplus \end{equation}

\[ non numbered \int_x^y dx \]

-- \(\nabla\)

Heading xx

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900 px

Getting started