Medusa  1.1
Coordinate Free Mehless Method implementation
#include <Eigen/SparseCore>
#include <Eigen/SparseLU>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
namespace mm {
constexpr int dim = 2; // Change to 1 or 3.
TEST(Approximations, printOperators) {
Der1s<3> der1;
Der2s<3> der2;
Lap<3> lap;
std::stringstream out;
out << der1;
EXPECT_EQ(out.str(), "Der1s<3>");
out << der2;
EXPECT_EQ(out.str(), "Der2s<3>");
out << lap;
EXPECT_EQ(out.str(), "Laplacian<3>");
template <int dim>
struct Biharmonic : public Operator<Biharmonic<dim>> {
typedef Vec<double, dim> vec;
static std::string type_name() { return format("Biharmonic<%d>", dim); }
template <int k>
double applyAt0(const RBFBasis<Polyharmonic<double, k>, vec>&, int index,
const std::vector<vec>& support, double scale) const {
static_assert(k != -1, "If dynamic k is desired it can be obtained from basis.rbf().");
double r = support[index].norm();
return k*(k-2)*(dim+k-2)*(dim+k-4)*ipow<k-4>(r) / ipow<4>(scale);
double applyAt0(const Monomials<vec>& mon, int idx, const std::vector<vec>& q, double s) const {
double result = 0;
std::array<int, dim> orders;
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d) { orders[d] = 0; }
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
orders[d] = 4;
result += mon.evalOpAt0(idx, Derivative<dim>(orders), q);
orders[d] = 0;
for (int d2 = 0; d2 < d; ++d2) {
orders[d] = 2;
orders[d2] = 2;
result += 2*mon.evalOpAt0(idx, Derivative<dim>(orders), q);
orders[d] = 0;
orders[d2] = 0;
return result / ipow<4>(s);
template <int dim>
int find_idx(const Eigen::Matrix<int, dim, Eigen::Dynamic>& powers,
const Eigen::Matrix<int, dim, 1>& mon) {
int idx = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < powers.cols(); ++i) {
EXPECT_FALSE(powers.col(i) == mon && idx != -1);
if (powers.col(i) == mon) {
idx = i;
EXPECT_NE(idx, -1);
return idx;
TEST(Approximations, BiharmonicCostumOp) {
typedef Vec<double, dim> vec;
BallShape<vec> b(0.0, 1.0);
double dx = 0.05;
DomainDiscretization<vec> domain = b.discretizeBoundaryWithStep(dx);
auto fn = [=](const vec&) { return dx; };
GeneralFill<vec> fill; fill.seed(1337);
fill(domain, fn);
Monomials<vec> mon(6);
Polyharmonic<double, 5> rbf;
int n = 2*mon.size();
RBFFD<Polyharmonic<double, 5>, vec, ScaleToClosest> approx(rbf, mon);
RBFBasis<Polyharmonic<double, 5>, Vec2d> basis(n);
Biharmonic<2> bih;
double val1 = mon.evalOpAt0(0, bih);
double val2 = mon.evalOpAt0(mon.size()-1, bih);
double val3 = basis.evalOpAt0(0, bih, domain.supportNodes(0));
approx.compute(domain.pos(0), domain.supportNodes(0));
auto shape = approx.getShape(bih);
EXPECT_EQ(0, val1);
EXPECT_EQ(0, val2);
EXPECT_EQ(225, val3);
(void) shape;
int x4 = find_idx(mon.powers(), {4, 0});
int x2y2 = find_idx(mon.powers(), {2, 2});
EXPECT_EQ(24, mon.evalOpAt0(x4, bih));
EXPECT_EQ(8, mon.evalOpAt0(x2y2, bih));
} // namespace mm
Root namespace for the whole library.
Definition: Gaussian.hpp:14
static const shape_flags lap
Indicates to calculate laplace shapes.
Definition: shape_flags.hpp:24
@ dim
Number of elements of this matrix.
Definition: MatrixBaseAddons.hpp:14
static const shape_flags d2
Indicates to calculate d2 shapes.
Definition: shape_flags.hpp:25
Vec< double, 2 > Vec2d
Convenience typedef for 2d vector of doubles.
Definition: Vec_fwd.hpp:34