De-icing of Power lines
The model considers a dynamic heat generation due to the Joule losses within the conductor and heat exchange with the surrounding in terms of convection, radiation, evaporation, rain impinging and solar heating and it was coupled with national meteorological weather forecast model Aladin and implemented into the Slovenian transmission system operator ecosystem.
We have validated the prototype system with measurements on an experimental site and through reconstruction of two real cases, on 1.2.2014 and 5.1.2016 on Beričevo-Divača line. Since the results of the study were promising, the customer decided to promote the system into the operative SUMO environment. For this purpose, we also obtained additional funding from EU FP7 TETRACOM project.

Jozef Stefan Institute (JSI)
Elektroinštitut Milan Vidmar (EIMV)
Slovenian Environment Agency (SEA)
P-Lab team