The EkoSmart program focuses on the integration of solutions in different areas into a common ecosystem. Too often the practice of introduction of smart cities shows limited focus on certain areas and lacks connection with others. One of the important objectives of the EkoSmart program is therefore the development of the platform with the same name (EkoSmart platform) which will allow easy integration of sector-specific solutions into a common ecosystem (featured in the program, as well as others) and will, as such, facilitate the identification and support of inter-sectoral value chains. This platform will be compatible with global solutions and will include concepts such as the Internet of Things (IoT).
The EkoSmart program consists of six projects, presented below, each contributing in their respective ways to the realization of the program vision.
The involvement of our laboratory in EkoSmart is mainly in RDP4 and RDP6. As founding members of the Electronic and Mobile Healthcare (EMH) initiative, our activities in the projects included upgrading the PCARD system into an affordable and user-friendly replacement for the Holter ECG monitor, and including the PCARD system in two major pilot studies of cardiac activity: screening of patients on primary level at the Community Health Centre, Ljubljana (30 doctors, 200 patients) and monitoring of atrial fibrillation after surgery at the University Medical Centre Ljubljana (4 doctors, 150 - 200 patients).
More information about the EkoSmart program is available at http://dis.ijs.si/ekosmart
The EkoSmart consortium consists of 25 partners from various fields:
2 research institutions (Anton Trstenjak Institute of gerontology and intergenerational relations and Jožef Stefan Institute),
5 faculties at two universities (UL – Faculty of Electrical Engineering, UL – Faculty of Computer and Information Science, UL – Faculty of Sport, UL – Faculty of Medicine, and UM – Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science),
5 other public institutes (University Clinic Golnik, National Institute of Public Health, University Medical Center Ljubljana, URI-Soča, Adolf Drolc Healh Care Centre),
10 small and medium sized enterprises (Cosylab, Alpineon d.o.o., Elgoline d.o.o., Inova IT d.o.o., Marand d.o.o., Nela razvojni center d.o.o., RC IKTS d.o.o., Robotina d.o.o., SRC sistemske integracije d.o.o., Špica International d.o.o.), and
3 large companies (Iskra d.d., Medis d.o.o., Telekom Slovenije d.d.).
P-Lab team