DiTeR software redesign

In 2024, we started working on a redesign of DiTeR, a modular software designed to predict the thermal state of power lines under specific operating and weather conditions. The aim of this redesign is to enhance its modularity, enabling custom models to be assembled from various components of the IEEE or CIGRE standards, as well as custom models. The new implementation will allow for integration with the Medusa numerical library facilitating coupling with CFD and potential mechanical models. It will also support multi-layered conductors, feature an improved rain model, and include updated I/O capabilities and Python bindings for core functionalities.

Implemented heat terms from CIGRE 601 guidelines and IEEE Std 738-2012
Implemented heat terms from CIGRE 601 guidelines and IEEE Std 738-2012
Snippet of early-stage code
Snippet of early-stage code

P-Lab team
