DiTeR: Dynamic thermal line rating software

The marketing concept of DiTeR
The marketing concept of DiTeR
DiTeR is a modular dynamic thermal rating (DTR) software designed to predict the thermal state of power lines in given operating and weather conditions. It can be used as a stand-alone program, via an online interface enabling the use of meteorological data, or as a part of operative system. Besides the thermal state, it can predict the maximum load allowed in given weather conditions and, for a given overload situation, the time till overheat. In 2019, we successfully completed tests required for its transfer to operational use, and successfully deployed DiTeR to operational use for 27 transmission lines in the Slovenian power network. In 2019, we also deployed DiTeR pilot into the Croatian transmission network. DiTeR is since 2020 marketed on the world-wide market by company Operato, a member of the ELES Group.

DiTeR is in operational use by ELES, ltd. since 2019
DiTeR is in operational use by ELES, ltd. since 2019
The core of the DiTeR is a physical model for the simulation of heat transfer within the transmission power line under realistic weather conditions, where ambient temperature, wind velocity, rain rate, humidity, pressure and solar irradiance are considered as major factors of influence. DiTeR comprises the heat transport through the power line, heat generation by Joule heating and heat exchange with surrounding via convection, solar heating, radiation, rain impinging and evaporation. The DiTeR problem can be stated as the problem of heat transport with non-linear boundary conditions describing different heat terms due to the weather conditions.

Although DiTeR can run in as a standalone software, it is targeted to primarily run as an embedded system within the SUMO framework, a heterogeneous collection of subsystem from different vendors that was developed to increase safety and security as well as the capacity of the

Validation of DiTeR in rainy conditions.
Validation of DiTeR in rainy conditions.
existing transmission network. Its core is the integration platform, SUMO BUS, which is an enterprise integration bus, used for orchestrating the subsystems and facilitating data exchange between them. The communication between SUMO BUS and the subsystems is based on web services. More precisely, subsystems communicate with the bus via SOAP/HTTP interfaces. The purpose of DiTeR is to provide time evolution of thermal state of the power line with respect to the operational conditions and weather conditions. However, this simulation can be also used to predict operational safety limits. For each time step DiTeR runs nested simulation and computes the maximal current at which power line will not surpass safety limit assuming stationary weather conditions, referred also to as a thermal current. Besides thermal current DiTeR computes also the maximal time the power line can be safely utilized with higher current than thermal current, referred also to as time to overheat. Back end is the executable, that calculates DTR from user or machine provided input parameters. It is written in C++14 and can be compiled with GCC toolchain.

Diter has already been deployed in Slovenia, Croatia, Lithuania and Israel.

DiTeR is marketed by Operato since 2020.
DiTeR is marketed by Operato since 2020.

Related projects

De-icing of Power lines
Uncertainty module for DTR
DTR in natural convection regime
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P-Lab team


A. Rashkovska, M. Jančič, M. Depolli, J. Kosmač, G. Kosec; Uncertainty assessment of dynamic thermal line rating for operational use at transmission system operators, IEEE transactions on power systems, vol. 37, 2022 [DOI: 10.1109/TPWRS.2022.3144740][COBISS: 95914243] ::
M. Maksić, V. Djurica, A. Souvent, J. Slak, M. Depolli, G. Kosec; Cooling of overhead power lines due to the natural convection, International journal of electrical power & energy systems, 2019 [DOI: 10.1016/j.ijepes.2019.05.005][COBISS: 32388135] ::
V. Djurica, K. Jevnikar, M. Maksić, G. Kosec; Laboratory measurements of thermal behavior of overhead power lines due to natural convection, Innovation in the Power System Industry : special issue of the 21st International Symposium of High Voltage Engineering (ISH) 2019, August 2019, Budapest, Hungary, Cigre Science & engineering, vol. 16, 2019 [COBISS: 32992807]
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G. Kosec, J. Slak; RBR-FD based dynamic thermal rating of overhead power lines, AFM 18, WIT transactions on engineering sciences, 2018 [COBISS: 31829287]
G. Kosec, M. Maksić, V. Djurica; Dynamic thermal rating of power lines : model and measurements in rainy conditions, International journal of electrical power & energy systems, vol. 91, 2017 [DOI: 10.1016/j.ijepes.2017.04.001][COBISS: 30421287] ::
V. Djurica, G. Kosec, M. Maksić; Dynamic thermal rating of power lines - improved model and measurements in rainy conditions, Book of abstracts : ISH 2017, 2017 [COBISS: 39217413]
G. Kosec, A. Rashkovska, R. Trobec, J. Kosmač; Dynamic Thermal Rating of overhead power lines in icing conditions (DTRi) : 4th Workshop on Transfer to Industry and Start-Ups (TISU) HIPEAC Conference organised by the TETRACOM FP/7 project, January 20, 2016 Prague, 2016 [COBISS: 29383975]
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J. Kosmač, G. Kosec; De-icing by operational countermeasures, Digests, 2016 [COBISS: 29592871]
M. Maksić, G. Kosec, V. Djurica, A. Souvent, R. Trobec; Dynamic thermal rating of power lines in raining conditions - model and measurements, Paving the way for grid modernization, 2016 [COBISS: 38775045]