Parallel And Distributed Systems Laboratory
Department of Communications Systems
Institute "Jožef Stefan"
Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
+386 1 477 3107
Medusa: coordinate free implementation of meshless methods
:: Medusa is an open source C++ library for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) using strong form meshless methods. It enables the user to solve problems in complex domains in an intuitive and effective manner . The library is designed to promote readability while retaining the capability to solve problems effectively. Its aim is to provide the tools necessary to explicitely translate mathematical formulations of problems to a standard-compliant C++ allowing full utilization of the C++ ecosystem.
DiTeR: Dynamic thermal line rating software
:: DiTeR is a modular software designed to predict the thermal state of power lines in given operating and weather conditions. It can be used as a stand-alone program, via an online interface enabling the use of meteorological data, or as a part of operative system. Besides the thermal state, it can predict the maximum load allowed in given weather conditions and, for a given overload situation, the time till overheat.
:: PCard is an innovation in mobile monitoring of vital physiological health-state parameters and the context of the user’s environment. The system is based on a small body sensor (BS), which enables the measurement of ECG, EMG, EEG, temperature, sweating, heart and respiratory rates, motion and acceleration. The BS is wirelessly connected to a personal mobile unit (smartphone) that communicates with it and processes, analyzes and displays measurements.
:: Solving real-life optimization problems numerically is often very time demanding, because of high complexity of the simulations that are usually involved. Fortunately, evolutionary algorithms, often used in numerical optimization, can be parallelized with relative ease, which significantly reduces the time required for optimization on parallel computer architectures. AMS-DEMO is a parallel asynchronous master slave implementation of differential evolution for multiobjective optimization. It can perform efficient optimization of problems for which a computer simulation software is available.
:: MaxClique is a software packet comprising parallel exact algorithm for finding maximum cliques and related problems in undirected graphs, which has been developed by Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI). It can efficiently balance its work over multiple cores of a single computer, by traversing multiple branches of the search tree at the same time. The algorithm has been experimentally evaluated on DIMACS graphs and on a set of graphs originating in computational chemistry.