Viktor Avbelj

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Senior research fellow Dr. Viktor Avbelj obtained Ph.D. in Electrical Enigeeering from the University of Ljubljana in 2003. The areas of his work are measurements and analysis of biological phenomena (especially in the field of electrocardiology, ECG) in humans and animals.




Supporting Active Ageing through Multimodal coaching

Multifunctional body sensor


Personal Bibliography


M. Brložnik, E. Lunka, V. Avbelj, A. Nemec Svete, A. Domanjko-Petrič; Cardiac electromechanical activity in healthy cats and cats with cardiomyopathies, Sensors, vol. 29, 2023 [DOI: 10.3390/s23198336][COBISS: 167620099]


J. Kšela, L. Rupert, A. Djordjević, M. Antonič, V. Avbelj, B. Jug; Altered heart rate turbulence and variability parameters predict 1-year mortality in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, Journal of cardiovascular development and disease, vol. 9, 2022 [DOI: 10.3390/jcdd9070213][COBISS: 114003459]
B. Jug, D. Vasić, M. Novaković, V. Avbelj, L. Rupert, J. Kšela; The effect of aquatic exercise training on heart rate variability in patients with coronary artery disease, Journal of cardiovascular development and disease, vol. 9, 2022 [DOI: 10.3390/jcdd9080251][COBISS: 120504835]
I. Živanovič, E. Županič, V. Avbelj, J. Žibert, M. Lainščak, J. Kališnik; Nonlinear heart rate variability in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and changes after 4-week comprehensive inpatient pulmonary rehabilitation, Nonlinear dynamics, psychology, and life sciences, vol. 26, 2022 [COBISS: 104394755]
K. Bregar, T. Krištofelc, M. Depolli, V. Avbelj, A. Rashkovska; Power autonomy estimation of low-power sensor for long-term ECG monitoring, Sensors, vol. 22, 2022 [DOI: /10.3390/s22145070][COBISS: 114252035] ::


M. Brložnik, V. Kadunc Kos, P. Kramarič, A. Domanjko-Petrič, V. Avbelj; Electromechanical events in exercise-induced remodeling of the equine heart, MIPRO 2021 : 44th International Convention, September 27 - October 1, 2021, Opatija, Croatia, 2021 [COBISS: 81645315]


A. Rashkovska, M. Depolli, I. Tomašić, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec; Medical-grade ECG sensor for long-term monitoring, Sensors, vol. 20, 2020 [DOI: 10.3390/s20061695][COBISS: 33290791] ::
V. Avbelj, M. Brložnik; Phonocardiography and electrocardiography with a smartphone, MIPRO 2020 : 43nd International Convention, September 28 - October 2, 2020, Opatija, Croatia, 2020 [DOI: 10.23919/MIPRO48935.2020.9245211][COBISS: 36555267]
V. Kadunc Kos, M. Brložnik, A. Domanjko-Petrič, V. Avbelj; Simultaneous phonocardiography and electrocardiography using smartphone in dogs, cats and horses, MIPRO 2020 : 43nd International Convention, September 28 - October 2, 2020, Opatija, Croatia, 2020 [DOI: 10.23919/MIPRO48935.2020.9245173][COBISS: 36553475]
V. Kadunc Kos, M. Brložnik, A. Domanjko-Petrič, V. Avbelj; Simultaneous phonocardiography and electrocardiography using smartphone in dogs, cats and horses, MIPRO 2020 : 43nd International Convention, September 28 - October 2, 2020, Opatija, Croatia, 2020 [COBISS: 34325763]


M. Brložnik, A. Domanjko-Petrič, V. Kadunc Kos, A. Rashkovska, V. Avbelj; Wireless body sensor for electrocardiographic monitoring in equine medicine, MIPRO 2019 : 42nd International Convention, May 20 -24, 2019, Opatija, Croatia, MIPRO ..., 2019 [DOI: 10.23919/MIPRO.2019.8756965][COBISS: 32389159]
M. Brložnik, V. Avbelj, V. Kadunc Kos, A. Domanjko-Petrič; Brezžično merjenje elektrokardiograma pri konjih, mačkah in psih, Vestnik Veterinarske zbornice Slovenije, letn. 14, 2019 [COBISS: 4778618]
M. Brložnik, Š. Likar, A. Krvavica, V. Avbelj, A. Domanjko-Petrič; Wireless body sensor for electrocardiographic monitoring in dogs and cats, Journal of Small Animal Practice, vol. 60, 2019 [DOI: 10.1111/jsap.12963][COBISS: 4728954]
J. Kališnik, V. Avbelj, J. Vratanar, G. Santarpino, B. Geršak, T. Fischlein, R. Trobec, J. Žibert; Cardiac autonomic regulation and PR interval determination forenhanced atrialfibrillation risk prediction after cardiac surgery, International journal of cardiology, 2019 [DOI: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2019.04.070][COBISS: 5627243] ::


A. Rashkovska, R. Trobec, V. Avbelj, M. Veselko; Efficacy of cryotherapy for pain control after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, 2018 [COBISS: 31048999]
F. Pollari, I. Mitrovic, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec, J. Žibert, T. Fischlein, S. Pfeiffer, J. Kališnik; Investigation of actual incidence of arrhytmic disturbance after TAVI, Abstractsband, 2018 [COBISS: 5759660]
V. Avbelj, M. Brložnik; Heartbeat interval dynamics in response to acute stress in human : a case study of real fear of snake, 2018 41st International Conventionon Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), May 21-25, Opatija, Croatia : proceeding, MIPRO ..., 2018 [DOI: 10.23919/MIPRO.2018.8400056][COBISS: 32204583]
R. Trobec, I. Tomašić, A. Rashkovska, M. Depolli, V. Avbelj; Body sensors and electrocardiography, 2018 [COBISS: 30759719] ::
S. Vodička, V. Avbelj; Elektrokardiografski senzor : uporaba med družinskimi zdravniki, Delavnica za elektronsko in mobilno zdravje ter pametna mesta : zbornik 21. mednarodne multikonference Informacijska družba - IS 2018, 8.-12. oktober 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2018 [COBISS: 31846951]
D. Čarman, T. Cvetkovič, V. Avbelj, J. Kališnik, J. Žibert; Študija o pooperativni atrijski fibrilaciji, Delavnica za elektronsko in mobilno zdravje ter pametna mesta : zbornik 21. mednarodne multikonference Informacijska družba - IS 2018, 8.-12. oktober 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2018 [COBISS: 5527403]
A. Rashkovska, V. Avbelj; Three-year experience with a wireless ECG sensor, MIPRO 2018 : 41st International Convention, May 21 -25, 2018, Opatija, Croatia, 2018 [COBISS: 32042535]
T. Cvetkovič, D. Čarman, V. Avbelj, J. Kališnik, M. Jan, J. Žibert; Neinvazivni monitoring pooperativne atrijske fibrilacije z novim EKG senzorjem za boljšo prepoznavo in napoved tveganja atrijske fibrilacije po srčnih operacijah = Noninvasive monitoring for postoperative atrial fibrillation with new ECG sensor for better detection and prediction of atrial fibrillation after heart surgery, Zbornik predavanj XLVIII. podiplomskega tečaja kirurgije za zdravnike, [Portorož], 16. in 17. november 2018, 2018 [COBISS: 5536875]


M. Brložnik, V. Avbelj; A case report of long-term wireless electrocardiographic monitoring in a dog with dilated cardiomyopathy, MIPRO 2017 : 40th Jubilee International Convention, May 22-26, 2017, Opatija, Croatia, 2017 [COBISS: 30759207]
A. Rashkovska, V. Avbelj; Abdominal fetal ECG measured with differential ECG Sensor, MIPRO 2017 : 40th Jubilee International Convention, May 22-26, 2017, Opatija, Croatia, 2017 [COBISS: 30758951]
A. Krvavica, Š. Likar, A. Domanjko-Petrič, V. Avbelj; Aplikacija brezžičnega elektrokardiograma pri hospitaliziranih pacientih = Aplication of wireless electrocardiogram in hospitalised patients, 2017 [COBISS: 4405882]
J. Kališnik, V. Avbelj, J. Vratanar, G. Santarpino, J. Žibert, T. Fischlein; Novel postoperative atrial fibrillation risk prediction from preoperative high-resolution ECG-based assessment of nonlinear heart rate dynamics, 46th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (DGTHG) Leipzig, 11. - 14.02.2017 : abstracts, The Thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon, 2017 [DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1598914][COBISS: 5319787]
R. Trobec, V. Avbelj, U. Stanič, M. Depolli, A. Rashkovska, I. Tomašić, T. Krištofelc, K. Bregar, G. Kosec; System for mobile monitoring of vital functions and environmental context : [presented at Biosensots 2016, 25-27 May 2016, Gothenburg, Sweden], Procedia technology, vol. 27, 2017 [DOI: 10.1016/j.protcy.2017.04.068][COBISS: 31188519]


R. Trobec, A. Rashkovska, V. Avbelj, M. Depolli, T. Krištofelc, K. Bregar, B. Simončič; Wearable Multifunctional Body Sensor (MedSens) : 4th Workshop on Transfer to Industry and Start-Ups (TISU) HIPEAC Conference organised by the TETRACOM FP/7 project, January 20, 2016 Prague, 2016 [COBISS: 29383719]
J. Kališnik, V. Avbelj, J. Vratanar, T. Tumpaj, J. Žibert; Reliable prediction pf postoperative atrial fibrilation from high-resolution ECG-based assessment of cardiac autonomic derangement and altered heart rhytm dinamics, Program book, 2016 [COBISS: 5759148]
J. Kališnik, V. Avbelj, J. Vratanar, T. Tumpaj, J. Žibert; Reliable prediction of postoperative atrial fibrilation from high-resolution electrocardiography-based assessment of cardiac autonomic derangement and altered heart rhythm dynamics, Innovations, vol. 11, 2016 [COBISS: 5050475]
Š. Likar, A. Krvavica, M. Brložnik, V. Avbelj, A. Domanjko-Petrič; Primerjava brezžičnega in standardnega elektrokardiograma pri psih = Comparison of wireless electrocardiographic monitoring and standard ECG in dogs, 6. Slovenski veterinarski kongres 2016 : Portorož, 2. -3. December 2016, Slovenian veterinary research = Slovenski veterinarski zbornik : the scientific journal of the Veterinary Faculty University of Ljubljana, 2016 [COBISS: 4221050]
V. Švigelj, M. Šinkovec, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec, L. Gaspar, D. Petrovič, P. Kruzliak; Cardiovagal and adrenergic function tests in unilateral carotid artery stenosis patients - a Valsalva manoeuvre tool to show an autonomic dysfunction?, Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift, vol. 128, 2016 [DOI: 10.1007/s00508-016-0980-2][COBISS: 29369895]
G. Kosec, R. Trobec, M. Depolli, V. Avbelj, T. Krištofelc, A. Souvent, M. Maksić, V. Djurica, A. Poredoš, J. Merše, N. Pristov, J. Cedilnik, M. Dolinar, G. Vertačnik; Analiza preprečevanja nastajanja žleda z obratovalnimi ukrepi, 2016 [COBISS: 29391655]
A. Krvavica, Š. Likar, M. Brložnik, A. Domanjko-Petrič, V. Avbelj; Comparison of wireless electrocardiographic monitoring and standard ECG in dogs, Mipro proceedings, 2016 [COBISS: 29573415]
A. Rashkovska, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec; Wireless body sensor data analytics : challenges and approaches, Delavnica Elektronsko in mobilno zdravje : zbornik 19. mednarodne multikonference Informacijska družba - IS 2016, 10.-11. oktober 2016, [Ljubljana, Slovenija], 2016 [COBISS: 29883943]


V. Avbelj; Extranodal pacemaker activity during sleep : a case study of wireless ECG sensor data, MIPRO 2015 : proceedings, MIPRO ..., 2015 [COBISS: 28744487]
M. Brložnik, V. Avbelj; Wireless electrocardiographic monitoring in veterinary medicine, MIPRO 2015 : proceedings, MIPRO ..., 2015 [COBISS: 28752423]
I. Tomašić, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec; Smart wireless sensor for physiological monitoring, pHealth 2015 : proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health, 2-4 June 2015, Vasteras, Sweden, 2015 [COBISS: 28864295]
J. Kališnik, T. Poplas-Susič, A. Semeja, T. Korošec, R. Trobec, V. Avbelj, M. Depolli, U. Stanič; Mobile health monitoring pilot systems, SPS delavnica EM-zdravje : zbornik 18. mednarodne multikonference Informacijska družba - IS 2015, 9. in 12. oktober 2015, [Ljubljana, Slovenia], 2015 [COBISS: 28964135]
R. Trobec, V. Avbelj, U. Stanič, M. Depolli, A. Rashkovska, I. Tomašić, T. Krištofelc, K. Bregar, G. Kosec; Sistem za mobilno spremljanje vitalnih fizioloških parametrov in konteksta okolja, 2015 [COBISS: 29048359]
V. Švigelj, M. Šinkovec, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec; Simple cardiovagal and adrenergic function tests in carotid artery stenosis patients as a potential tool for determining a transient autonomic dysfunction, Clinical autonomic research, vol. 25, 2015 [DOI: 10.1007/s10286-015-0316-8][COBISS: 28866855]
J. Kšela, V. Avbelj, J. Kališnik; Multifractality in heartbeat dynamics in patients undergoing beating-heart myocardial revascularization, Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 60, 2015 [DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2015.02.012][COBISS: 28517415]
J. Kališnik, E. Hrovat, A. Hrastovec, V. Avbelj, J. Žibert, B. Geršak; Severe cardiac autonomic derangement and altered ventricular repolarization pave the way to postoperative atrial fibrillation, Innovations, vol. 10, 2015 [DOI: 10.1097/IMI.0000000000000203][COBISS: 5030251]
V. Švigelj, M. Šinkovec, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec; Can we predict complications after elective carotid artery angioplasty and stenting with a simple Valsalva test?, Signa vitae : specialized medical journal, vol. 10, 2015 [COBISS: 28649511] ::


R. Trobec, V. Avbelj; A method for time-domain analysis of respiratory sinus arrhythmia, MIPRO 2014 : proceedings, 2014 [COBISS: 27759399]
R. Trobec, V. Avbelj, A. Rashkovska; Multi-functionality of wireless body sensors, The IPSI BgD transactions on internet research, vol. 10, 2014 [COBISS: 27718951]
E. Županič, I. Živanovič, J. Kališnik, V. Avbelj, M. Lainščak; The effect of 4-week rehabilitation on heart rate variability and QTc interval in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease : COPD, vol. 11, 2014 [DOI: 10.3109/15412555.2014.898046][COBISS: 27775527]
J. Kšela, V. Avbelj, J. Kališnik; The impact of beating-heart myocardial revascularization on multifractal properties of heartbeat dynamics, International journal of cardiology, vol. 177, 2014 [DOI: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2014.08.083][COBISS: 27921447]
A. Rashkovska, R. Trobec, V. Avbelj, M. Veselko; Knee temperatures measured in vivo after arthroscopic ACL reconstruction followed by cryotherapy with gel-packs or computer controlled heat extraction, Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy, vol. 22, 2014 [DOI: 10.1007/s00167-013-2605-x][COBISS: 26914599] ::
E. Županič, I. Živanovič, J. Kališnik, V. Avbelj, M. Lainščak; The effect of 4-week rehabilitation on heart rate variability and QTc interval in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, European respiratory journal, vol. 44, 2014 [COBISS: 723107]
V. Avbelj; Morphological changes of pressure pulses in oscillometric non-invasive blood pressure measurements, MIPRO 2014 : proceedings, 2014 [COBISS: 27759655]


V. Avbelj, R. Trobec; A closer look at electrocardiographic P waves before and during spontaneous cardioinhibitory syncope : letter to the editor, International journal of cardiology, vol. 166, 2013 [DOI: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2013.01.063][COBISS: 26534183] ::
J. Kšela, J. Kališnik, V. Avbelj, B. Geršak; Multifractality of the heartbeat dynamics after beating heart myocardial revascularization, Journal of cardiothoracic surgery, 2013 [DOI: 10.1186/1749-8090-8-S1-O109][COBISS: 1126316]
J. Kališnik, A. Hrastovec, V. Avbelj, B. Geršak; Altered electrophysiological properties and deranged cardiac autonomic modulation predispose patients to atrial fibrillation after arrested heart operations, Journal of cardiothoracic surgery, 2013 [DOI: 10.1186/1749-8090-8-S1-O62][COBISS: 1126060]
K. Bregar, V. Avbelj; Multi-functional wireless body sensor analysis of autonomy, MIPRO 2013 : Mipro proceedings, 2013 [COBISS: 26758183]
A. Rashkovska, V. Avbelj; Signal processing methods for ST variability assessment in ECG, MIPRO 2013 : Mipro proceedings, 2013 [COBISS: 26757159]


V. Avbelj; Auditory display of biomedical signals through a sonic representation : ECG and EEG sonification, MIPRO 2012 : 35th International Convention, May 21-25, 2012, Opatija - Adriaric Coast, Croatia, 2012 [COBISS: 25847335]
A. Šmigoc, V. Avbelj, T. Jarm; Uporabnost kontinuiranega merjenja krvnega tlaka za analizo variabilnosti srčnega ritma, Zbornik enaindvajsete mednarodne Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK 2012, 17.-19. september 2012, Portorož, Slovenija, Zbornik ... Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ... = Proceedings of the ... Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference ..., 2012 [COBISS: 9392468]
V. Avbelj; Prisluhnite netopirjevemu poletu v svobodo, Trdoživ : bilten slovenskih terenskih biologov in ljubiteljev narave, letn. 1, 2012 [COBISS: 26484007]
A. Šmigoc, T. Jarm, V. Avbelj; Uporabnost kontinuiranega merjenja krvnega tlaka za analizo variabilnosti srčnega ritma : diplomsko delo, 2012 [COBISS: 9290068]
R. Trobec, A. Rashkovska, V. Avbelj; Multi-functional wireless body sensor, GLOBAL HEALTH 2012, 2012 [COBISS: 26202663] ::
R. Trobec, A. Rashkovska, V. Avbelj; Two proximal skin electrodes - a respiration rate body sensor, Sensors, vol.12, 2012 [DOI: 10.3390/s121013813][COBISS: 26182951] ::
I. Živanovič, E. Županič, J. Kališnik, V. Avbelj, M. Lainščak; Vpliv štiritedenske rehabilitacije na variabilnost srčne frekvence in QTc interval, Dnevi Medicinskih razgledov, 13. in 14. november 2012, Medicinski razgledi. Supplement, 2012 [COBISS: 30323417]


V. Avbelj; Kako igrajo možgani izvajalca glasbe, Zbornik 14. mednarodne multikonference Informacijska družba - IS 2011, 10.-14. oktober 2011 : zvezek A, 2011 [COBISS: 25329191]


I. Tomašić, R. Trobec, V. Avbelj; Multivariate linear regression based synthesis of 12-lead ECG from three bipolar leads, HEALTHINF 2010 : proceedings of the Third International Conference on Health Informatics Valencia, Spain January 20 - 23, 2010, 2010 [COBISS: 23395111]
A. Rashkovska, M. Depolli, I. Tomašić, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec; Sensor networks in telemedicine and telecare = Senzorska omrežja za telemedicino in teleoskrbo : Prosense, Brezžična senzorska omrežja, Mala in srednja podjeta, 19-21 maj 2010, Ljubljana, 2010 [COBISS: 25886503]
M. Depolli, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec; Razširitev programskega paketa NEVROEKG s pripomočkom za analizo medsebojnega vpliva biosignalov v časovnem prostoru, 2010 [COBISS: 24130343]
M. Depolli, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec; Izvedba programa za računalniško simulacijo in vizualizacijo EKG, 2010 [COBISS: 24130599]
R. Trobec, M. Depolli, V. Avbelj; Simulation of ECG repolarization phase with improved model of cell action potentials, Communications in computer and information science, vol. 52, 2010 [COBISS: 23820583]
R. Trobec, V. Avbelj, A. Rashkovska; Evaluation of methods for ST variability assessment, Scientific programme & book of abstracts, 2010 [COBISS: 24199207]
V. Avbelj; Kako igrajo možgani - sonifikacija bioloških signalov, Zbornik 13. mednarodne multikonference Informacijska družba - IS 2010, 11.-15. oktober 2010 : zvezek A, 2010 [COBISS: 24047655]
R. Trobec, M. Depolli, V. Avbelj; Wireless network of bipolar body electrodes, WONS 2010, 2010 [COBISS: 23395367]
A. Rashkovska, R. Trobec, M. Depolli, V. Avbelj; Time and frequency analysis of non-uniform sampling, Proceedings. [Vol. 1, MEET & GVS], 2010 [COBISS: 23671079]


R. Trobec, M. Depolli, V. Avbelj; ECG simulation with improved model of cell action potentials, HEALTHINF 2009 : proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics, Porto, Portugal, January 14-17, 2009, 2009 [COBISS: 22428455]
R. Trobec, M. Depolli, V. Avbelj; Wireless network of ECG electrodes, PROSENSE 3rd seminar presentations : proceedings, 2009 [COBISS: 23268135]
V. Avbelj; Vpliv magnetizma na občutljivost oči - je v ozadju magnetni čut?, Zbornik 12. mednarodne multikonference Informacijska družba - IS 2009, 12.-16. oktober 2009 : zvezek A, 2009 [COBISS: 23171623]
J. Kališnik, P. Suwalski, J. Kšela, V. Avbelj, G. Vidmar, G. Suwalski, B. Geršak; Prediction of atrial fibrillation from preoperative nonlinear R-R interval dynamics in patients undergoing beating-heart myocardial revascularization, Innovations, letn. 4, 2009 [COBISS: 26420697]
J. Kšela, J. Kališnik, V. Avbelj, G. Vidmar, P. Suwalski, G. Suwalski, K. Suwalski, B. Geršak; Short- versus long-term ECG recordings for the assessment of non-linear heart rate variability parameters after beating heart myocardial revascularization, Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 39, 2009 [COBISS: 22496807]
J. Kšela, P. Suwalski, J. Kališnik, V. Avbelj, G. Suwalski, B. Geršak; Assessment of nonlinear heart rate dynamics after beating-heart revascularization, The Heart surgery forum, vol. 12, 2009 [DOI: 10.1532/HSF98.20081116][COBISS: 22497063]
R. Trobec, V. Avbelj, M. Veselko; Študija meritev in vpliva krioterapije na človeško telo, 2009 [COBISS: 23557159]
J. Kšela, J. Kališnik, V. Avbelj, P. Suwalski, G. Suwalski, B. Geršak; Ventricular arrhythmic disturbances and autonomic modulation after beating-heart revascularization in patients with pulmonary normotension, Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift, jg. 121, 2009 [DOI: 10.1007/s00508-009-1183-x][COBISS: 25698265]


R. Trobec, K. Matković, K. Skala, S. Samarin Lovrič, M. Depolli, V. Avbelj; Visual analysis of heart reinervation after transplantation, MIPRO 2008 : 31st International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, May 26-30, 2008, Opatija Croatia. [vol. 1], Microelectronics, electronics and electronic technologies, MEET, Grid and visualizayion systems, GVS, 2008 [COBISS: 21881383]
J. Kališnik, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec, G. Vidmar, G. Troise, B. Geršak; Ventricular repolarization dynamicity and arrhythmic disturbances after beating-heart and arrested-heart revascularization, The heart surgery forum, letn. 11, 2008 [DOI: 10.1532/HSF98.20081025][COBISS: 24802521]
M. Depolli, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec; Computer-simulated alternative modes of U-wave genesis, Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology, vol. 19, 2008 [COBISS: 21305127]
J. Kališnik, P. Suwalski, G. Suwalski, V. Avbelj, G. Vidmar, K. Suwalski, B. Geršak; Permanent versus paroxysmal atrial fibrillation back in sinus rhythm : equally potent autonomic drivers but different electrophysiological substrate?, Program book, 2008 [COBISS: 26418649]
J. Kšela, J. Kališnik, V. Avbelj, P. Suwalski, G. Suwalski, K. Suwalski, B. Geršak; Posoperative atrial fibrillation after beating heart revascularization : can we foresee it preoperatively?, Program book, 2008 [COBISS: 26417881]
J. Kališnik, P. Suwalski, G. Suwalski, V. Avbelj, G. Vidmar, K. Suwalski, B. Geršak; Similar cardiac autonomic regulation in sinus rhythm following successful ablation of permanent and paroxysmal atrial fibrilation : what can we see on the level of structural electrophysiological substrate of the heart?, Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery, letn. 7, 2008 [COBISS: 26411737]
J. Kališnik, J. Kšela, P. Suwalski, G. Suwalski, V. Avbelj, G. Vidmar, K. Suwalski, B. Geršak; Sinus rhythm before operation differentiates patients developing atrial fibrillation from the patients that remain in sinus rhythm after cardiac revascularization, Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery, letn. 7, 2008 [COBISS: 26411481]
J. Kšela, J. Kališnik, V. Avbelj, P. Suwalski, G. Suwalski, K. Suwalski, B. Geršak; First description of non-linear heart dynamics after beating heart revascularization, The heart surgery forum, letn. 11, 2008 [COBISS: 26414553]
J. Kališnik, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec, G. Vidmar, G. Troise, B. Geršak; Arrhythmias, repolarization and cardiac autonomics in beating and arrhested heart revascularization, The heart surgery forum, letn. 11, 2008 [COBISS: 26414041]
J. Kališnik, P. Suwalski, G. Suwalski, V. Avbelj, G. Vidmar, K. Suwalski, B. Geršak; Sinus rhythm after ablation : cardiac autonomic modulation undependent on type of atrial fibrillation, The heart surgery forum, letn. 11, 2008 [COBISS: 26413785]
J. Kališnik, J. Kšela, V. Avbelj, P. Suwalski, G. Suwalski, K. Suwalski, B. Geršak; Characteristics of patients prone to atrial fibrillation after coronary bypass surgery, The heart surgery forum, letn. 11, 2008 [COBISS: 26413273]
J. Kališnik, J. Kšela, V. Avbelj, P. Suwalski, G. Suwalski, K. Suwalski, B. Geršak; Characteristics of patients prone to atrial fibrillation after coronary bypasssurgery, Cardiovascular medicine: from prevention to intervention : book of abstracts, Slovenska kardiologija : znanstveno strokovna revija za področje srčno-žilne medicine, letn. 5, 2008 [COBISS: 24533977]
V. Avbelj; Wireless ECG measurement - a real example, PROSENSE seminar presentations : proceedings, 2008 [COBISS: 22411303]


M. Depolli, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec; Reševanje inverznega problema z genetskim algoritmom: analiza EKG-ja = Solving inverse problem with genetic algorithm: ECG analysis, Zbornik Šestnajste mednarodne Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK 2007, 24. -26. september 2007, Portorož, Slovenija, 2007 [COBISS: 21077287]
V. Avbelj, B. Meglič, M. Švalj; Sodelovanje med Institutom Jožef Stefan in Kliniko za nevrologijo : MMC RTV SLO, MMC RTV SLO : prvi multimedijski portal, 2007 [COBISS: 20716327]
J. Kališnik, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec, G. Vidmar, G. Troise, B. Geršak; Is decreased frequency of arrhythmic disturbances after beating heart myocardial revascularization a consequence of better preserved cardiac autonomic modulation and/or less impaired ventricular repolarization than in conventional arrhested heart coronary artery bypass grafting?, Liječnički vjesnik. Suplement, letn. 129, 2007 [COBISS: 26415321]
B. Meglič, M. Kirbiš, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec, A. Grad; Ventricular repolarization abnormalities in diabetic type 1 patients with and without autonomic dysfunction, Clinical autonomic research, vol. 17, 2007 [COBISS: 26009305]
B. Meglič, V. Avbelj, L. Dolenc-Grošelj, R. Trobec, A. Grad; Cardiovascular autonomic regulation after acute sleep deprivation in extreme athletes, Clinical autonomic research, vol. 17, 2007 [COBISS: 26008793]
J. Kališnik, V. Avbelj, G. Vidmar, R. Trobec, B. Geršak; Comparison of electrophysiological properties of the heart after off-pump and on-pump myocardial revascularization, Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery, letn. 6, 2007 [COBISS: 26419161]
J. Kališnik, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec, B. Geršak; Position-dependent changes in vagal modulation after coronary artery bypass grafting, Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 37, 2007 [COBISS: 20980775]
J. Kališnik, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec, D. Ivaskovic, G. Vidmar, G. Troise, B. Geršak; Effects of beating- versus arrested-heart revascularization on cardiac autonomic regulation and arrhythmias, The heart surgery forum, letn. 10, 2007 [COBISS: 22940121]
J. Kališnik, P. Suwalski, G. Suwalski, V. Avbelj, G. Vidmar, K. Suwalski, B. Geršak; Cardiac autonomic modulation in the late postoperative period after successfulablation : can we differentiate between ablated paroxysmal and permanent atrial fibrillation?, Liječnički vjesnik. Suplement, letn. 129, 2007 [COBISS: 26415065]


J. Kališnik, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec, D. Ivašković, G. Vidmar, G. Troise, B. Geršak; Assessment of cardiac autonomic regulation and ventricular repolarization after off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting, The heart surgery forum, letn. 9, 2006 [COBISS: 21485273]
J. Kališnik, P. Suwalski, G. Suwalski, V. Avbelj, G. Vidmar, K. Suwalski, B. Geršak; Autonomic modulation of the heart after successful ablation for paroxysmal and persistent atrial fibrillation, Program book, 2006 [COBISS: 26417625]
R. Trobec, V. Avbelj, B. Meglič, V. Švigelj; Analysis of baroreflex sensitivity, Proceedings of the Fourth IASTED Internatinal Conference on Biomedical Engineering : February 15-17,2006, Innsbruck, Austria, 2006 [COBISS: 19702311]


R. Trobec, V. Avbelj, M. Šterk, B. Meglič, V. Švigelj; Neurological data measuring and analysis software based on object oriented design, Program and abstracts, 2005 [COBISS: 19789529]
B. Meglič, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec; Beat-to-beat QT interval variability during tilt test, Program and abstracts, 2005 [COBISS: 19783641]
V. Švigelj, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec; Baroreceptor sensitivity assessed with different methods in patients with internal carotid artery stenosis before and after angipolastic treatment - what is the best estimation?, Program and abstracts, 2005 [COBISS: 19786969]
R. Trobec, V. Avbelj, M. Šterk, B. Meglič, V. Švigelj; Neurological data measuring and analysis software based on object oriented design, Clinical autonomic research, 2005 [COBISS: 19727321]
V. Švigelj, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec; Baroreceptor sensitivity assessed with different methods in patients with internal carotid artery stenosis before and after angioplastic treatment - what is best estimation?, Clinical autonomic research, 2005 [COBISS: 19724505]
B. Meglič, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec; Beat-to-beat QT interval variability during tilt test, Clinical autonomic research, 2005 [COBISS: 19723737]


S. Samarin Lovrič, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec, D. Zorman, P. Rakovec, S. Hojker, B. Geršak, M. Milčinski; Sympathetic reinnervation after heart transplantation, assessed by iodine-123 metaiodobenzylguanidine imaging, and heart rate variability, European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery, vol. 26, 2004 [COBISS: 18593575]
S. Samarin Lovrič, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec, B. Geršak, D. Zorman, S. Hojker, P. Rakovec, M. Milčinski; Circulating catecholamines and heart rate variability after orthotropic heart transplantation, Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery, letn. 3, 2004 [COBISS: 17741529]
M. Milčinski, S. Samarin Lovrič, R. Trobec, B. Geršak, D. Zorman, S. Hojker, P. Rakovec, V. Avbelj; Analysis of heart rate variability and QT interval in heart transplantant patients with respect to allograft sympathetic reinnervation, Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery, letn. 3, 2004 [COBISS: 17742041]
M. Milčinski, S. Samarin Lovrič, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec, B. Geršak, D. Zorman, S. Hojker, P. Rakovec; Sympathetic reinnervation of cardiac allografts evaluated with iodine-123-meta-iodobenzylguanidine (123I-MIBG) : impact of heart region of interest (ROI) on heart/mediastinum ratio (HMR), Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery, letn. 3, 2004 [COBISS: 17743321]


V. Avbelj, V. Valenčič; Analiza električne aktivnosti srca s pomočjo večkanalne elektrokardiografije : doktorska disertacija, 2003 [COBISS: 3485524]
B. Meglič, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec, V. Švigelj, A. Mesec; Ventricular repolarization in patients with Parkinson's disease and autonomic dysfunction, Clinical autonomic research, letn. 13, 2003 [COBISS: 17080025]
M. Milčinski, S. Samarin Lovrič, D. Zorman, V. Avbelj, S. Hojker, P. Rakovec; Influence of cardiac allograft sympathetic reinnervation on heart rate variability in supine and upright body position, European journal of nuclear medicine : official journal of EANM, letn. 30, 2003 [COBISS: 16621785]
M. Milčinski, S. Samarin Lovrič, V. Avbelj, D. Zorman, S. Hojker, P. Rakovec; Heart rate variability and QT interval in relation to sympathetic reinnervation of cardiac allografts : assessment with 123I-MIBG and high resolution ECG, Journal of nuclear cardiology, letn. 10, 2003 [COBISS: 16710361]
V. Avbelj, J. Kališnik, R. Trobec, B. Geršak; Breathing rates and heart rate spectrograms regarding body position in normal subjects, Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 33, 2003 [COBISS: 17466663]
S. Frljak, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec, B. Meglič, T. Ujiie, B. Geršak; Beat-to-beat QT interval variability before and after cardiac surgery, Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2003 [COBISS: 17466407]
V. Avbelj, R. Trobec, B. Geršak; Beat-to-beat repolarisation variability in body surface electrocardiograms, Medical & biological engineering & computing : journal of the International Federation for Medical & Biological Engineering, vol. 41, 2003 [COBISS: 17838119]


B. Meglič, R. Trobec, V. Avbelj, V. Švigelj, A. Mesec; RR and QT interval variability in patients with Parkinson's disease, Final programme & book of abstracts, 2002 [COBISS: 14800345]
V. Avbelj, M. Šterk, R. Trobec; A grid computing application : optimal electrode positioning in body surface electrocardiography, Parallel and distributed computing practices, vol. 5, 2002 [COBISS: 18988071]
V. Avbelj, M. Šterk, R. Trobec; Lead selection in body surface electrocardiography by exhaustive search optimisation, Parallel numerics '02 : theory and applications, 2002 [COBISS: 17094183]
J. Kališnik, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec, B. Geršak; Comparison of sequential changes in heart rate variability after on-pump and off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting, The heart surgery forum, letn. 5, 2002 [COBISS: 14596569]


J. Kališnik, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec, B. Geršak; Imaging of power spectral heart rate variability regarding subject position, Pflügers Archiv : european journal of physiology, letn. 442, 2001 [COBISS: 13648345]
S. Samarin Lovrič, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec, P. Rakovec, B. Geršak; Analysis of heart rate after cardiac transplantation based on respiration cycle, Book of abstract[!] with programme, 2001 [COBISS: 13766105]
V. Avbelj, J. Kališnik, R. Trobec, B. Geršak; Heart rate and breathing spectrograms regarding body position in normal subjects, Book of abstract[!] with programme, 2001 [COBISS: 13765593]
J. Kališnik, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec, B. Geršak; Comparison of sequential changes in heart rate variability after on-pump and off-pump CABG, The heart surgery forum, letn. 4, 2001 [COBISS: 18535129]
T. Ujiie, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec, B. Geršak; Cardiac ECG signal changes after partial left ventriculectomy, The heart surgery forum, letn. 4, 2001 [COBISS: 18535641]
J. Kališnik, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec, B. Geršak; Changes in vagal modulation after CABG regarding subject position, The heart surgery forum, letn. 4, 2001 [COBISS: 18536153]


R. Novak, V. Avbelj, G. Kandus; Odpornost kartice zdravstvenega zavarovanja in profesionalne kartice na vdor z metodo analize moči - razvita materialna oprema in avtomatizacija zajemanja testnih zvorcev : poročilo 1. faze projekta, 2000 [COBISS: 15791911]
S. Samarin Lovrič, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec, B. Geršak; Determination of spatial resolution of different epicardial pacing sites by using body surface mapping, Abstracts : cardiostim 2000, Supplements to Europace, 2000 [COBISS: 15569447]
B. Geršak, R. Trobec, V. Avbelj, R. Batista; Body surface potential mapping and its possible use to study the patients operated with partial left ventriculectomy, Abstracts : cardiostim 2000, 2000 [COBISS: 15569703]
J. Kališnik, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec, B. Geršak; Imaging of power spectral heart rate variability regarding subject position, Life sciences 2000 : programme, abstracts, Gozd Martuljek, September 28th to October 1st, 2000, 2000 [COBISS: 11878617]
P. Rakovec, S. Samarin, R. Trobec, V. Avbelj, M. Šinkovec, B. Geršak; Electrocardiography and arrhythmias, Abstract book, 2000 [COBISS: 15052839]
P. Rakovec, S. Samarin Lovrič, R. Trobec, V. Avbelj, M. Šinkovec, B. Geršak; Improved interpretation of multipolar endocardial mapping, Abstract book, 2000 [COBISS: 11433177]
S. Samarin Lovrič, R. Hren, R. Trobec, V. Avbelj, B. Geršak; Spatial resolution of epicardial pace mapping using body surface potentials, Pflügers Archiv : european journal of physiology, letn. 440, 2000 [COBISS: 11904985]


V. Jazbinšek, Z. Trontelj, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec; Prikaz izopotencialnih map pri meritvah večkanalnega EKG z omejenim številom elektrod, Zbornik izvlečkov, 1999 [COBISS: 9135193]
V. Jazbinšek, Z. Trontelj, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec; The influence of electrodes position uncertainty on BSPM, EMBEC '99 : proceedings, 1999 [COBISS: 9198681]
R. Trobec, V. Avbelj, R. Verlič, G. Kandus; Transmission of compressed images, Parallel numerics '99 : proceedings of the International Workshop, Salzburg, Austria, February 18, 1999, 1999 [COBISS: 13887271]
B. Geršak, R. Trobec, V. Avbelj; Conduction changes after partial left ventriculectomy, Partial left ventriculectomy: recent evolution for safe and effective application : proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Partial Left Ventriculectomy, Tokyo, Japan, 12 December 1998, 1999 [COBISS: 14733351]
V. Avbelj; Measurement of clamping forces in surgery, 1999 [COBISS: 14012967]


I. Ozimek, V. Avbelj, T. Javornik, A. Švigelj, R. Trobec, G. Pipan, G. Kandus; SALMS demonstrator - technical description, 1998 [COBISS: 13309479]
I. Ozimek, T. Javornik, A. Švigelj, R. Trobec, G. Pipan, V. Avbelj, G. Kandus; SALMS demonstrator : report on current status and future plans, 1998 [COBISS: 13242151]
B. Geršak, R. Trobec, V. Avbelj, I. Kneževič; Herz-Amputation : predstavljeno na RTL, oddaja FUTURE, februar, 1998 [COBISS: 13329703]
V. Avbelj, T. Javornik, G. Kandus, I. Ozimek, G. Pipan, A. Švigelj, R. Trobec; Eksperimentalni mobilni komunikacijski sistem, Zbornik sedme Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK '98, 24. - 26. september 1998, Portorož, Slovenija, 1998 [COBISS: 13450535]


V. Avbelj, R. Trobec, B. Geršak, D. Vokač; Multichannel ECG measurement system, The 10th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, June, 11th - 13th 1997, Maribor, Slovenia, Europe, 1997 [COBISS: 12536615]
B. Geršak, T. Gabrijelčič, R. Trobec, V. Avbelj; Comparison of the ST-40ms isointegral maps prior to and after aortocoronary revascularison, Computers in cardiology 1997 : September 7-10, 1997, Lund, Sweden, 1997 [COBISS: 13143079]
V. Avbelj, R. Trobec; Večkanalni EKG merilni sistem, NIDays-Europe 97 : virtual technologies, 1997 [COBISS: 12688679]
R. Trobec, V. Avbelj; Meritve in predstavitev površinskih potencialov z mnogokanalnim EKG, Računalniška analiza medicinskih podatkov : zbornik [delavnice], 12. november 1997, Bled, Slovenija, 1997 [COBISS: 12788007]
R. Verlič, M. Frey-Pučko, G. Kandus, V. Avbelj; SDL specifications of ISDN services created for automatic test scenario generation, SoftCOM '97, 1997 [COBISS: 12858919]
V. Valenčič, R. Trobec, V. Avbelj, A. Berkopec, S. Divjak, T. Gabrijelčič, B. Geršak, M. Geršič, R. Habinc, D. Janežič, B. Jurčič-Zlobec, A. Krašna, L. Logar, M. Mencej, B. Orel, M. Parkelj, N. Pavešić, B. Slivnik; Paralelizacija računsko intenzivnih metod v elektrotehniki : zaključno poročilo o rezultatih opravljenega znanstveno-raziskovalnega dela na področju temeljnega raziskovanja, 1997 [COBISS: 782164]
I. Ozimek, V. Avbelj, T. Javornik, J. Bostič, G. Kandus, B. Bicman; Description of DSP implementation, 1997 [COBISS: 12943399]


M. Frey-Pučko, M. Kapus-Kolar, V. Avbelj, R. Verlič, B. Slivnik; Avtomatizacija postopkov generiranja testnih zaporedij za SI2000 : Zaključni dokument projekta Iskratel, (v arhivu Iskratel, poslovna skrivnost), 1996 [COBISS: 12226599]
V. Avbelj, R. Trobec; Low power optically isolated acquisition unit, Proceedings of multimedia and hypermedia systems, 1996 [COBISS: 12068903]
R. Trobec, V. Avbelj; Multichannel ECG - software design issues, Proceedings of multimedia and hypermedia systems, 1996 [COBISS: 12068647]
R. Trobec, V. Avbelj, M. Veselko, F. Demšar; Metal implant localiser : Instrumentation, principles and diagnostic feasibility, Journal of medical engineering & technology, vol. 20, 1996 [COBISS: 12158247]
M. Frey-Pučko, M. Kapus-Kolar, V. Avbelj, R. Verlič; Generiranje testnih scenarijev : Dokumentacija 3. faze projekta Iskratel, (v arhivu Iskratel, poslovna skrivnost), 1996 [COBISS: 12226343]
R. Trobec, J. Šilc, P. Kolbezen, B. Robič, I. Ozimek, V. Avbelj, D. Caf, B. Slivnik; Homogene vzporedne računalniške strukture, 1996 [COBISS: 11795495]
V. Avbelj, B. Geršak, N. Ružič-Medvešček, R. Trobec, D. Vokač; Računalniško modeliranje in predstavitev ishemičnih prodročij srčne mišice na osnovi meritev z mnogokanalnim EKG, 1996 [COBISS: 12064295]


M. Mohorčič, R. Trobec, V. Avbelj, G. Kandus, R. Erzin; Stanje in razvoj telekomunikacijskega omrežja v Sloveniji, 1995 [COBISS: 13147943]
V. Avbelj; Sinhronizacija pri multipleksiranju, Simulacija sinhronizacijskih postopkov in izvedba sinhronizatorja z akumulacijo napake, 1995 [COBISS: 9274407]
R. Trobec, V. Avbelj, B. Slivnik; Simulation and optimisation of data multiplex system, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Systems Science. Vol. III, Computer Systems, Information Systems, Knowledge Engineering, Expert Systems Technical & Nontechnical Applications : 12-15 September 1995, Wrocław, Poland, 1995 [COBISS: 10649383]
V. Avbelj, I. Ozimek; Programmable logic devices near frequency limits, Mikroelektronika, elektronika i elektroničke tehnologije, MEET '95, 25-26 svibanj, 1995, Opatija, Hrvatska : zbornik radova, 1995 [COBISS: 9874215]
R. Trobec, V. Avbelj; Automatic measurements of transmission equipment, Zbornik radova savjetovanja Mikroračunala u tehničkim sustavima MTS, 22.-26. Svibanj/May 1995, Rijeka, Croatia, 1995 [COBISS: 9873959]


I. Ozimek, V. Avbelj; Dostop do TCP/IP omrežja preko asinhrone serijske modemske povezave (SLIP), 1994 [COBISS: 9238311]
R. Trobec, V. Avbelj; 34Mb/s+2Mb/s radio link multiplexer, VITEL 94. Subscriber Access : proceedings, 1994 [COBISS: 9073959]


R. Trobec, V. Avbelj, J. Korenini, I. Ozimek, F. Novak, N. Šutanovac, D. Prodan, Z. Milavc, S. Taškov, I. Mušič; Zaključno poročilo o delu na nalogi MX, 1. del, Altera vezja, 1993 [COBISS: 5792551]
V. Avbelj, R. Trobec; Simulacija delovanja in meritve sonde za lokacijo implantov, 1993 [COBISS: 5924135]
R. Trobec, V. Avbelj, R. Zadnik, J. Korenini, D. Prodan, Z. Milavc; Avtomatsko testno mesto za telekomunikacijske prenosne sisteme, 1993 [COBISS: 5924647]
R. Trobec, V. Avbelj; Simulacija in merjenje lastnosti multipleksorjev MUX/DMUX-8 in MUX/DMUX-34, 1993 [COBISS: 5924391]


R. Trobec, V. Avbelj; Digitalni radiorelejni DRS7000, Naloga : MUX/DMUX-8 in MUX/DMUX-34 št. 42.0428. 1. in 2. del, 1992 [COBISS: 5625127]
R. Trobec, V. Avbelj, B. Bicman; Poročilo o opravljenem delu na nalogi multipleksor DRSMUX34, 1992 [COBISS: 5432359]


R. Trobec, V. Avbelj, B. Bicman; Poročilo o opravljenem delu na nalogi multipleksor DRSMUX8, 1991 [COBISS: 5236007]
R. Trobec, V. Avbelj, J. Korenini, I. Ozimek, F. Novak, N. Šutanovac; Poročilo o delu na nalogi IEDMX, 1991 [COBISS: 5169191]
G. Kandus, I. Ozimek, V. Avbelj, T. Javornik, A. Jelovšek; Kombinator podvojenega prenosa, revizija 2.2, 1991 [COBISS: 5293351]


I. Ozimek, V. Avbelj, G. Kandus, T. Javornik; Mikroprocesorsko krmiljeni kombinator podvojenega prenosa digitalnega signala : Predlog za tehnično izboljšavo, 1990 [COBISS: 8031271]
G. Kandus, I. Ozimek, V. Avbelj, T. Javornik, A. Jelovšek; Kombinator podvojenega prenosa, 1990 [COBISS: 8031015]
V. Avbelj, I. Ozimek; Sprejemni servisni kanal na podatkovnem multipleksorju : predlog za tehnično izboljšavo, 1990 [COBISS: 9427751]
R. Trobec, V. Avbelj, J. Korenini, I. Ozimek, F. Novak, N. Šutanovac; Asinhroni multiplekser, 1990 [COBISS: 9043495]


I. Ozimek, V. Avbelj; Kombinator dveh 34 Mbit/s podatkovnih nizov, 1989 [COBISS: 9428263]


J. Tasič, P. Blaznik, V. Avbelj; Postopek odkrivanja nosilca diskretnega signala pri MQAM modulaciji, 1987 [COBISS: 7699751]


V. Avbelj, I. Ozimek, A. Kolar, R. Trobec; Videoterminal PMT-100 : tehnična izboljšava, 1986 [COBISS: 9427495]
V. Avbelj, I. Ozimek, A. Kolar, R. Trobec; Videoterminal PMT-100, 1986 [COBISS: 9426727]
B. Filipič, T. Erjavec, A. Pušić, M. Bonač, B. Vodopivec, V. Avbelj, J. Tasič; Sistem za registraciju i obračun radnog vremena, 1986 [COBISS: 7602727]
I. Ozimek, P. Sokolov, V. Avbelj; Emulator - Programator EP-1/B, 1986 [COBISS: 9426471]


I. Ozimek, V. Avbelj; Univerzalni programator UP-1, 1985 [COBISS: 9426215]


V. Avbelj, F. Jan, M. Hrovat; Hibridna večplastna debeloplastna vezja visoke gostote, 1982 [COBISS: 9425703]
V. Avbelj, M. Levstek; Napajalnik KOPA-2500, 1982 [COBISS: 9425959]


V. Avbelj, F. Jan, D. Belavič; Večplastna hibridna debeloplastna vezja, 1981 [COBISS: 9425447]
B. Navinšek, M. Hrovat, A. Žabkar, P. Panjan, M. Peternel, F. Jan, D. Kolar, V. Avbelj, D. Belavič, V. Kreft, S. Maček; Mirkoelektronika. (Tankoplastne in debeloplastne tehnologije v mikroelektroniki), 1981 [COBISS: 10081024]
B. Navinšek, D. Kolar, A. Žabkar, P. Panjan, M. Peternel, F. Jan, M. Hrovat, V. Avbelj, D. Belavič, V. Kreft, S. Maček, A. Divjak, S. Mojstrovič; Mikroelektronika : letno poročilo IJS o opravljenem delu na URP in RP, 1981 [COBISS: 10033664]


M. Hrovat, F. Jan, V. Avbelj; Debeloplastne uporovne paste z izboljšanim organskim nosilcem, 1980 [COBISS: 7281703]
M. Hrovat, V. Avbelj, D. Belavič; Dielektriki za večplastna vezja na osnovi zmesi stekla in keramike, 1980 [COBISS: 7281447]
D. Kolar, F. Jan, M. Hrovat, D. Belavič, V. Kreft, V. Avbelj, S. Maček; Hibridna debeloplastna vezja : poročilo IJS o raziskovalni nalogi za leto 1980, 1980 [COBISS: 12905984]
V. Avbelj, F. Jan, M. Hrovat; Večplastna hibridna debeloplastna vezja, 1980 [COBISS: 7280167]


V. Avbelj, L. Trontelj; Pretvornik kode v hibridni večplastni debeloslojni tehnologiji : diplomska naloga, 1979 [COBISS: 12391508]