Marjan Šterk

Personal Bibliography
G. Papa, Š. Poklukar, A. Kancilija, M. Šterk;
Improving the maintenance of railway switches through proactive approach, Electronics, vol. 9, 2020 [DOI: 10.3390/electronics9081260][COBISS: 25520131]
V. Čuček, M. Šterk, G. Pipan;
Končni rezultati testiranj in uporabe distribuiranega sistema ART : navodila za uporabo, 2019 [COBISS: 32181031]
R. Socorro, A. Kancilija, G. Papa, Š. Poklukar, F. Novak, G. Papa, Š. Poklukar, M. Šterk, A. Vidmar;
Success stories on real pilots, 2019 [COBISS: 31989287]
G. Marreiros, M. Novak Gorenc, A. Kancilija, F. Novak, G. Papa, Š. Poklukar, M. Šterk, A. Vidmar;
From KPI dashboards to advanced Visualization, 2019 [COBISS: 31988775]
M. Albano, V. Čuček, M. Šterk;
Monitoring of critical assets, 2019 [COBISS: 32067623]
V. Čuček, M. Šterk, M. Herman, G. Pipan;
Dokumentacija ART sistema, navodila za uporabo : rev. 1.2 : tehnično poročilo, 2018 [COBISS: 31510311]
V. Čuček, M. Šterk, M. Herman, G. Pipan;
Arhitektura in izbor programske ter strojne opreme za poganjanje ray-tracing algoritmov : tehnično poročilo, 2017 [COBISS: 30331431]
M. Šterk, M. Praprotnik;
Improving emergency response logistics through advanced GIS, Open geospatial data, software and standards, vol. 2, 2017 [DOI: 10.1186/s40965-017-0014-7][COBISS: 30281511]
R. Sernec, M. Šterk;
ICT tools's potential and opportunities : energy hub approach, Metering international, 2015 [COBISS: 28956711]
M. Kolenc, N. Zalaznik, P. Nemček, B. Turha, M. Graf, M. Šterk;
VPP and its role in the BADGE project and balancing energy markets, Metering international, iss. 3, 2015 [COBISS: 28956455]
J. Činkelj, M. Šterk, A. Bekan, M. Mohorčič, C. Fortuna;
Design trade-offs for the wireless management networks of constrained device testbeds, Proceedings, 2014 [COBISS: 28225575]
M. Cankar, M. Artač, M. Šterk, U. Lotrič, B. Slivnik;
Co-allocation with collective requests in grid systems, Journal of universal computer science, vol. 19, 2013 [COBISS: 9797972]
M. Kuder, M. Šterk, B. Žalik;
Point-based rendering optimization with textured meshes for fast LiDAR visualization, Computers & Geosciences, vol. 59, 2013 [DOI: 10.1016/j.cageo.2013.05.012][COBISS: 26898727]
R. Trobec, G. Kosec, M. Šterk, B. Šarler;
Comparison of local weak and strong form meshless methods for 2-D diffusion equation, Engineering analysis with boundary elements, vol. 36, 2012 [DOI: 10.1016/j.enganabound.2011.08.009][COBISS: 2024699] ::
I. Nuhić, M. Šterk, T. Cortes;
AbacusFS integrated storage and computational platform, MIPRO 2012 : 35th International Convention, May 21-25, 2012, Opatija - Adriaric Coast, Croatia, 2012 [COBISS: 28316967]
R. Trobec, M. Šterk;
On the parallelization of meshless methods for the solution of the diffusion equation, Proceedings of the Ninth IASTED International Conference on Parallel and distributed computing and networks, PDCN 2010, February 16-18, 2010 Innsbruck, Austria, 2010 [COBISS: 23421735]
M. Cankar, P. Hadalin, M. Šterk;
Co-allocation of computational resources in XtreemOS grids = Sočasno dodeljevanje računalniških virov v XtreemOS omrežjih grid, Zbornik devetnajste mednarodne Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK 2010, Portorož, Slovenija, 20.-22. september 2010, 2010 [COBISS: 23993127]
M. Šterk, M. Cecowski Palacio;
Virtual globe on the android - remote vs. local rendering, Proceedings, 2009 [COBISS: 24521511]
N. Bašić, A. Bauer, J. Ferlež, P. Gabrijelčič, B. Gašperin, M. Grčar, T. Hočevar, U. Jovanovič, M. Lasič, J. Leskovec, M. Martinec, P. Novak, M. Šterk, M. Trampuš, M. Vuk, D. Zupanič, A. Žagar, K. Žagar, J. Brank, N. Bašić, J. Brank;
Bilten, 2009 [COBISS: 248589568]
R. Trobec, M. Šterk, B. Robič;
Computational complexity and parallelization of the meshless local Petrov-Galerkin methods, Computers & Structures, vol. 87, 2009 [COBISS: 21895463]
M. Šterk, J. Močnik, U. Jovanovič, E. Milošev, M. Cecowski;
Odprtokodno vizualizacijsko ogrodje XGIS in na njem zasnovana testna aplikacija XGISViewer, 2009 [COBISS: 22567719]
R. Trobec, M. Šterk;
Computing aspects of meshless methods, Book of abstracts, 2009 [COBISS: 23267367]
R. Trobec, M. Šterk;
Improving stability of moving least square solution in meshless methods, Book of abstracts, 2009 [COBISS: 23267623]
M. Šterk, M. Artač, J. Močnik, L. Mulej, P. Banovec;
Prikaz poplavnih scenarijev na področju energetske infrastrukture ; Elektronski vir, Zbornik predavanj, 2008 [COBISS: 6362465]
I. Rozman, M. Šterk, J. Močnik, B. Robič, R. Trobec;
Performance measurements of computing networks, Scalable Computing. Practice and Experience, vol. 9, 2008 [COBISS: 21767207]
M. Šterk, U. Jovanovič, J. Močnik;
Real-time terrain visualisation using data from distributed storage and web services, MIPRO 2008 : 31st International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, May 26-30, 2008, Opatija Croatia. [vol. 1], Microelectronics, electronics and electronic technologies, MEET, Grid and visualizayion systems, GVS, 2008 [COBISS: 21770023]
M. Šterk, R. Trobec;
Meshless solution of a diffusion equation with parameter optimization and error analysis, Engineering analysis with boundary elements, vol. 32, 2008 [COBISS: 21305383]
R. Trobec, M. Šterk, S. AlMawed, M. Veselko;
Computer simulation of topical knee cooling, Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 38, 2008 [COBISS: 22034983]
R. Trobec, M. Šterk, S. Al Mawed, M. Veselko;
Računalniška simulacija ohlajanja kolena = Computer simulation of knee cooling, Medicinski razgledi : [medicinski pregledni, strokovni in raziskovalni članki], letn. 46, 2007 [COBISS: 21475623]
N. Bašić, P. Gabrijelčič, U. Jovanovič, M. Martinec, M. Miklavec, M. Šterk, M. Trampuš, M. Vuk, K. Žagar, J. Brank;
Bilten, 2007 [COBISS: 235859712]
M. Šterk, D. Vladušič, E. Milošev, J. Ferlež, D. Mladenić, M. Grobelnik;
Machine learning for resolving researcher affiliation, Zbornik 10. mednarodne multikonference Informacijska družba - IS 2007, 8.-12. oktober 2007 : zvezek A, 2007 [COBISS: 21227559]
M. Šterk, I. Leben, E. Milošev, G. Pipan;
"River Soča project" - interactive visualization of massive amount of Data with a grid-based engine, Proceedings, 2007 [COBISS: 21004327]
I. Rozman, M. Šterk, R. Trobec;
Communication performance of LAM/MPI and MPICH on a linux cluster, Parallel processing letters, vol. 16, 2006 [COBISS: 20173863]
R. Trobec, M. Šterk;
Meshless solution of diffusion equation, ICNAAM 2006, International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics : official conference of the European Society of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering (ESCMSE), [15-19 September 2006, Hersonissos, Crete], 2006 [COBISS: 20291367]
M. Šterk, R. Trobec;
Biomedical simulation of heat transfer in a human heart, Journal of chemical information and modeling, vol. 45, 2005 [COBISS: 19540519]
M. Šterk, B. Robič, R. Trobec;
Mreže proste metode na vzporednih računalnikih : doktorska disertacija, 2005 [COBISS: 5154644]
I. Rozman, M. Šterk, R. Trobec;
Optimizacija Gigabitnega omrežja v skupku računalnikov, 2005 [COBISS: 19369511]
R. Trobec, V. Avbelj, M. Šterk, B. Meglič, V. Švigelj;
Neurological data measuring and analysis software based on object oriented design, Program and abstracts, 2005 [COBISS: 19789529]
I. Rozman, R. Trobec, M. Šterk;
Tuning communication in gigabit ethernet cluster, 2005 [COBISS: 19000871]
M. Šterk, B. Robič, R. Trobec;
Mesh free method applied to diffusion equation, 2005 [COBISS: 19000359]
R. Trobec, V. Avbelj, M. Šterk, B. Meglič, V. Švigelj;
Neurological data measuring and analysis software based on object oriented design, Clinical autonomic research, 2005 [COBISS: 19727321]
R. Trobec, M. Šterk, S. AlMawed, M. Veselko;
Computer simulation of human knee cooling, ICNAAM 2005, International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics : official conference of the European Society of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering (ESCMSE), 16-20 September 2005, Rhodes, Greece, 2005 [COBISS: 19372071]
R. Trobec, M. Šterk, S. AlMawed, M. Veselko;
Computer simulation of topical knee cooling, Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks : as part of the 23rd IASTED International Multi-Conference on Applied Informatics, 2005 [COBISS: 18872871]
I. Rozman, R. Trobec, M. Šterk;
Hitrost komunikacije v LAM/MPI in MPICH okoljih = Communication performance in LAM/MPI and MPICH environments, Zbornik štirinajste mednarodne Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK 2005, 26. - 28. september 2005, Portorož, Slovenija, 2005 [COBISS: 19372327]
B. Turk, A. Štimec, M. Šterk, I. Rozman, G. Pipan, R. Trobec;
GRIDdy - a globus toolkit framework, Proceedings, 2005 [COBISS: 19159847]
T. Dobravec, B. Vilfan, G. Pipan, M. Šterk, D. Vidergar;
ODraw - program za risanje grafičnih objektov, Zbornik trinajste mednarodne elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK 2004, 27. - 29. september 2004, Portorož, Slovenija, Zbornik ... Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ... = Proceedings of the ... Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference ..., 2004 [COBISS: 4361812]
I. Ozimek, B. Slivnik, U. Čibej, U. Jovanovič, G. Pipan, M. Šterk;
Postavitev testnega GRID sistema : poročilo 1. delovnega sklopa, 2004 [COBISS: 18156327]
B. Slivnik, U. Čibej, G. Pipan, U. Jovanovič, M. Šterk, I. Ozimek, R. Trobec;
Setting up an interinstitutional test grid, Proceedings. Microelectronics, electronics and electronic technologies / MEET. Hypermedia and grid systems / HGS, 2004 [COBISS: 18250535]
M. Praprotnik, M. Šterk, R. Trobec;
Inhomogeneous heat-conduction problems solved by a new explicit finite difference scheme, International journal of pure and applied mathematics, vol. 13, 2004 [COBISS: 3037978]
R. Trobec, M. Šterk, M. Praprotnik, D. Janežič;
Parallel programming library for molecular dynamics simulations, International journal of quantum chemistry, vol. 96, 2004 [COBISS: 2874650]
M. Šterk, R. Trobec;
A multigrid poisson solver on general 3-dimensional domains, Lecture notes in computer science, vol. 3019, 2004 [COBISS: 18276647]
A. Štimec, G. Pipan, M. Šterk, R. Trobec, I. Ozimek, U. Čibej;
Testna aplikacija : poročilo 2. delovnega sklopa, 2004 [COBISS: 18514471]
I. Rozman, M. Šterk, R. Trobec;
Strojna sestava in programske nastavitve za skupek računalnikov, 2004 [COBISS: 18732839]
M. Šterk, R. Trobec;
Simulacija prenosa toplote in toka tekočine z metodo končnih razlik, 2004 [COBISS: 18925863]
M. Šterk, B. Robič;
Simulacija toka tekočine in prenosa toplote z metodo končnih razlik : magistrska naloga, 2003 [COBISS: 3449428]
M. Šterk, R. Trobec;
A multigrid poisson solver on general 3-dimensional domains, PPAM 2003, 2003 [COBISS: 17745959]
M. Šterk, R. Trobec;
Parallel performance of a multigrid poisson solver, ISPDC 2003 : proceedings, 2003 [COBISS: 18146599]
M. Šterk, R. Trobec, M. Praprotnik;
Numerical schemes for fluid flow and heat transfer in medical simulations, Parallel and distributed computing practices, vol. 5, 2002 [COBISS: 18987815]
V. Avbelj, M. Šterk, R. Trobec;
Lead selection in body surface electrocardiography by exhaustive search optimisation, Parallel numerics '02 : theory and applications, 2002 [COBISS: 17094183]
V. Avbelj, M. Šterk, R. Trobec;
A grid computing application : optimal electrode positioning in body surface electrocardiography, Parallel and distributed computing practices, vol. 5, 2002 [COBISS: 18988071]
M. Praprotnik, M. Šterk, R. Trobec;
A new explicit numerical scheme for nonlinear diffusion problems, Parallel numerics '02 : theory and applications, 2002 [COBISS: 2723354]
M. Šterk, R. Trobec, M. Praprotnik;
Comparison of incompressible fluid flow simulation methods, Parallel numerics '02 : theory and applications, 2002 [COBISS: 2723098]
R. Trobec, M. Šterk, M. Praprotnik, D. Janežič;
Implementation and evaluation of MPI-based parallel MD program, International journal of quantum chemistry, vol. 84, 2001 [COBISS: 2389274]
M. Šterk, B. Robič;
Vzporedna simulacija z metodo delcev na gručah računalnikov z objektnim programiranjem : diplomska naloga, 2000 [COBISS: 2286676]
R. Trobec, M. Šterk, B. Robič;
Parallel library for particle interaction on ring networks, Parallel numerics, ParNum 2000 : proceedings of the International Workshop, Bratislava Slovakia, September 18-20, 2000, 2000 [COBISS: 15358247]
M. Šterk, B. Robič;
Vzporedna simulacija z metodo delcev na gručah računalnikov z objektnim programiranjem : delo je pripravljeno v skladu s Pravilnikom o podeljevanju Prešernovih nagrad študentom, pod mentorstvom prof. dr. Boruta Robiča, 2000 [COBISS: 2717780]
R. Trobec, M. Šterk, U. Jovanovič;
Performances of d-mesh topologies, Parallel numerics '99 : proceedings of the International Workshop, Salzburg, Austria, February 18, 1999, 1999 [COBISS: 13886759]