Monika Kapus-Kolar

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received her B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Maribor, Slovenia, and her M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Since 1981 she has been with the Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, where she is currently a senior research fellow at the Department of Communication Systems. Her work is focused on formal specification techniques and methods for the development of real-time, concurrent and reactive systems.

Personal Bibliography


M. Kapus-Kolar; Realizable choreographies for systems of components communicating via rendezvous, mailboxes and letter queues, Elektrotehniški vestnik, vol. 88, 2021 [COBISS: 81182723]


M. Kapus-Kolar; Realizable causal-consistent reversible choreographies for systems with first-in-first-out communication channels, Journal of logical and algebraic methods in programming, vol. 114, 2020 [DOI: 10.1016/j.jlamp.2020.100560][COBISS: 17521155] ::


M. Kapus-Kolar; A generalization of a popular fault-coverage-preserving test set transformation, Journal of universal computer science, vol. 23, 2017 [DOI: 10.3217/jucs-023-06-0560][COBISS: 30756903] ::


M. Kapus-Kolar; Finer reversibility control for E-LOTOS, 2016 [COBISS: 29869351]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Three generalizations and a better implementation of the State Counting method for the construction of complete test suites for FSM implementations, 2016 [COBISS: 29206055]
M. Kapus-Kolar; An improved state-counting-based construction of complete test suites for FSM implementations, Elektrotehniški vestnik, letn. 83, 2016 [COBISS: 29659687] ::


M. Kapus-Kolar; Incremental construction of complete test suites for finite state machine implementations : principles behind the current methods and beyond, 2015 [COBISS: 28548647]


M. Kapus-Kolar; On the global optimization of checking sequences for finite state machine implementations, Microprocessors and microsystems, vol. 38, 2014 [DOI: 10.1016/j.micpro.2014.01.007][COBISS: 27468327] ::


M. Kapus-Kolar; New insights on the construction of checking sequences for finite state machine implementations, 2013 [COBISS: 26962215]
M. Kapus-Kolar; On the use of status messages in checking sequences for the distributed test architecture, Elektrotehniški vestnik, letn. 80, 2013 [COBISS: 27341351] ::
M. Kapus-Kolar; Error-preserving local transformations on communication protocols, Software testing, verification & reliability, vol. 23, 2013 [DOI: 10.1002/stvr.449][COBISS: 24405543] ::


M. Kapus-Kolar; On "Exploring alternatives for transition verification", The Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 85, 2012 [DOI: 10.1016/j.jss.2012.03.034][COBISS: 25709351] ::
M. Kapus-Kolar; New state-recognition patterns for conformance testing of finite state machine implementations, Computer standards & interfaces, vol. 34, 2012 [DOI: 10.1016/j.csi.2012.01.001][COBISS: 25570087] ::


M. Kapus-Kolar; On state location in FSM conformance testing, 2011 [COBISS: 25209383]


M. Kapus-Kolar; A better procedure and a stronger state-recognition pattern for checking sequence construction, 2010 [COBISS: 24059175]


M. Kapus-Kolar; Three generalizations to a generic integrated test generation method for finite state machines, The Computer journal, vol. 52, 2009 [DOI: 10.1093/comjnl/bxn048][COBISS: 22163239] ::
M. Kapus-Kolar; Improvements to a roll-back mechanism for asynchronous checkpointing and recovery, Informatica : an international journal of computing and informatics, vol. 33, 2009 [COBISS: 23164967] ::
M. Kapus-Kolar; A pragmatic generic test sequence construction method with a specialization for checking sequence construction, 2009 [COBISS: 23129895]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Reversible enhanced event structures : towards reversible E-LOTOS, Computer standards & interfaces, vol. 31, 2009 [DOI: 10.1016/j.csi.2008.09.022][COBISS: 22201639] ::
M. Kapus-Kolar; An action refinement operator for E-LOTOS with true concurrency, Computer standards & interfaces, vol. 31, 2009 [COBISS: 21463079] ::


M. Kapus-Kolar; Enhanced event structures : towards a true concurrency semantics for E-LOTOS, Computer standards & interfaces, vol. 29, 2007 [COBISS: 20331815] ::
L. Jevđenić, T. Kapus, M. Kapus-Kolar; Snovanje komunikacijskega protokola v jeziku SDL in krmiljenje pretoka : diplomska naloga visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa, 2007 [COBISS: 11691030]
S. Žinkovič, T. Kapus, M. Kapus-Kolar; Snovanje krmilnega sistema dvigala z orodjem ObjectGEODE : diplomska naloga visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa, 2007 [COBISS: 11693846]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Testing as collecting of evidence : an integrated approach to test generation for finite state machines, The Computer journal, vol. 50, 2007 [COBISS: 20730919] ::


M. Kapus-Kolar; E-LOTOS-based compositional service-based synthesis of multi-party time-sharing-based protocols = Kompozicionalno snovanje večpartnerskih protokolov z delitvijo časa na osnovi opisov pričakovanih storitev v jeziku E-LOTOS, Elektrotehniški vestnik, vol. 73, 2006 [COBISS: 20397351] ::
M. Kapus-Kolar, M. Frey-Pučko, D. Mladenić, B. Koroušić-Seljak, A. Umek-Venturini, M. Trebar, R. Vajde Horvat, J. Maver, B. Šket Motnikar, J. Kontler-Salamon; Ustvarjalnost in svobodno razmišljanje pred kariero : skupinski portret devetih doktoric računalništva, Znanost = Scientia : štirinajstdnevna znanstvena priloga časnika Delo : [Delova priloga za poljudno predstavljanje znanstveno-raziskovalnih in razvojnih dosežkov od vesolja do človeškega telesa], let. 48, 2006 [COBISS: 19886631]
M. Kapus-Kolar; E-LOTOS-based compositional service-based synthesis of multi-party time-sharing-based protocols, 2006 [COBISS: 20331559]
M. Ciglarič, M. Frey-Pučko, M. Kapus-Kolar, M. Sepesy Maučec, B. Šket Motnikar, M. Trebar, A. Umek-Venturini, T. Urbančič, R. Vajde Horvat, S. Korenjak-Černe, B. Koroušić-Seljak, N. Lavrač, J. Maver, D. Mladenić, K. Rizman Žalik, E. Krmac, T. Welzer-Družovec, T. Zrimec, D. Brodnik, D. Sega; Doktorice računalništva in informatike v Sloveniji : [katalog k razstavi], 2006 [COBISS: 19886375]


M. Kapus-Kolar; Towards weak sequencing for E-LOTOS, Computer standards & interfaces, vol. 28, 2005 [COBISS: 19073063] ::
G. Gledec, G. Ježić, T. Kapus, M. Kapus-Kolar, B. Vlaovič, A. Vreže; ConTEL 2005 : proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Telecommunications, Zagreb, Croatia, June 15-17, 2005, 2005 [COBISS: 9627158]


M. Kapus-Kolar; Specifying broadcast communication in E-LOTOS, WSEAS transactions on computers, vol. 3, 2004 [COBISS: 18112039] ::
M. Kapus-Kolar; Specifying late decisions in a sublanguage of E-LOTOS, 2004 [COBISS: 18154279]
M. Kapus-Kolar; A generalization of the E-LOTOS renaming operator : a convenience for specification of new forms of process composition, Computer standards & interfaces, vol. 26, 2004 [COBISS: 18393383] ::
M. Kapus-Kolar; Specifying late choice in E-LOTOS, Elektrotehniški vestnik, vol. 71, 2004 [COBISS: 18701095] ::


M. Kapus-Kolar; Compositional service-based construction of multi-party time-sharing-based protocols, IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences, vol. e86-a, 2003 [COBISS: 17752103] ::
M. Kapus-Kolar; Deriving self-stabilizing protocols for services specified in LOTOS, Informatica : an international journal of computing and informatics, vol. 27, 2003 [COBISS: 17589031] ::
M. Kapus-Kolar; Specifying broadcast communication in a sublanguage of E-LOTOS, The IEEE Region 8 EUROCON 2003 : computer as a tool, 2003 [COBISS: 17759015]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Specifying action priorities in a sublanguage of E-LOTOS, SOftCOM 2003, 2003 [COBISS: 17795623]
M. Kapus-Kolar; A correction to "compositional service-based construction of multi-party time-sharing-based protocols", 2003 [COBISS: 17965607]
M. Kapus-Kolar; E-LOTOS-based composition of distributed services and their protocols, 2003 [COBISS: 17578279]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Specifying weak sequential composition and its application to action refinement in E-LOTOS, 2003 [COBISS: 17729319]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Deriving self-stabilizing protocols for services specified in LOTOS, 2003 [COBISS: 17633063]


M. Kapus-Kolar; U-LOTOS : unifying actions, signals and terminations, 2002 [COBISS: 16928551]
B. Lesjak, T. Kapus, M. Kapus-Kolar; Načrtovanje komunikacijskega protokola z orodjem ObjectGEODE : diplomska naloga visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa, 2002 [COBISS: 7479318]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Specifying dynamic process interconnection in E-LOTOS, Zbornik enajste mednarodne Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK 2002, 23.-25. september 2002, Portorož, Slovenija, Zbornik ... Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ... = Proceedings of the ... Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference ..., 2002 [COBISS: 16995367]
M. Kapus-Kolar; A generalization of the E-LOTOS trapping operator : towards reconciliation with LOTOS, Computer standards & interfaces, vol. 24, 2002 [COBISS: 17090087] ::


M. Kapus-Kolar; Global conflict resolution in automated service-based protocol synthesis, South African computer journal = Suid-Afrikaanse rekenaartydskrif, no. 27, 2001 [COBISS: 16358951] ::
M. Kapus-Kolar; Global conflict resolution in automated service-based protocol synthesis, 2001 [COBISS: 16110375]
S. Nedok, T. Kapus, M. Kapus-Kolar; Prikaz sporočil na analognem telefonskem aparatu z uporabo FSK modulacije : diplomska naloga visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa, 2001 [COBISS: 6631702]


M. Kapus-Kolar; A broader perspective on service-based synthesis of two-party protocols, 2000 [COBISS: 15337767]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Deriving protocols for services supporting mobile users, Information and software technology, vol. 42, 2000 [COBISS: 15078695] ::
M. Kapus-Kolar; Service-based synthesis of two-party protocols = Snovanje dvostranskih protokolov na podlagi pričakovanih storitev, Elektrotehniški vestnik, vol. 67, 2000 [COBISS: 15516711] ::
M. Kapus-Kolar; Restoring the concept of observability in E-LOTOS, Computer standards & interfaces, vol. 22, 2000 [COBISS: 15075367] ::


M. Kapus-Kolar; Comments on deriving protocol specifications from service specifications writtwn in LOTOS, Distributed computing, vol. 12, 1999 [COBISS: 14343207] ::
M. Kapus-Kolar; Basic E-LOTOS and its application to protocol synthesis = Osnovni E-LOTOS in njegova uporaba v sintezi protokolov, Elektrotehniški vestnik, vol. 66, 1999 [COBISS: 14067239] ::
M. Kapus-Kolar; More efficient functionality decomposition in LOTOS, Informatica : an international journal of computing and informatics, vol. 23, 1999 [COBISS: 14230311] ::
M. Kapus-Kolar; Supportig service parameters in E-LOTOS-based protocol derivation, Applied informatics : proceedings of the Seventeenth IASTED International Conference, Innsbruck, Austria, February 15-18, 1999, 1999 [COBISS: 14130215]
M. Kapus-Kolar; E-LOTOS-based synthesis of distributed coordinators for mobile objects, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics - ISIE '99, Bled - Slovenija, July 12 - 16, 1999, 1999 [COBISS: 14208551]
M. Frey-Pučko, M. Kapus-Kolar, R. Novak; Automatic test case generation from the industrial point of view : conformance testing in Iskratel, Testing of communicating systems : methods and applications, 1999 [COBISS: 14331175]
B. Vlaovič, Z. Brezočnik, M. Kapus-Kolar; Generator klicev za telefonsko centralo MLB SI2000 V5 : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija, 1999 [COBISS: 4828438]


M. Kapus-Kolar; Employing disruptions for more efficient functionality decomposition in LOTOS, 1998 [COBISS: 13743399]
M. Kapus-Kolar; From basic LOTOS to basic E-LOTOS and beyond, Zbornik sedme Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK '98, 24. - 26. september 1998, Portorož, Slovenija, 1998 [COBISS: 13452583]
Z. Brezočnik, T. Kapus, B. Horvat, M. Kapus-Kolar, M. Frey-Pučko, M. Štrakl, A. Časar, R. Meolic, B. Dugonik; COST 247 "Verification and validation methods for formal descriptions" : zaključno poročilo o rezultatih opravljenega raziskovalnega dela na projektu COST 247, 1998 [COBISS: 3457814]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Deriving protocol specifications from service specifications in basic E-LOTOS, 1998 [COBISS: 13743655]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Post-reflextions on the development of the E-LOTOS basic language, 1998 [COBISS: 13307431]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Generator testnih scenarijev na osnovi končnih avtomatov : [za Iskro TEL], 1998 [COBISS: 13573415]


M. Kapus-Kolar; Functionality bipartition in basic E-LOTOS, Proceedings, 1997 [COBISS: 12550183]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Employing disruptions for more efficient functionality decomposition in LOTOS, New Frontiers of Information Technology : proceedings, 1997 [COBISS: 12661287]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Functionality decomposition in basic extended LOTOS, 1997 [COBISS: 12655143]
Z. Brezočnik, T. Kapus, B. Horvat, M. Kapus-Kolar, M. Frey-Pučko, M. Štrakl, A. Časar, R. Meolic; COST 247 "Verification and validation methods for formal descriptions" : letno poročilo o rezultatih opravljenega raziskovalnega dela na projektu COST 247 : št. pogodbe MS-20/95, 1997 [COBISS: 2640918]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Some comments and proposals regarding the behaviour part of E-LOTOS and its definition, 1997 [COBISS: 12655655]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Towards deriving protocol specifications from service specifications in M-LOTOS, ConTEL 97 : proceedings, 1997 [COBISS: 12833831]


M. Frey-Pučko, M. Kapus-Kolar, V. Avbelj, R. Verlič; Generiranje testnih scenarijev : Dokumentacija 3. faze projekta Iskratel, (v arhivu Iskratel, poslovna skrivnost), 1996 [COBISS: 12226343]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Naslov projekta Odprti porazdeljeni sistemi in njihova uporaba : zaključno poročilo o rezultatih opravljenega znanstveno-raziskovalnega dela na področju temeljnega raziskovanja, 1996 [COBISS: 41726465]
M. Kapus-Kolar; A Prolog tool for protocol derivation, 1996 [COBISS: 12018727]
Z. Brezočnik, T. Kapus, B. Horvat, M. Kapus-Kolar, M. Frey-Pučko, M. Štrakl, A. Časar, R. Meolic; COST 247 "Verification and validation methods for formal descriptions" : letno poročilo o rezultatih opravljenega raziskovalnega dela na projektu COST 247 : številka pogodbe MS-20/95, 1996 [COBISS: 1985302]
M. Kapus-Kolar; On context-sensitive service-based protocol derivation, Industrial applications in power systems, computer science and telecommunications : proceedings. Vol. 1,2, 1996 [COBISS: 2037782]
M. Frey-Pučko, M. Kapus-Kolar, V. Avbelj, R. Verlič, B. Slivnik; Avtomatizacija postopkov generiranja testnih zaporedij za SI2000 : Zaključni dokument projekta Iskratel, (v arhivu Iskratel, poslovna skrivnost), 1996 [COBISS: 12226599]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Functionality decomposition of basic LOTOS expressions with generalised termination, enabling disabling, Proceedings of the COST 247 International Workshop on Applied Formal Methods in System Design, June 17 - 19, 1996, Maribor, Slovenia, 1996 [COBISS: 12151591]
M. Kapus-Kolar; A test-sequence generator for finite-state machines, Zbornik pete Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK '96, 19. - 21. september 1996, Portorož, Slovenija, 1996 [COBISS: 12104743]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Functionality decomposition of basic LOTOS expressions with generalised termination, enabling and disabling, 1996 [COBISS: 12132647]


M. Kapus-Kolar; Automated derivation of protocols handling distributed virtual queues, Proceedings of the Tenth International symposium on computer and information sciences, October 30 - November 1, 1995, 1995 [COBISS: 2075926]
M. Kapus-Kolar; A Protocol derivation tool for services supporting mobile users, Zbornik četrte Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK '95, 25. - 27. september 1995, Portorož, Slovenija, 1995 [COBISS: 2073366]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Deriving protocols for mobile service users, Elektrotehniški vestnik, let. 62, 1995 [COBISS: 522565]
M. Kapus-Kolar; On constructing protocol derivation algorithms for LOTOS-like languages, ICSQ '95 : Conference Proceedings ICSQ '95, November, 6-8 1995, 1995 [COBISS: 2073622]


M. Frey-Pučko, M. Kapus-Kolar, G. Kandus; Automated derivation of protocols implementing Inteligent Network services, Microprocessing and microprogramming, let. 40, 1994 [COBISS: 2041878]
M. Frey-Pučko, M. Kapus-Kolar, M. Jagodič; Development of intelligent network services using algebraic service and protocol specification, Proceedings, 1994 [COBISS: 2074902]


M. Kapus-Kolar; Compositional derivation of protocols implementing stream-handling services, 1993 [COBISS: 5775655]
M. Frey-Pučko, M. Kapus-Kolar, G. Kandus; Zasnova storitve CCBS (Completion of Calls to Busy Subscriber po principih IN v okviru centrale SI2000/V5, 1993 [COBISS: 5857831]
M. Frey-Pučko, M. Kapus-Kolar; Vzročna odvisnost v specifikaciji porazdeljenega sistema, Zbornik druge Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK '93, 27. - 29. september 1993, Portorož, Slovenija, zv. a, 1993 [COBISS: 18435367]
G. Kandus, M. Kapus-Kolar; Digitalni telekomunikacijski sistemi, 1993 [COBISS: 37067776]
M. Frey-Pučko, M. Kapus-Kolar, J. Rugelj; Developing multi-user interfaces for CSCW environment, Microprocessing and microprogramming, let. 37, 1993 [COBISS: 2041110]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Derivation of protocols implementing services with event priorities, Microprocessing and microprogramming, let. 39, 1993 [COBISS: 2041622]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Zasnova storitev CLIP, CLIR, COLP, COLR, 1993 [COBISS: 5775399]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Deriving protocols for mobile service users, 1993 [COBISS: 5849895]
M. Kapus-Kolar; A tool for service-driven protocol synthesis, Zbornik druge Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK '93, 27. - 29. september 1993, Portorož, Slovenija, 1993 [COBISS: 2072342]
M. Frey-Pučko, M. Kapus-Kolar, R. Novak; Causal dependence in distributed system design, Applied informatics : proceedings of the Eleventh IASTED International Conference, Annecy, France, May 19-21, 1993, 1993 [COBISS: 2047766]
M. Kapus-Kolar, R. Novak; More flexible parameter handling in service-driven protocol synthesis, Applied informatics : proceedings of the Eleventh IASTED International Conference, Annecy, France, May 19-21, 1993, 1993 [COBISS: 2047510]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Deriving protocols for mobil service users, ISCIS VIII : proceedings, 1993 [COBISS: 2072854]
M. Frey-Pučko, M. Kapus-Kolar; Causal dependence and probability in distributed system specification, Zbornik druge Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK '93, 27. - 29. september 1993, Portorož, Slovenija, 1993 [COBISS: 2071574]


M. Kapus-Kolar; Constructing two-party multi-channel protocols, 1992 [COBISS: 5508903]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Teaching brave, yet critical use of formal description techniques: the case of computer tools for distributed systems design, Conference abstracts, 1992 [COBISS: 2076694]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Bottom-up implementation of new services using protocol derivation algorithms, Proceedings, 1992 [COBISS: 2072086]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Deriving protocol specifications from service specifications including multirendezvous, Microprocessing and microprogramming, let. 35, 1992 [COBISS: 2040854]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Service-based protocol derivation using algorithms for distributed implementation of sequential programs, Zbornik prve Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK '92, 28. - 30. september 1992, Portorož, Slovenija, 1992 [COBISS: 2071318]


M. Kapus-Kolar; Deriving protocol specifications from service specifications including parameters, Microprocessing and microprogramming, let. 32, 1991 [COBISS: 2040342]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Deriving protocol specifications from service specifications, 1991 [COBISS: 5164327]
M. Bohanec, G. Kandus, M. Kapus-Kolar, A. Mlakar, M. Frey-Pučko, J. Rugelj, I. Tvrdy; Zasnova arhitekture programske opreme v novi generaciji sistema 2000, 1991 [COBISS: 5325607]
M. Kapus-Kolar, J. Rugelj, M. Bonač; Deriving protocol specifications from service specifications, Applied informatics : proceedings of the ninth IASTED international symposium, Innsbruck, Austria, February 18-21, 1991, 1991 [COBISS: 2046742]
M. Kapus-Kolar, J. Rugelj; Deriving protocol specifications from service specifications with simple relative timing requirements, Proceedings of the ISMM international workshop on parallel computing, Trani - Italy, September 10-13, 1991, 1991 [COBISS: 2044438]
M. Kapus-Kolar; New results on deriving specifications from service specifications, Proceedings, 1991 [COBISS: 2044694]
G. Kandus, M. Kapus-Kolar; Digitalni komunikacijski sistemi, 1991 [COBISS: 53737728]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Deriving protocol specifications from service specifications with heterogeneous timing requirements, Software Engineering for Real Time Systems : Third International Conference on Software Engineering for Real Time Systems, 16-18 September 1991, Cirencester, UK, 1991 [COBISS: 2067734]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Deriving protocols with group addressing, Zbornik referatov, 1991 [COBISS: 2069014]


M. Kapus-Kolar; Constructing multicasting communications protocols, Mini and microcomputers and their applications : proceedings of the ISMM International symposium, Lugano, Switzerland, June 19-21, 1990, 1990 [COBISS: 2046998]
G. Kandus, M. Kapus-Kolar; Digitalni komunikacijski sistemi, 1990 [COBISS: 28993024]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Constructing communication protocols on priority channels, Proceedings of the Eigth IASTED International symposium, 1990 [COBISS: 2045462]
J. Šilc, S. Blatnik, P. Kolbezen, B. Mihovilović, R. Murn, S. Prešern, M. Špegel, R. Trobec, P. Blaznik, A. Brodnik, A. Dedić, V. Komavec, B. Korenjak, B. Koroušić-Seljak, B. Robič, D. Špegel, P. Zaveršek, F. Novak, B. Lakner, P. Reinhardt, M. Radovan, A. Bekeš, J. Barbič, B. Jurčič-Zlobec, M. Santo-Zarnik, T. Dolenc, N. Šutanovac, G. Nered, I. Savnik, B. Jerman-Blažič, M. Kapus-Kolar, D. Trček; Računalniški sistemi in tehnologije : poročilo o opravljenem delu v okviru programskega sklopa, 1990 [COBISS: 29103872]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Sinteza protokolov za kanale s prioriteto sporočil, Zbornik referatov II, 1990 [COBISS: 2067222]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Constructing real-time multi channel protocols, Microprocessing and microprogramming, let. 30, 1990 [COBISS: 2040086]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Construction of logically correct communication protocols without over-specification, Experience with the management of software projects : proceedings od the 2nd IFAC/IFIP Workshop on Experience with Management of Software Projects, Sarajevo, 1988, 1990 [COBISS: 2076950]


M. Kapus-Kolar; A method for synthesis of service/protocol pairs without overspecification = Une méthode de synthèse des couples service/protocole sans surspécification, Proceedings, 1989 [COBISS: 2065942]
M. Kapus-Kolar; A new construction method for multi-party synchronous-asynchronous communication protocols, Mini and microcomputers and their applications : proceedings of the Thirty-ninth ISMM International Symposium, Zürich, Switzerland, June 26-29, 1989, 1989 [COBISS: 2045206]
M. Kapus-Kolar; A new method for costruction of communication protocols on non-ideal channels, Applied informatics : proceedings of the IASTED international symposium, Grindelwald, Switzerland, February 8-10, 1989, 1989 [COBISS: 2046230]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Neredundatno modeliranje in sinteza komunikacijskih protokolov : doktorska disertacija, 1989 [COBISS: 17150720]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Constructing communication protocols on reliable bounded FIFO channels with- out overspecification, Microprocessing and microprogramming, let. 28, 1989 [COBISS: 2039574]
B. Jerman-Blažič, M. Kapus-Kolar, M. Bonač, J. Rugelj, H. Tvrdy, M. Frey-Pučko, A. Jauk; Specifikacije COSINE mreže, 1989 [COBISS: 8449575]
B. Jerman-Blažič, M. Kapus-Kolar, B. Lavrenčič, M. Bonač, H. Tvrdy, A. Jauk, M. Frey-Pučko, D. Trček; Implementacija storitev COSINE mreže, 1989 [COBISS: 8449831]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Problem učinkovite sinteze komunikacijskih protokolov v modelu globalnih končnih avtomatov, Zbornik referatov I, 1989 [COBISS: 2066966]


M. Kapus-Kolar; Compound modules as goals, Informatica : an international journal of computing and informatics, let. 12, 1988 [COBISS: 2038038]
I. Tvrdy, M. Kapus-Kolar; Formalni model odnosov med aktivnostmi pri razvoju porazdeljenih sistemov, Zbornik referatov II, 1988 [COBISS: 2066454]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Deriving protocols from services in the finite state machine representation, Informatica : an international journal of computing and informatics, let. 12, 1988 [COBISS: 2038294]
D. Blyth, E. Dubuis, H. Hansson, G. Juanole, M. Kapus-Kolar, H. Kerner, G. Leduc, G. Le Moli, A. Lombardo, S. Marchena, W. Orth, J. Pavon, B. Pehrson, M. Tienari, F. Vogt; Architectural and behavioural modelling in computer communication : COST 11 ter group on FDT/ABM (Formal Description Techniques / Architectural and Behavioural Models), 1988 [COBISS: 2043670]


B. Jerman-Blažič, M. Bonač, T. Javornik, G. Kandus, M. Kapus-Kolar, I. Fabič-Petrač, I. Lesjak, R. Trobec, J. Tasič, I. Tvrdy, M. Šubelj; Poslovni komunikacijski sistem, 1987 [COBISS: 17409280]
M. Kapus-Kolar, I. Tvrdy, J. Rugelj; Classification of methods for protocol synthesis, 1987 [COBISS: 11220263]
G. Kandus, D. Zrilić, J. Tasič, J. Korenini, R. Trobec, A. Lavrič, B. Jerman-Blažič, M. Kapus-Kolar, I. Lesjak; Digitalna komunikacijska omrežja, 1987 [COBISS: 14996736]
B. Jerman-Blažič, M. Kapus-Kolar, J. Tasič, M. Bonač, I. Fabič, I. Lesjak, B. Vodopivec; Zasnove tehnologije komuniciranje med uporabniki JUPAK. 2. del, 1987 [COBISS: 8405799]
B. Jerman-Blažič, M. Kapus-Kolar; Zasnove tehnolgije komuniciranja med uporabniki JUPAK, 1987 [COBISS: 8405543]
B. Jerman-Blažič, M. Kapus-Kolar; Komunikacijski in aplikacijski sistemi v višjih nivojih referenčnega modela OSI, Informatica : an international journal of computing and informatics, vol. 11, 1987 [COBISS: 2074134]


M. Kapus-Kolar; Osnovni referentni model povezivanja otvorenih sistema, Praksa : Jugoslovenska revija za informatiku i AOP, vol. 21, 1986 [COBISS: 11069991]
M. Kapus-Kolar; ZAKAR - Program za generiranje enostavnih žakarskih vezav, 1986 [COBISS: 11074855]
B. Jerman-Blažič, M. Kapus-Kolar, J. Tasič, P. Tancig, I. Tvrdy; Teleinformatika : sklop projektov Pisarniška avtomatizacija, 1986 [COBISS: 8379943]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Compound modules as goals : projekt COST 11 ter FDT/ABM, dokument COST/FDT/CT/07, 1986 [COBISS: 16501287]
M. Kapus-Kolar, I. Lesjak, B. Jerman-Blažič; Poslovni komunikacijski sistem, 1986 [COBISS: 11127040]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Digitalni komunikacijski sistemi, 1986 [COBISS: 11070208]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Compound modules as event goals : COST 11 and FDT/ABM, dokument COST/FDT/LON02 (version 1986-07-15), London, 1986 [COBISS: 16500519]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Avtomatsko oblikovanje povezav pri tiskanih vezjih z dvojno gostoto, 1986 [COBISS: 11074599]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Logic programming as a formal description technique for CSI : COST 11 and FDT/ABM Project Meeting, Wien, 1986 [COBISS: 16501543]


M. Kapus-Kolar; Formalno opisovanje odprtih sistemov v stilu prologa, 1985 [COBISS: 10945575]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Problemi globalnega programiranja sistema osebkov, ki se vsak zase avtomatsko programirajo z učenjem relacije med sporočil na svojih priklučkih po metodah umetne inteligence, v realnem času, 1985 [COBISS: 10946087]
M. Kapus-Kolar, J. Tasič, A. Praprotnik, Z. Brumec; Komunikacijski vmesnik X.25 protokola, Zbornik radova, 1985 [COBISS: 10933287]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Računalniški komunikacijski sistemi in mreže, 1985 [COBISS: 11025408]
G. Kandus, I. Tvrdy, M. Bohanec, R. Sabo, H. Tvrdy, Đ. Zrilić, J. Tasič, M. Kapus-Kolar, A. Lavrič, A. Mlakar, D. Pavšelj, D. Čuk, D. Mrdaković, J. Rugelj, M. Vidmar; Komunikacijski sistemi : [poročilo o delu za leto 1985], 1985 [COBISS: 10936832]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Okvirji na tiskanem vezju in proizvodna dokumentacija, 1985 [COBISS: 10945831]


M. Kapus-Kolar, T. Kalin; Standardni transportni servis na lokalnih mrežah tipa Cambridge Ring : magistrsko delo, 1984 [COBISS: 1450324]
B. Horvat, T. Welzer-Družovec, R. Slatinek, D. Šoštarič, M. Kapus-Kolar, Z. Brezočnik; Problematika podatovnih zbirk v lokalnih računalniških mrežah : poročilo o delu za leto 1984, 1984 [COBISS: 10852352]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Komunikacijska programska oprema za mreže tipa Cambridge Ring, 1984 [COBISS: 10824487]


M. Kapus-Kolar, A. Kolar; Prevajalnik slovenskega in angleškega jezika v Braillovo pisavo, 1983 [COBISS: 10725415]
M. Kapus-Kolar; ISO transportni servis na Cambridge Ringu, 1983 [COBISS: 10725159]


M. Kapus-Kolar; Pregled jezikovnih elementov za opis sinhronizacije paralelnih procesov, Informatica : an international journal of computing and informatics, let. 6, 1982 [COBISS: 2042390]
M. Kapus-Kolar; Uporabniški priročnik sistema za avtomatsko tiskanje v Braillovi pisavi, 1982 [COBISS: 8148519]
M. Kapus-Kolar, A. Kolar, M. Špegel; Sistem za računalniško tiskanje v Braillovi pisavi, Zbornik II. znanstvenega srečanja Računalniška obdelava lingvističnih podatkov : Bled, 7.-9. oktober 1982, 1982 [COBISS: 2077462]


B. Horvat, R. Slatinek, Š. Greif, S. Grašič, M. Kapus-Kolar, N. Črnko, T. Karakatič, Z. Brezočnik, J. Hertiš; Lokalne računalniške in terminalske mreže : poročilo o znanstveno-raziskovalni nalogi, pogodba št. C2-0125/796, 1981 [COBISS: 10043904]
B. Horvat, R. Slatinek, Š. Greif, S. Grašič, Z. Brezočnik, J. Hertiš, T. Karakatič, N. Črnko, M. Kapus-Kolar; Računalniški komunikacijski sestavi : poročilo o znanstveno-raziskovalni nalogi, pogodba št. 03-2513/796, 1981 [COBISS: 10040320]


B. Horvat, R. Slatinek, Š. Greif, S. Grašič, Z. Brezočnik, J. Hertiš, M. Kapus-Kolar, M. Vršič, L. Gyergyék, M. Podrekar; Prenos gospodarnih in vernih informacij 4.del : poročilo o znanstveno-raziskovalni nalogi, pogodba št. 785/2581-80, 1980 [COBISS: 13207296]


M. Kapus-Kolar, A. Železnikar; Komunikacijski protokoli, Informatica : an international journal of computing and informatics, vol. 2, 1979 [COBISS: 10170663]
M. Kapus-Kolar, G. Devide, B. Horvat; Konvolucijski kodirni in dekodirni postopek pri mikroračunalniku Iskra Data 1680, Informatica : an international journal of computing and informatics, vol. 2, 1979 [COBISS: 10165287]