Ivan Tomasic

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Received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Zagreb in 2013. During his Ph.D. study he was a researcher at the Department of Communication Systems, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, where he is currently a research fellow.

He also works at Mälardalen University, School of Innovation, Design and Engineering (IDT), Sweden as an associate professor. His research interests include remote health monitoring, applied statistical analysis, data storage and analysis, industrial intelligent systems.

Personal Bibliography


I. Tomašić, A. Prkic, A. Lešin, D. Kalibović Govorko, I. Medvedec Mikić; Respiratory rate estimation from a single lead ECG obtained during dental surgery, Mipro 2024 : hybrid convention, 2024 [DOI: 10.1109/MIPRO60963.2024.10569970.][COBISS: 204141315]
J. Sović, S. Šegović, J. Matijevic, I. Tomašić; Endodontic continuing education of dental practitioners in Croatia : a nationwide survey, Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, vol. 12, 2024 [DOI: 10.3889/oamjms.2024.11944][COBISS: 217062659]
J. Sović, S. Šegović, B. Pavelić, I. Bago, I. Šutej, I. Tomašić; Patterns of antibiotic prescription in endodontic therapy in the republic of Croatia, Antibiotics, vol. 13, 2024 [DOI: 10.3390/antibiotics13070645][COBISS: 204139267]


I. Tomašić, A. Prkic, A. Lesin, D. Kalibović Govorko, N. Tomašić, I. Medvedec Mikić; Heart rate variability monitoring with savvy ECG sensor during dental surgery, Proceedings of the International Convention MIPRO : 46th MIPRO ICT and Electronics Convention (MIPRO), 2023 [DOI: 10.23919/MIPRO57284.2023.10159941][COBISS: 166555651]


E. Carmegren, E. Åstrand, I. Tomašić; Dependability evaluation of an online pupillometry-based feedback system for optimized training, 2022 45th Jubilee International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO) : May 23-27, 2022, Opatija, Croatia, 2022 [COBISS: 166561283]


I. Tomašić, R. Trobec, M. Linden; State-space versus linear regression models between ECG leads, MIPRO 2021 : 44th International Convention, September 27 - October 1, 2021, Opatija, Croatia, MIPRO ..., 2021 [COBISS: 81657859]
A. Lešin, I. Medvedec Mikić, R. Bandić, K. Vodanović, I. Vuković Kekez, T. Bečić, I. Tomašić, K. Vukojević, D. Kalibović Govorko; Wireless ECG device for heart rhythm monitoring during dental extractions-a pilot study : a pilot study, 6th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies, 8-11 September 2021, [Split and Bol, Croatia], 2021 [DOI: 10.23919/SpliTech52315.2021.9566379][COBISS: 166590723]
A. Prkic, I. Tomašić, A. Lešin, T. Bečić, D. Kalibović Govorko, I. Medvedec Mikić; Using patch ECG device during lower third molar surgery, International journal of reliable and quality e-healthcare, vol. 10, 2021 [DOI: 10.4018/IJRQEH.2021100102][COBISS: 167556867]


A. Rashkovska, M. Depolli, I. Tomašić, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec; Medical-grade ECG sensor for long-term monitoring, Sensors, vol. 20, 2020 [DOI: 10.3390/s20061695][COBISS: 33290791] ::
N. Tomašić, H. Kotarsky, R. De Oliveira Figueiredo, E. Frühwald Hansson, M. Mörgelin, I. Tomašić, V. Fellman; Fasting reveals largely intact systemic lipid mobilization mechanisms in respiratory chain complex III deficient mice, Biochimica et biophysica acta. Molecular basis of disease., vol. 1866, 2020 [DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.bbadis.2019.165573][COBISS: 166588675]
J. Sović, S. Šegović, I. Tomašić, B. Pavelić, I. Šutej, I. Anić; Antibiotic administration along with endodontic therapy in the Republic of Croatia : a pilot study = Primjena antibiotika tijekom endodontskog liječenja u Republici Hrvatskoj : pilot-studija, The online Acta stomatologica Croatica, vol. 54, 2020 [DOI: 10.15644/asc54/3/9][COBISS: 166528515]
H. Nitz Petterson, J. Rehnholm, S. Vikström, M. Åslund, E. Åstrand, I. Tomašić; Iris identification using wavelet decomposition and Gabor filter, MIPRO 2020 : 43nd International Convention, September 28 - October 2, 2020, Opatija, Croatia, 2020 [COBISS: 167175939]


R. Trobec, M. Jan, M. Linden, I. Tomašić; Detection and treatment of atrial irregular rhythm with body gadgets and 35-channel ECG, MIPRO 2019 : 42nd International Convention, May 20 -24, 2019, Opatija, Croatia, MIPRO ..., 2019 [COBISS: 32375591]
I. Tomašić, A. Rashkovska, R. Trobec, M. Linden; The implications of the lead theory on the patch ECG devices positioning and measurement, World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2018, June 3-8, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic ; (Vol. 1), IFMBE proceedings, 2019 [DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-9035-6_128][COBISS: 31842087]
I. Tomašić, N. Petrović, M. Linden, A. Rashkovska; Comparison of publicly available beat detection algorithms performances on the ECGs obtained by a patch ECG device, MIPRO 2019 : 42nd International Convention, May 20 -24, 2019, Opatija, Croatia, MIPRO ..., 2019 [DOI: 10.23919/MIPRO.2019.8756769][COBISS: 32388903]
N. Petrović, I. Tomašić, M. Linden, P. Risman; Detection of human bodypart abnormalities by microwaves : a new approach, MIPRO 2019 : 42nd International Convention, May 20 -24, 2019, Opatija, Croatia, 2019 [COBISS: 167185923]
J. Sović, S. Šegović, I. Tomašić, N. Galic, B. Pavelić; An estimation of current trends in using endometers, magnification and rubber dam in endondontic practice in Croatia, ESE 2019 : Vienna calling, 2019 [COBISS: 167531011]


I. Tomašić, N. Tomašić, R. Trobec, M. Krpan, T. Kelava; Continuous remote monitoring of COPD patients-justification and explanation of the requirements and a survey of the available technologies, Medical & biological engineering & computing : journal of the International Federation for Medical & Biological Engineering, vol. 56, 2018 [DOI: 10.1007/s11517-018-1798-z][COBISS: 31258151]
M. Ahmed, H. Fotouhi, U. Köckemann, I. Tomašić, N. Tsiftes, T. Voigt; Run-time assurance for the E-care@home system, Lecture notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 2018 [DOI: doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-76213-5_15][COBISS: 166639619]
G. Gardašević, H. Fotouhi, I. Tomašić, M. Vahabi, M. Björkman, M. Linden; A heterogeneous IoT-based architecture for remote monitoring of physiological and environmental parameters, Lecture notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 2018 [DOI: doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-76213-5_7][COBISS: 166701571]
I. Tomašić, K. Khosraviani, P. Rosengren, M. Jörntén-Karlsson, M. Linden; Enabling IoT based monitoring of patients’ environmental parameters: experiences from using OpenMote with OpenWSN and Contiki-NG, 2018 41st International Conventionon Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), May 21-25, Opatija, Croatia : proceeding, 2018 [DOI: 10.23919/MIPRO.2018.8400063][COBISS: 166632195]
R. Trobec, I. Tomašić, A. Rashkovska, M. Depolli, V. Avbelj; Body sensors and electrocardiography, 2018 [COBISS: 30759719] ::


R. Trobec, V. Avbelj, U. Stanič, M. Depolli, A. Rashkovska, I. Tomašić, T. Krištofelc, K. Bregar, G. Kosec; System for mobile monitoring of vital functions and environmental context : [presented at Biosensots 2016, 25-27 May 2016, Gothenburg, Sweden], Procedia technology, vol. 27, 2017 [DOI: 10.1016/j.protcy.2017.04.068][COBISS: 31188519]
I. Tomašić, A. Andersson, P. Funk; Mixed-effect models for the analysis and optimization of sheet-metal assembly processes, IEEE transactions on industrial informatics, vol. 13, 2017 [DOI: 10.1109/TII.2017.2670062][COBISS: 166597379]
I. Tomašić, N. Petrović, H. Fotouhi, M. Linden, M. Björkman; Data flow and collection for remote patients monitoring: from wireless sensors through a relational database to a web interface in real time, EMBEC & NBC 2017, Lecture notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 2017 [DOI: doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-5122-7_23][COBISS: 166742531]


I. Tomašić, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec; Smart wireless sensor for physiological monitoring, pHealth 2015 : proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health, 2-4 June 2015, Vasteras, Sweden, 2015 [COBISS: 28864295]
I. Tomašić, R. Trobec, A. Rashkovska, M. Linden; Impact of electrode misplacement on the accuracy of 12-lead ECG synthesized from differential leads, MIPRO 2015 : proceedings, MIPRO ..., 2015 [COBISS: 28613415]
R. Trobec, V. Avbelj, U. Stanič, M. Depolli, A. Rashkovska, I. Tomašić, T. Krištofelc, K. Bregar, G. Kosec; Sistem za mobilno spremljanje vitalnih fizioloških parametrov in konteksta okolja, 2015 [COBISS: 29048359]


I. Tomašić, R. Trobec; Electrocardiographic systems with reduced numbers of leads - synthesis of the 12-lead ECG, IEEE reviews in biomedical engineering, vol. 7, 2014 [DOI: 10.1109/RBME.2013.2264282][COBISS: 26914343] ::
I. Tomašić, A. Andersson, P. Funk; Automating a car production line adjustments by using case-based reasoning, The 6th Swedish Production Symposium : September 16-18, 2014, Gothenburg, 2014 [COBISS: 167538691]


I. Tomašić, A. Rashkovska, M. Depolli, R. Trobec; A comparison of hadoop tools for analyzing tabular data, Informatica : an international journal of computing and informatics, vol. 37, 2013 [COBISS: 26914855] ::
I. Tomašić, R. Magjarević, R. Trobec; Personalized synthesis of the 12-lead ECG from bipolar leads : doctoral thesis = Personalizirana sinteza 12-kanalnog EKG-a iz bipolarnog odvoda : doktorski rad, 2013 [COBISS: 27284775]
I. Tomašić, A. Rashkovska, M. Depolli; Using hadoop MapReduce in a multicluster environment, MIPRO 2013 : Mipro proceedings, 2013 [COBISS: 26758439]
I. Tomašić, R. Trobec, R. Magjarević; Principal component analysis of differential electrocardiographic leads - leads a Contribution to the synthesis of ECGs, The International Conference on Health Informatics : Ichi 2013, Vilamoura, Portugal on 7-9 November, 2013, 2013 [COBISS: 27249447]
I. Tomašić, S. Frljak, R. Trobec; Estimating the universal positions of wireless body electrodes for measuring cardiac electrical activity, IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering, vol. 60, 2013 [DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2013.2276291][COBISS: 26915367] ::


A. Rashkovska, I. Tomašić, A. Rashkovska, K. Bregar, R. Trobec; Remote monitoring of vital functions - Proof-of-Concept system, MIPRO 2012 : 35th International Convention, May 21-25, 2012, Opatija - Adriaric Coast, Croatia, 2012 [COBISS: 25845799]
I. Tomašić, J. Ugovšek, A. Rashkovska, R. Trobec; Multicluster hadoop distributed file system, MIPRO 2012 : 35th International Convention, May 21-25, 2012, Opatija - Adriaric Coast, Croatia, 2012 [COBISS: 25845543]
I. Tomašić, R. Trobec, A. Rashkovska, M. Depolli, P. Mežnar, A. Lipej; BigData and MapReduce with Hadoop, Proceedings of the 1th International Conference on CLoud Assisted ServiceS, Bled, Slovenia, October 22 -25 : CLASS, 2012 [COBISS: 26297639]


R. Trobec, I. Tomašić; Synthesis of the 12-lead electrocardiogram from differential leads, IEEE transactions on information technology in biomedicine, vol. 15, 2011 [DOI: 10.1109/TITB.2011.2159236][COBISS: 24909607] ::
I. Tomašić, R. Trobec; Optimized positioning of ECG electrodes for WSN applications, 2011 [COBISS: 24198695]
A. Rashkovska, I. Tomašić, R. Trobec; A telemedicine application : ECG data from wireless body sensors on a smartphone, Proceedings. [Vol. 1, MEET & GVS], 2011 [COBISS: 24783399] ::


A. Rashkovska, M. Depolli, I. Tomašić, V. Avbelj, R. Trobec; Sensor networks in telemedicine and telecare = Senzorska omrežja za telemedicino in teleoskrbo : Prosense, Brezžična senzorska omrežja, Mala in srednja podjeta, 19-21 maj 2010, Ljubljana, 2010 [COBISS: 25886503]
I. Tomašić, R. Trobec, V. Avbelj; Multivariate linear regression based synthesis of 12-lead ECG from three bipolar leads, HEALTHINF 2010 : proceedings of the Third International Conference on Health Informatics Valencia, Spain January 20 - 23, 2010, 2010 [COBISS: 23395111]


I. Tomašić, K. Skala, R. Trobec; Principal component analysis and visualization in optimization and personalization of lead's set for generation of standard 12-lead ECG, MIPRO 2008 : 31st International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, May 26-30, 2008, Opatija Croatia. [vol. 1], Microelectronics, electronics and electronic technologies, MEET, Grid and visualizayion systems, GVS, 2008 [COBISS: 21881639]