Filip Strniša

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Received his M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering at the University of Ljubljana. He is currently a research assistant at the Department of Communication Systems, Jožef Stefan Institute. Among his research interests are modelling transport phenomena, the lattice Boltzmann method, and parallel computing.


Medusa: coordinate free implementation of meshless methods


Inertial effects on fluid flow in complex porous media

Decay of an invasive ctenophore blooms as a perturbation to the coastal marine microbial community

Forecasting tap changer regulatory maintenance with advanced analytics

Personal Bibliography


F. Strniša, M. Jančič, G. Kosec; Numerical analysis of small-strain elasto-plastic deformation using local radial basis function approximation with Picard iteration, Applied mathematical modelling, vol. 137, 2025 [DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2024.115714][COBISS: 208700163] ::


F. Strniša, T. Tinta, G. Herndl, G. Kosec; Dynamic population modeling of Bacterioplankton community response to gelatinous marine zooplankton bloom collapse and its impact on marine nutrient balance, Progress in oceanography, 2024 [DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2024.103312][COBISS: 202508291]


F. Strniša, M. Vodopivec, G. Kosec; Computational performance aspects of CROCO-BFM coupling, Proceedings of the International Convention MIPRO : 46th MIPRO ICT and Electronics Convention (MIPRO), 2023 [COBISS: 153597955]


F. Strniša, I. Plazl, T. Urbič, A. Pohar, J. Reščič, B. Zelić; Večnivojsko modeliranje kemijskih in biokemijskih procesov v mikrofluidnih napravah = Multiscale modelling of chemical and biochemical processes in microfluidic devices : doktorska disertacija, 2022 [COBISS: 108519683]
M. Vodopivec, F. Strniša, G. Kosec; Coupling the Coastal and Regional Ocean COmmunity model (CROCO) with the Biogeochemical Flux Model (BFM), EGU General Assembly 2022 : Vienna, Austria & Online, 2022 [DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-4666][COBISS: 113845507]
F. Strniša, M. Jančič, G. Kosec; Meshless simulation of infinitesimal elastoplastic deformation of a 3D body, Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology : 23-25 August, 2022, Montpellier, 2022 [COBISS: 141486595]
M. Jančič, F. Strniša, G. Kosec; Implicit-explicit error indicator based on approximation order, 7th Multidisciplinary Conference on Computer and Energy Science, (SpliTech), hybrid, 5-8 July 2022, Split, Croatia, 2022 [COBISS: 118739203]
F. Strniša, M. Jančič, G. Kosec; A meshless solution of a small-strain plasticity problem, 2022 45th Jubilee International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO) : May 23-27, 2022, Opatija, Croatia, 2022 [DOI: 10.23919/MIPRO55190.2022.9803585][COBISS: 114153987]


F. Strniša, T. Vikram Sagar, P. Djinović, A. Pintar, I. Plazl; Ni-containing CeO [sub] 2 rods for dry reforming of methane : activity tests and a multiscale lattice Boltzmann model analysis in two model geometries, Chemical engineering journal, 2021 [DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2020.127498][COBISS: 34724867]
F. Strniša, G. Kosec; A model for jellyfish detritus decay through microbial processing, MIPRO 2021 : 44th International Convention, September 27 - October 1, 2021, Opatija, Croatia, MIPRO ..., 2021 [COBISS: 85504771]


F. Strniša, P. Žnidaršič Plazl, I. Plazl; Lattice Boltzmann modeling-based design of a membrane-free liquid-liquid microseparator, Chemical and biochemical engineering quarterly, vol. 34, 2020 [DOI: 10.15255/CABEQ.2020.1781][COBISS: 24458755]
F. Strniša, T. Urbič, I. Plazl; A lattice Boltzmann study of 2D steady and unsteady flows around a confined cylinder, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, vol. 42, 2020 [DOI: 10.1007/s40430-020-2176-y][COBISS: 1538517699]
T. Vikram Sagar, F. Strniša, P. Djinović, I. Plazl, A. Pintar; A comprehensive study of catalysis and multiscale modelling of dry methane reforming over Ni/CeO2-R catalyst, Engineering materials for catalysis : book of abstracts, 2020 [COBISS: 31185923]


F. Strniša, T. Vikram Sagar, P. Djinović, I. Plazl, A. Pintar; Lattice boltzmann modeling of a packed-bed microreactor for the methane dry reforming, Zbornik povzetkov, 2019 [COBISS: 40218117]
F. Strniša, T. Urbič, P. Žnidaršič Plazl, I. Plazl; Process intensification and miniaturization of chemical and biochemical processes : [lecture], 29th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering : [ESCAPE29, Eidhoven, June 16th to 19th, 2019], 2019 [DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-818634-3.50301-5][COBISS: 1538384067]


F. Strniša, M. Bajić, P. Panjan, I. Plazl, A. Sesay, P. Žnidaršič Plazl; Characterization of an enzymatic packed-bed microreactor : experiments and modeling, Chemical engineering journal, 2018 [DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2018.05.028][COBISS: 1537783747]
F. Strniša, T. Urbič, P. Žnidaršič Plazl, I. Plazl; Complex flows in microfluidic devices : model verification and validation : [lecture], IMRET 2018 : book of abstracts, 2018 [COBISS: 1538010051]


G. Kalčíková, A. Jurinjak Tušek, F. Strniša, B. Zelić, P. Žnidaršič Plazl; Book of extended abstracts, 2017 [COBISS: 289818112]
D. Valikhani, J. Bolivar, F. Strniša, D. McIlroy, P. Žnidaršič Plazl, B. Nidetzky; Use of silica nanosprings and electrospun nanofibers for the development of wall-coated enzyme microreactors, Book of extended abstracts, 2017 [COBISS: 1537422019]
F. Strniša, M. Bajić, P. Panjan, T. Urbič, P. Žnidaršič Plazl, A. Sesay, I. Plazl; Experimental and theoretical evaluation of residence time distribution in miniaturized packed bed reactors with Novozym [sup] R 435 : [poster spotlight], Book of extended abstracts, 2017 [COBISS: 1537424067]


T. Urbič, I. Plazl, A. Prašnikar, F. Strniša; Multiscale modeling concept at the micro scale, ESCAPE 26, 2016 [COBISS: 1537010883]
F. Strniša, I. Plazl, T. Urbič; Uporaba mrežne Boltzmannove metode za modeliranje transportnih pojavov v mikrofluidnih napravah : magistrsko delo, 2016 [COBISS: 1537133763]


K. Kržišnik, J. Aupič, P. Papež, M. Dlouhy, A. Šinkovec, I. Pribec, F. Strniša, A. Prašnikar, M. Komavec, E. Slejko, T. Urbič, M. Lubej; Uporaba računalniških orodij pri načrtovanju in optimizaciji procesov v kemiji in kemijskem inženirstvu : končno poročilo o izvedenih projektnih aktivnostih : projekt Po kreativni poti do praktičnega znanja, Javni sklad Republike Slovenije za razvoj kadrov in štipendije, za obdobje od 1. 2. 2015 do 31. 7. 2015, 2015 [COBISS: 1536851907]
F. Strniša, I. Plazl, T. Urbič; Simulation of flows using the Lattice Boltzmann method, Implementation of microreactor technology in biotechnology : book of extended abstracts, 2015 [COBISS: 1536303811]
F. Strniša, I. Plazl, T. Urbič; Simulacija tokov z mrežno Boltzmannovo metodo = Simulation of flows using the Lattice Boltzmann method, Zbornik referatov in povzetkov, 2015 [COBISS: 1536638403]


F. Strniša, I. Plazl; Mezo nivo modeliranja procesov v mikrosistemih : diplomsko delo, 2014 [COBISS: 1536075459]