Andrej Lipej

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Graduated at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics in 1984 and obtained Ph.D. in 1999 at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana. He began his professional career in 1984 at Turboinštitut as a researcher and completed it in 2013 as Head of Basic Research. From 2013 he is full time employed at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Novo mesto. In 2010 he became a part time member of Parallel and Distributed Systems Laboratory (IJS). His main research work includes computational fluid dynamics, design of hydraulic machines and optimization methods. He is a member of executive committee of International Association for Hydraulic research, section of Hydraulic Machinery and Systems since 2008.

Personal Bibliography


J. Hrovatič, A. Lipej; Numerična simulacija polža ekstrudorja : magistrsko delo, 2024 [COBISS: 210862083]
T. Mislaj, A. Lipej; Numerična analiza vpliva debeline lopatic centrifugalnih črpalk na energetske karakteristike : diplomska naloga visokošolskega strokovnega študija, 2024 [COBISS: 192963331]
E. Hozdić, A. Lipej, M. Soković; Inženirsko prototipiranje in testiranje : od teorije do prakse: nove dimenzije v sodobnem razvoju izdelkov, 2024 [COBISS: 210362371]
M. Štefanič, A. Lipej; Analiza kavitacije v hidravličnih strojih : zaključno poročilo o rezultatih raziskovalnega internega projekta, 2024 [COBISS: 209115651]
M. Ocepek, A. Lipej; Numerical and experimental analysis of guide vane pivot torque prediction in the reversible pump -turbine, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Proceedings Part A, Journal of power and energy, 2024 [DOI: 10.1177/09576509241309967][COBISS: 224035331]


A. Hodžić, E. Hozdić, M. Grivec, A. Lipej; RIM 2023 : electronic proceedings = elektronski zbornik radova : Delopment and Modernization of Manufacturing = Razvoj i modernizacija proizvodnje : 14th International Scientific Conference on Manufacturing Engineering = 14. međunarodna naučna konferencija o proizvodnem inženjerstvu : Sarajevo, 20.-22. septembar 2023, 2023 [COBISS: 173194499]
J. Stanič, A. Lipej; Uporaba numerične analize toka s prosto površino pri regulaciji Peltonove turbine : diplomska naloga visokošolskega strokovnega študija, 2023 [COBISS: 176369155]
G. Urbančič, A. Lipej; Analiza vpliva števila lopatic na na energetske karakteristike vetrnih turbin : diplomska naloga visokošolskega strokovnega študija, 2023 [COBISS: 172247299]
E. Hozdić, A. Lipej, M. Soković; Napredni proizvodni sistemi : osnove za strukturiranje, modeliranje, upravljanje, vodenje in krmiljenje : [znanstvena monografija], 2023 [COBISS: 169852419]
M. Štefanič, A. Lipej; Numerical investigation and experimental validation of different air flow conditioners using up - and down - stream pipeline, Journal of applied fluid mechanics, vol. 16, 2023 [DOI: 10.47176/jafm.16.05.1574][COBISS: 144166659]
A. Lipej, M. Štefanič; Design of hydraulic machines with the use of the numerical methods, RIM 2023 : electronic proceedings, 2023 [COBISS: 173716227]


A. Lipej; Mehanika kontinuuma : 1. del : Elastomehanika : 2021/2022, 2022 [COBISS: 100044547]
A. Lipej; Energetski stroji in naprave : 2021/2022, 2022 [COBISS: 98803459]
A. Lipej, M. Štefanič, S. Muhič, P. Kunaver; Numerical and experimental study of mechanical oscillation energy, Tehnički vjesnik : znanstveno-stručni časopis tehničkih fakulteta Sveučilišta u Osijeku = Technical gazette : scientific-professional journal of technical faculties of the University of Osijek, vol. 29, 2022 [DOI: 10.17559/TV-20201020104034][COBISS: 91758339]
A. Lipej; Mehanika 2 : mehanika tekočin : študijsko gradivo 2021/2022, 2022 [COBISS: 95720963]
A. Lipej; Mehanika kontinuuma : 2. del : hidrodinamika : študijsko gradivo 2021/2022, 2022 [COBISS: 98490371]
A. Lipej; Planiranje in vodenje projektov : študijsko gradivo 2021/2022, 2022 [COBISS: 95712259]
M. Račič, A. Lipej; Analiza aerodinamike aeroprofila vetrne turbine : diplomska naloga visokošolskega strokovnega študija, 2022 [COBISS: 122548483]
J. Jurečič, A. Lipej; Analiza vpliva evaporativnega hlajenja vstopnega zraka na obratovanje plinskih blokov : diplomska naloga visokošolskega strokovnega študija, 2022 [COBISS: 98049795]
M. Andoljšek, A. Lipej; Eksperimentalni razvoj mikro vetrne turbine : diplomska naloga visokošolskega strokovnega študija, 2022 [COBISS: 98035203]
P. Pflege, A. Lipej; Trdnostna analiza vpetja odmične rotacijske kosilnice na mulčerju : diplomska naloga visokošolskega strokovnega študija, 2022 [COBISS: 110044419]
A. Lipej; Hidravlični stroji : črpalke : učno gradivo 2021/2022, 2022 [COBISS: 98943747]
A. Lipej; Challenges in the numerical analysis of centrifugal pumps : energetic, cavitation and dynamic characteristics, Engineering, technology & applied science research, vol. 12, 2022 [DOI: 10.48084/etasr.4647][COBISS: 97147907]


A. Lipej; CFD analysis in mechanical engineering - turbulence modelling, online lecture at Ss. Cyril and Methodius university in Skopje, Faculty of mechanical engineering, Skopje, 20. 12. 2021, 2021 [COBISS: 90811651]
A. Lipej; CFD analysis in hydraulic machinery, online lecture at Ss. Cyril and Methodius university in Skopje, Faculty of mechanical engineering, Skopje, 22. 12. 2021, 2021 [COBISS: 90820867]
A. Lipej; Mehanika 2 : kinematika in dinamika : študijsko gradivo 2021/2022, 2021 [COBISS: 78916611]
A. Lipej; Flow conditions influence on the instability of a pump characteristic, Journal of applied fluid mechanics, vol. 14, 2021 [DOI: 10.47176/jafm.14.04.32464][COBISS: 73539587]
B. Popovski, A. Lipej; Numerical aided design of Pelton nozzle jet deflector, Journal of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, vol. 5(45), 2021 [DOI: 10.30464/jmee.2021.5.2.149][COBISS: 90595331]
A. Lipej; Analysis of free surface flow in Pelton turbine using Lattice Boltzmann Method, Mechanical Engineering Scientific Journal = Mašinsko inženerstvo naučno spisanie, vol. 39, 2021 [DOI: 10.55302/MESJ21391-2641025l][COBISS: 95859971]
A. Lipej, D. Mitruševski, S. Muhič; Vpliv hrapavosti na karakteristike črpalk, Engineering - a world of new opportunities : proceedings of the 9th AMES International Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, December 15th, 2020, 2021 [COBISS: 50322947]


A. Lipej; Analysis of numerical instability of centrifugal pumps operational characteristics, Journal of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, vol. 4(44), 2020 [DOI: 10.30464/jmee.2020.4.4.357][COBISS: 73641987]


A. Lipej, S. Muhič, D. Mitruševski; Wall roughness influence on the NPSH characteristics of centrifugal pumps, 29th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems : September 17[i.e. 16]-21, 2018, Kyoto (Japan), IOP Conference Series : Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 240, 2019 [DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/240/3/032019][COBISS: 514865527]
M. Ocepek, Z. Peršin, I. Kern, V. Djelić, S. Muhič, A. Lipej; Experimental and numerical analysis of cavitation and pressure fluctuations in large high head propeller turbine, IAHR International Workshop on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems : 9-11 October 2019, Stuttgart, Germany, IOP Conference Series : Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 405, 2019 [DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/405/1/012032][COBISS: 62894083]
B. Popovski, A. Lipej, Z. Markov, P. Popovski; Optimisation of Pelton turbine jet deflector using CFD analysis, 29th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems : September 17[i.e. 16]-21, 2018, Kyoto (Japan), IOP Conference Series : Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 240, 2019 [COBISS: 514880119]


D. Zofič, A. Lipej; Optimizacija hidravlične oblike gonilnika centrifugalne črpalke : magistrsko delo, 2018 [COBISS: 514737783]
A. Lipej; Usage of supercomputers in development process of hydraulic machines, Conference Proceedings, 2018 [COBISS: 514813815]


A. Lipej, S. Muhič, D. Mitruševski; Wall roughness influence on the efficiency characteristics of centrifugal pump, Strojniški vestnik = Journal of mechanical engineering, vol. 63, 2017 [DOI: 10.5545/sv-jme.2017.4526][COBISS: 514702199]
B. Popovski, A. Lipej; Izbor na tipot i geometrijata na uredot za otklonuvanje na mlazot kaj Pelton turbina od aspekt na optimalni konstruktivni parametri : doktorska disertacija, 2017 [COBISS: 514696311]
S. Muhič, L. Paroussos, P. Capros, P. Novak, A. Lipej, B. Zupančič; Priprava dolgoročnih energetskih bilanc do leta 2035 in okvirno do leta 2055 : končno poročilo = Preparation of long term energy balances until 2035 and indicatively till 2055 : final report, 2017 [COBISS: 514636663]


A. Lipej, D. Mitruševski, B. Zafošnik; Energetic, structural and thermal fatigue analysis of heavy duty process pumps, 28th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, July 4-8th, 2016, Grenoble (France) : book of abstracts, 2016 [COBISS: 514513015]
A. Lipej, S. Muhič, D. Mitruševski; Analiza vstopnega vrtinca pri centrifugalnih črpalkah, Akademija strojništva 2016 : inženirstvo - sodelovanje industrijskega in akademskega okolja za kakovostnejše življenje, Svet strojništva, letn. 5, 2016 [COBISS: 514526839]
S. Muhič, A. Lipej, B. Zupančič, A. Ašič Vodopivec; Akreditacija-3. stopnja Sonaravne tehnologije in sistemi v strojništvu, 2016 [COBISS: 514754679]
A. Lipej, S. Muhič, D. Mitruševski; CFD analysis of inlet recirculation in centrifugal pumps : ISimT-16, Symposim on Innovative Simulations in Turnomachinery, 28-29 November 2016, Regensburg, Germany, 2016 [COBISS: 30092071]
A. Lipej, D. Mitruševski; Numerical prediction of inlet recirculation in pumps, International journal of fluid machinery and systems, vol. 9, 2016 [COBISS: 514503799]
A. Lipej, D. Mitruševski, B. Zafošnik; Energetic, structural, thermal and fatigue analysis of heavy duty process pumps, IOP Conference Series : Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 49, 2016 [DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/49/7/072010][COBISS: 30091815]
A. Lipej; 28th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, July 4-8th, 2016, Grenoble (France) : book of abstracts, 2016 [COBISS: 514512759]


A. Lipej; Numerical prediction of torque on guide vanes in a reversible pump-turbine : turbine and pump mode operation, Journal of multidisciplinary engineering science and technology, vol. 2, 2015 [COBISS: 514238839]
A. Lipej; Unsteady CFD analysis in hydraulic machines : lecture at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 14. 10. 2015-17. 10. 2015, 2015 [COBISS: 514242167]
A. Lipej, S. Muhič, A. Bergant, M. Dular, D. Jošt, A. Lipej, S. Muhič, A. Škerlavaj; Cavitation and dynamic problems : proceedings, 2015 [COBISS: 280932352]
R. Grom, A. Lipej; Meritve izkoristka in določitev optimalnega razmerja odprtja vodilnika in gonilnika cevne turbine HE Vrhovo : magistrsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija, 2015 [COBISS: 514104183]


J. Zakšek, A. Lipej; Razvoj in optimizacija preventivnega vzdrževanjav verigi HE : diplomska naloga visokošolskega strokovnega študija, 2014 [COBISS: 513935479]
T. Omrzel, A. Lipej; Operativni postopek kontrole analize mazalnega medija v verigi hidroelektrarn : diplomska naloga visokošolskega strokovnega študija, 2014 [COBISS: 513934967]
J. Brulc, A. Lipej; Določanje optimalnih karakteristik črpalk za oskrbo z vodo v višjeležečih predelih : diplomska naloga visokošolskega strokovnega študija, 2014 [COBISS: 513934711]
A. Lipej; Computational fluid dynamics in hydraulic machinery : lecture at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 14. 5. 2014-17. 5. 2014, 2014 [COBISS: 513954167]
D. Jošt, A. Škerlavaj, A. Lipej; Improvement of efficiency prediction for a Kaplan turbine with advanced turbulence models, Strojniški vestnik = Journal of mechanical engineering, vol. 60, 2014 [DOI: 10.5545/sv-jme.2013.1222][COBISS: 13354267]
D. Stadler, D. Čelič, A. Lipej, F. Kosel; Modified Cholesky decomposition for solving the moment matrix in the radial point interpolation method, International journal of computational methods, no. 6, 2014 [DOI: 10.1142/S0219876213500886][COBISS: 13807899]
A. Škerlavaj, L. Škerget, J. Ravnik, A. Lipej; Predicting free-surface vortices with single-phase simulations, Engineering applications of computational fluid mechanics, vol. 8, 2014 [COBISS: 17878550]


F. Vehar, A. Lipej, R. Pavlin, A. Škerlavaj, B. Jančar, M. Černec; Numerical and experimental design of multi-stage orifice FWRO-004, Proceedings, 2013 [COBISS: 514240887]


A. Lipej; HPC in regional panel, : exchange ideas & share knowledge, 2012 [COBISS: 30091559]
A. Škerlavaj, J. Ravnik, L. Škerget, A. Lipej; Numerične simulacije toka tekočine v vtočnem bazenu vertikalne črpalke = Numerical simulations of flow in pump intakes, Zbornik del, 2012 [COBISS: 16312086]
A. Lipej; Uporaba superračunalnika v industrijski praksi : kakovost je posledica vlaganja v razvoj in raziskave, Kakovost, 2012 [COBISS: 514239351]
A. Lipej, D. Čelič, B. Tartinville, M. Mezine, C. Hirsch; Reduction of CPU time for CFD analysis of hydraulic machinery development process, IOP Conference Series : Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 15, 2012 [DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/15/6/062011][COBISS: 26520615]
D. Jošt, A. Škerlavaj, A. Lipej; Numerical flow simulation and efficiency prediction for axial turbines by advanced turbulence models, IOP Conference Series : Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 15, 2012 [DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/15/6/062016][COBISS: 26520359]
A. Škerlavaj, M. Titzshkau, R. Pavlin, F. Vehar, P. Mežnar, A. Lipej; Cavitation improvement of double suction centrifugal pump HPP Fuhren, IOP Conference Series : Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 15, 2012 [DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/15/2/022009][COBISS: 26520103]
F. Reškovski, Z. Markov, A. Lipej, B. Širok; Numerical prediction of Karman vortex street phenomenon in NACA 4421 aerofoil wake, Mechanical Engineering Scientific Journal = Mašinsko inženerstvo naučno spisanie, vol. 30, 2012 [COBISS: 13387803]
I. Tomašić, R. Trobec, A. Rashkovska, M. Depolli, P. Mežnar, A. Lipej; BigData and MapReduce with Hadoop, Proceedings of the 1th International Conference on CLoud Assisted ServiceS, Bled, Slovenia, October 22 -25 : CLASS, 2012 [COBISS: 26297639]


B. Popovski, A. Lipej; Numerička analiza na struenjeto i opteretuvanjeto na rabotni delovi kaj Pelton turbina : magisterski trud, 2011 [COBISS: 94556170]
D. Stadler, F. Kosel, D. Čelič, A. Lipej; Mesh deformation based on artificial neural networks, International journal of computational fluid dynamics, vol. 25, 2011 [DOI: 10.1080/10618562.2011.619500][COBISS: 12070171]
A. Škerlavaj, L. Škerget, J. Ravnik, A. Lipej; Choice of a turbulence model for pump intakes, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Proceedings Part A, Journal of power and energy, vol. 225, 2011 [DOI: 10.1177/0957650911403870][COBISS: 15259158]
D. Jošt, A. Lipej; Numerical prediction of non-cavitating and cavitating vortex rope in a Francise turbine draft tube, Strojniški vestnik = Journal of mechanical engineering, vol. 57, 2011 [DOI: 10.5545/sv-jme.2010.068][COBISS: 25011751]
A. Škerlavaj, A. Lipej, J. Ravnik, L. Škerget; Surface vortex simulation at selected water temperatures, AJTEC2011, 2011 [COBISS: 14878742]


D. Stadler, F. Kosel, A. Lipej; Uporaba deformacije računskih mrež v CFD analizi Francisove turbine = Usage of mesh deformation in CFD analysis of Francis water turbine, Zbornik del, 2010 [COBISS: 11553563]
D. Jošt, P. Mežnar, A. Lipej; Napoved izkoristka Peltonove turbine z numerično analizo toka = Prediction of Pelton turbine efficiency by numerical flow analysis, Zbornik del, 2010 [COBISS: 24544039]
A. Lipej; High-performance computing in hydraulic machinery research and development : Ljubljana supercomputing centre - LSC Adria at Turboinštitut d. d., Quark, 2010 [COBISS: 514528375]
D. Jošt, P. Mežnar, A. Lipej; Numerical prediction of Pelton turbine efficiency, IOP Conference Series : Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 12, 2010 [DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/12/1/012080][COBISS: 24543271]
A. Škerlavaj, A. Lipej, J. Ravnik, L. Škerget; Turbulence model comparison for a surface vortex simulation, IOP Conference Series : Earth and Environmental Science, 2010 [DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/12/1/012034][COBISS: 14620950]


A. Lipej; Past, present and future of computational fluid dynamics in turbomachinery, Centrifugal pumps : operation and troubleshooting, 2009 [COBISS: 514040951]
A. Lipej, D. Jošt, P. Mežnar, V. Djelić; Numerical prediction of pressure pulsation amplitude for different operating regimens of Francis turbine draft tubes, Proceedings of 24th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, October 27-31, 2008, Foz do Iguassu, Brazil, International journal of fluid machinery and systems, vol. 2, 2009 [COBISS: 24567079]
A. Škerlavaj, F. Vehar, R. Pavlin, A. Lipej; A hydraulic study of cooling water intake structure, Proceedings of the 3rd IAHR International Meeting of the Workgroup on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Brno, October 14-16, 2009, 2009 [COBISS: 24542247]
D. Jošt, A. Lipej; Numerical prediction of the vortex rope in the draft tube, Proceedings of the 3rd IAHR International Meeting of the Workgroup on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Brno, October 14-16, 2009, 2009 [COBISS: 24543527]


A. Lipej, V. Djelić, P. Popovski, Z. Markov; Using HPS CDF for hydromachinery applications, Meǵunarodno sovetuvanje "Energetika 2008" : zbornik na referati, 2008 [COBISS: 14976601]
Z. Markov, P. Popovski, A. Lipej, V. Djelić; On the influence of the Kaplan turbine runner thickness on its stress parameters, Proceedings of the International Conference and Exhibition, Hydro 2008, Ljubljana, October 6-8, 2008 : progressing world hydro development, 2008 [COBISS: 14971993]
D. Jošt, A. Lipej, P. Mežnar; Numerical prediction of efficiency, cavitation and unsteady phenomena in waterturbines, Proceedings, 2008 [COBISS: 14940761]
V. Kercan, V. Djelić, M. Pišljar, R. Pavlin, A. Lipej; Turboinštitut: 60 years dedication to hydropower development, The international journal on hydropower & dams, vol. 15, 2008 [COBISS: 14971737]
A. Lipej, D. Jošt, P. Mežnar, V. Djelić; Numerical prediction of pressure pulsation amplitude for different operating regimes of Francis turbine draft tube, 24th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, October 27-31, 2008, Foz do Iguassu, Brazil, 2008 [COBISS: 14972505]


D. Jošt, A. Lipej, P. Mežnar; Numerična analiza toka v peltonovi turbini = Numerical analysis of a flow in a Pelton turbine, Zbornik del, 2007 [COBISS: 14936921]
D. Jošt, A. Lipej, V. Schweiger; Numerična analiza toka v turbini TS4-L, 2007 [COBISS: 14932057]
D. Jošt, P. Mežnar, A. Lipej; HPP Leierfossene II : CDF Analysis of Francis Turbine, 2007 [COBISS: 14933849]
D. Jošt, P. Mežnar, A. Lipej; HPP Leierfossene I : CDF Analysis of Francis Turbine, 2007 [COBISS: 14933593]
A. Lipej, P. Mežnar, D. Jošt; MHE Škofja Loka : numerična analiza, 2007 [COBISS: 14932313]


A. Lipej, D. Jošt, P. Mežnar, V. Djelić; Numerical analysis of rotor-stator interaction in a reversible pump-turbine-pump mode, 23rd IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Yokohama, Japan, October 17-21, 2006, 2006 [COBISS: 14940505]
D. Jošt, A. Lipej, P. Mežnar; Numerical analysis of dynamic behaviour of flow in a Pelton turbine, IAHR international meeting of working group on cavitation and dynamic problems in hydraulic machinery and systems, 2006 [COBISS: 14937945]
A. Lipej, D. Jošt, P. Mežnar; HPP Kirchbichl : CDF Analysis of Kaplan Turbine, 2006 [COBISS: 14933081]


D. Jošt, V. Schweiger, A. Lipej; HPP Vamma : CDF Analysis of a Double Horizontal Francis Turbine, 2005 [COBISS: 14932825]
B. Širok, M. Rotar, A. Lipej; Študija tokovnih razmer v pretočnem kanalu centrifuge, 2005 [COBISS: 8455707]


A. Lipej; Optimization method for the design of axial hydraulic turbines, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Proceedings Part A, Journal of power and energy, vol. 218, 2004 [COBISS: 918375]
Z. Cvetkovski, Z. Markov, P. Popovski, A. Lipej; Numerical three-dimensional turbulent flow analysis trough a pump-turbine impeller in the turbine modes, Meǵunaroden simpozium "Energetika-2004", 2004 [COBISS: 14937433]
D. Jošt, A. Lipej, V. Schweiger; Numerični izračun toka v odvodnem tunelu francisove turbine = Numerical analysis of the flow in the tunnel behind Francis turbine, Zbornik del, 2004 [COBISS: 14936665]
A. Lipej, P. Mežnar, V. Schweiger; HE Varaždin : numerička analiza strujanja u novoj turbini, 2004 [COBISS: 14931545]
D. Jošt, A. Lipej, V. Schweiger; HE Dubrava : numerička analiza strujanja u postojećoj i novoj turbini, 2004 [COBISS: 14931801]


A. Lipej; Optimizacija aksialnih vodnih turbin = The optimization of axial turbines, Strojniški vestnik = Journal of mechanical engineering, letn. 49, 2003 [COBISS: 6280731]
A. Lipej, M. Gantar, V. Schweiger, R. Pavlin; Hydrodynamic torque converter Ni 1.85. Phase A, Hydraulic design, 2003 [COBISS: 896871]
P. Popovski, A. Lipej, Z. Cvetkovski, Z. Markov, A. Vardy; Numerical prediction and experimental verification of cavitational performances of pump-turbine in the pump mode, Proceeding of the International Conference on Case Studies in Hydraulic Systems - CSHC 03, 2003 [COBISS: 900199]
A. Lipej, V. Schweiger, R. Pavlin; Hydrodynamic torque converter MI 2 with reduced lambda : converter with centripetal turbine of EL type MI2-L0.4-4_2-EL : numerical flow analysis, 2003 [COBISS: 896615]
P. Popovski, A. Lipej, Z. Cvetkovski, Z. Markov; Numerical three-dimensional turbulent flow analysis through a pump-turbine draft tube in the turbine mode, The way forward for hydropower : conference proceedings, 2003 [COBISS: 902247]
D. Jošt, A. Lipej, V. Schweiger; Upper Mamquam Hydro Project : numerični izračun toka, 2003 [COBISS: 14932569]
D. Jošt, A. Lipej, P. Mežnar, V. Schweiger; Izračun toka v kaplanovi, cevni, francisovi in reverzibilni turbini = Numerical analysis of the flow in a kaplan, bulb, francis and pump turbine, Zbornik del, 2003 [COBISS: 6673947]
D. Jošt, A. Lipej, V. Schweiger; Flow in draft tube and tunnel of high head francis turbine, 11th International meeting of the work group on The behavior of hydraulic machinery under steady oscillatory conditions, Stuttgart, Germany, October 8-10, 2003, 2003 [COBISS: 890983]


A. Lipej, D. Jošt, Z. Markov, P. Mežnar; Numerical analysis of cavitation, Proceedings of the International Conference Classics and Fashion in Fluid Machinery : Belgrade, October 18-20, 2002, 2002 [COBISS: 901479]
A. Lipej, D. Jošt, Z. Markov; Numerical prediction of cavitation in water turbines, Proceedings of the 21st IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, 2002 [COBISS: 6673691]
D. Jošt, A. Lipej, V. Schweiger; Misema : numerični izračun toka : poročilo, 2002 [COBISS: 893287]


A. Lipej; CFX-TASCflow at Turboinštitut, CFDS update, 2001 [COBISS: 6674715]
Z. Markov, P. Popovski, A. Lipej; CFD analysis of the hydrodynamic and cavitation performances of modified NACA hydrofoil, Zbornik na trudovi = Proceedings, vol. 20, 2001 [COBISS: 5199899]
M. Gantar, B. Jančar, A. Lipej, P. Mežnar, D. Ermenc, R. Pavlin; Multistage submersible pump U12 150.1, 2001 [COBISS: 895335]
M. Gantar, A. Lipej, P. Mežnar, V. Drekonja, R. Pavlin; Multistage pump HRO 150 : numerical flow analysis, 2001 [COBISS: 896359]
A. Lipej, D. Jošt, V. Drekonja; HE Gojak : numerički proračun strujanja, 2001 [COBISS: 893031]
A. Lipej, D. Jošt, P. Mežnar, V. Drekonja; Francis turbine St. Clair : numerical flow analysis : andino, 2001 [COBISS: 892775]
A. Lipej, D. Jošt, P. Mežnar, V. Drekonja; Francis turbine : numerical flow analysis : trash rack, semi-spiral casing, runner G 14 : andino, 2001 [COBISS: 892263]
A. Lipej, D. Jošt, V. Drekonja; Francis turbine - G15 Borregaard : numerical flow analysis : andino, 2001 [COBISS: 892519]


A. Lipej, C. Poloni; Design of Kaplan runner using multiobjective genetic algorithm optimization = Conception d'une roue de turbine Kaplan á l'aide d'algorithmes d'optimisation multiobjects, Journal of hydraulic research = Journal de recherches hydrauliques, vol. 38, 2000 [COBISS: 5664534]
M. Gantar, A. Lipej, R. Pavlin; Hydrodynamic torque converter MI2 with reduced lambda ; Converter with centripetal turbine MI2-LO.4. Part 1, Numerical flow analysis of basic converter. Nr. 2600-1, 2000 [COBISS: 4100123]
L. Škerget, J. Duhovnik, R. Žavbi, T. Kolšek, L. Kos, J. Tavčar, V. Kercan, B. Širok, V. Djelić, T. Rus, V. Vujanič, Z. Peršin, A. Lipej, D. Jošt, M. Gantar, S. Vučković, A. Bergant, E. Sijamhodžić, E. Hofler, N. Jelić, A. Jenko, K. Kalagasidis; Razvoj hidravličnih karakteristik vodnih turbin : zaključno poročilo o rezultatih aplikativnega raziskovalnega projekta v letu 2000 [za MZT Slovenije], 2000 [COBISS: 5822998]


S. Vučković, A. Lipej, B. Širok; Študija aerodinamskih karakteristik obtekanja rotirajočega kolesa v koaksialnem zračnem toku = Analysis of aerodynamic characteristics of coaxial air flow round rotating wheel, Zbornik del, 1999 [COBISS: 3304475]
A. Lipej, M. Tuma, B. Širok; Analiza toka v gonilnikih aksialnih vodnih turbin ter optimizacija hidravličnih oblik = [Flow analysis through axial runners of water turbines and hydraulic shapes optimization] : disertacija, 1999 [COBISS: 3416347]


D. Jošt, A. Lipej, B. Širok; Comparison between results of components and complete turbine CFD simulation, Računalnik ni subjektiven in negove oči se ne utrudijo : uporaba računalniškega vida v Termu, 1998 [COBISS: 730724]
D. Jošt, A. Lipej, B. Širok; Comparision between results of components and complete turbine CFD simulation, Modelling, testing & monitoring for hydro powerplants : proceedings, Aix-en-Provence, France, October 1998, 1998 [COBISS: 5667862]
A. Lipej, C. Poloni; Design of Kaplan runner using genetic algorithm optimisation, Hydraulic machinery and cavitation : proceedings of the XIX IAHR Symposium, Singapore, 9 - 11 September 1998, 1998 [COBISS: 4125979]


C. poloni, A. Lipej; Progettazione di una turbina Kaplan con codici fluidodinamici viscosi tridimensionali e algoritmi di ottimizzazione, Atti : estratto, Congresso nazionale ATI 52, 22-26 Settembre 1997, Cernobio (CO), 1997 [COBISS: 5668886]
J. Troha, M. Bajd, K. Oberdank, A. Lipej, D. Jošt; Refurbishment and uprating hydro powerplants with model test, Hydropower into the next century, Portorož, 15-17 September, 1997 : conference papers, 1997 [COBISS: 5665046]


D. Jošt, A. Lipej, K. Oberdank, M. Jamnik, B. Velenšek; Numerical flow analysis of a Kaplan turbine = Analyse numérique de l'ecoulement dans une turbine Kaplan, Hydraulic machinery and cavitation : 18th IAHR symposium hydraulic machinery and cavitation, Valencia, Spain, 16th-19th september 1996, 1996 [COBISS: 2327835]
D. Jošt, A. Lipej, K. Oberdank, M. Jamnik, B. Velenšek; Numerical flow analysis of a Kaplan turbine, Hydraulic machinery and cavitation : Proceedings of the 18th IAHR symposium hydraulic machinery and cavitation, Valencia, Spain, 16th-19th september 1996, 1996 [COBISS: 2327579]
V. Kercan, M. Bajd, V. Djelić, A. Lipej, D. Jošt; Model and prototype draft tube pressure pulsation, Hydraulic machinery and cavitation : Proceedings of the 18th IAHR symposium hydraulic machinery and cavitation, Valencia, Spain, 16th-19th september 1996, 1996 [COBISS: 2329883]
V. Kercan, V. Djelić, M. Krušec, T. Rus, Z. Peršin, K. Oberdank, V. Vujanič, B. Vrevc, M. Bajd, A. Lipej, D. Jošt; HE Peruča : razvoj, izrada, i ispitivanja homolognog modela turbine. Br. 2337, 1996 [COBISS: 4100891]
B. Velenšek, A. Lipej, D. Jošt; Highly efficient parallel 3D CFD codes for industrial applications : progress report for first twelve months (1.3.1995-1.3.1996) of COPERNICUS project CP 1239 PEGAS, 1996 [COBISS: 1587995]
B. Velenšek, A. Lipej, D. Jošt; Progres report for first twelve months : Copernicus project:CP 1239 PEGAS, highly efficient parallel 3D CFD codes for industrial applications, 1996 [COBISS: 1864475]
B. Velenšek, A. Lipej, D. Jošt, M. Jamnik; Turbomachinery, 3D flow in singular stationary parts of the hydraulic machine : Copernicus project: CP 94 1239 : Highly efficient parallel 3D codes for industrial applications, Pegas, deliverable D23a : report for the first eighteenmonths, Ljubljana, september 1996, 1996 [COBISS: 2353179]


D. Jošt, A. Lipej, B. Velenšek; Numerična analiza toka v Kaplanovi turbini, Zbornik del : Kuhljevi dnevi '95, 1995 [COBISS: 1840667]
V. Kercan, M. Bajd, V. Djelić, A. Lipej, D. Jošt; Model and prototype draft tube pressure pulsation, Behavior of hydraulic machinery under steady oscillatory conditions : proceedings of the 7th meeting held in Ljubljana on September 5-7, 1995, 1995 [COBISS: 1897243]
A. Lipej, D. Jošt; Analysis of Flow in Runners and Draft Tube, Presentations : 3rd TASCflow user conference, Brauereigasthof Hotel Aying, May 3-4, 1995, 1995 [COBISS: 1711643]
B. Velenšek, A. Lipej, D. Jošt; Comparasion of analysis and experiment for a cavitation free flow along and past a single blade, Journal of hydraulic research = Journal de recherches hydrauliques, 1995 [COBISS: 1832219]


A. Lipej, D. Jošt, M. Jamnik, B. Velenšek; Numerična analiza in eksperimentalna overovitev toka v Francisovi turbini = Numerical analysis and experimental validation of the flow in a Francis turbine, Strojniški vestnik = Journal of mechanical engineering, letn. 40, 1994 [COBISS: 53534464]
A. Lipej, D. Jošt, K. Oberdank, B. Velenšek, M. Jamnik; Numerical and experimental flow analysis in a Francis turbine, 17th IAHR symposium : proceedings. Volume 2, 1994 [COBISS: 1902107]


A. Lipej, M. Jamnik; Prediction of kinetic energy correction factor for flow past butterfly valve, 1993 [COBISS: 4125467]
A. Lipej, D. Jošt, M. Jamnik, B. Velenšek; Numerical analysis and experimental validation of the flow in a Francis turbine, The 5. FIDAP users conference : May 2-4, 1993, Guest Quarters Suite Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, 1993 [COBISS: 1888283]
A. Lipej; Amaterski teleskopi, Življenje in tehnika : revija za poljudno tehniko, znanost in amaterstvo, letn. 44, 1993 [COBISS: 67847936]
A. Lipej, M. Jamnik, B. Velenšek; Turbulent Flow Analysis in Spiral Casing of Francis Turbine, Hydroturbo 93, Brno, 6.-8.9.1993 : Referáty Proceedings, 1993 [COBISS: 1847579]


B. Velenšek, M. Jamnik, A. Lipej; Analiza turbulentnega toka v cevi z loputo in izračun Coriolisovega koeficienta, 1992 [COBISS: 4143387]


D. Jošt, K. Oberdank, A. Lipej, B. Velenšek; Cascade flow analysis, Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on Fluid Machinery, Áramlástechnikai Gépek Konferencia előadásai, 1991 [COBISS: 4128027]
A. Lipej, D. Jošt, K. Oberdank, B. Velenšek; A comparison between numerical models and measurements in a Kaplan turbine guide vanes, Numerical methods in laminar and turbulent flow : proceedings of the Seventh International Conference held in Stanford, 15th-19th July, 1991. Vol. VII, 1991 [COBISS: 4143131]
D. Jošt, A. Lipej, K. Oberdank, B. Velenšek; Some results of the application of numerical and experimental flow analysis in Turboinštitut, Notes of the CFD '91 - Intensive Course on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Ljubljana, June 3 - June 7, 1991, 1991 [COBISS: 4126235]
M. Bajd, B. Velenšek, V. Kercan, B. Širok, Z. Peršin, A. Lipej, K. Oberdank, V. Vujanič, H. Ondračka, D. Jošt, V. Djelić, T. Rus, M. Pišljar, E. Hoefler; Turbinski stroji - Turboinštitut : poročilo o delu za leto 1991. TS 1, Aksialne turbine. TS 2, Francisove turbine. TS 3, Dinamični pojavi v Francisovih turbinah. TS 4, Optimiranje parametrov pnevmatskega transporta, 1991 [COBISS: 5089563]
B. Velenšek, M. Jamnik, A. Lipej; Analiza turbulentnega toka v spirali Francisove turbine Catalan, 1991 [COBISS: 4143643]
A. Lipej, D. Jošt, K. Oberdank, B. Velenšek; The analysis of the laminar and turbulent flow through a cascade and past a single blade, 1991 [COBISS: 4124187]


B. Velenšek, A. Lipej, K. Oberdank, P. Popovski; Flow analysis in spiral casing and distributor of Kaplan turbine and in pump volute. Part 2, Numerical and experimental analysis = L'analyse d'ecoulement dans la bache spirale et dans le distributeur d'une turbine Kaplan et dans la volute d'une pompe. Partie 2, Analyse numerique et experimentale, Modern technology in hydraulic energy production : proceedings from 15th [IAHR] Symposium, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 11. - 14. 09. 1990. Vol. 1, 1990 [COBISS: 4126747]
A. Lipej, B. Velenšek; Osnosimetrični turbulentni tok v turbinskih strojih : magistrsko delo, 1990 [COBISS: 758505]


D. Jošt, A. Lipej; Analiza toka v kaskadi in okrog profilov, Zbornik del, 1989 [COBISS: 22629888]
D. Jošt, B. Velenšek, A. Lipej; Analiza toka v kaskadi vodilnika, 1989 [COBISS: 4143899]
A. Lipej, D. Jošt, S. Ulčar, B. Velenšek; Izračun tokovnih razmer v cevni turbini do vstopa v gonilnik z metodo končnih elementov, Strojniški vestnik = Journal of mechanical engineering, letn. 34, 1989 [COBISS: 5578242]


A. Lipej, D. Jošt, S. Ulčar, B. Velenšek; Flow calculation upstream of a bulb turbine runner, Proceedings of the Conference on Hydraulic Machinery, Ljubljana, September 13-15, 1988, 1988 [COBISS: 5072155]
D. Jošt, A. Lipej; Uporaba MKE v mehaniki fluidov, Zbornik del, 1988 [COBISS: 78000384]


A. Lipej; Numerical solution of three-dimensional potential flow in draft tube, Proceedings of the Eighth Conference on Fluid Machinery, 1987 [COBISS: 4124699]


B. Velenšek, A. Lipej, D. Jošt; Axial flow pump SULZER BPP - 40. Part 1, Cascade analysis, 1985 [COBISS: 4144155]
B. Velenšek, A. Lipej, S. Cizl, E. Hoefler, B. Širok; Hitre cevne turbine, 1985 [COBISS: 11129600]


A. Lipej; Pretočne razmere v cevnih turbinah : diplomsko delo, 1984 [COBISS: 845412]